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  • Who Were The First Followers Of Jesus? Series

    Contributed by Ray Geide on Dec 22, 2021

    Our story in the book of John this week shows us Jesus gathering His first followers. Do you know who they were? There were five of them. It begins with two disciples.

    Who Were The First Followers Of Jesus? John 1:35-51 Most of you know my story how in 1993, I sold everything, gave up my job, and went to Russia as a missionary to follow Jesus. I lived in a residential area in the southeast part of Saint Petersburg. There were around 100,000 people in this one more

  • On Christ The Solid Rock I Stand

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on Oct 3, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    There are endless parallels between men's use of rocks and stones, and who Jesus is. Jesus is the rock, and Jesus is the way.

    TITLE: ON CHRIST THE SOLID ROCK I STAND SCRIPTURE: EXODUS 17:6 / I CORINTHIANS 10:4 Many of the wonders of the world were made of huge rocks, and because of this they have survived in part to this day. We are familiar with - • The Great Wall of China -- seventh century b.c. • The Great more

  • Mountains God Calls Us To Climb

    Contributed by John Gaston on Oct 1, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    God calls us to climb Mt Ararat (God in your trials); Mt Moriah (surrender); Mt Sinai (new revelation of God); Mt Pisgah (visions of what to possess); & Mt Calvary (sharing in Jesus' suffering). Will you grow?

    MOUNTAINS GOD CALLS US TO CLIMB INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: CHATTER BOX 1. Have you ever known someone who talked non-stop? Like, they didn’t even seem to stop to take a breath? 2. A man named Sam had a wife like that. If you got on the phone it was at least an hour. She ended up injuring her jaw more

  • Rooted And Grounded In Christ

    Contributed by Jebryan Reiter on Dec 3, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    Making sure we are rooted and grounded in Christ that brings hope and life not just looking good and decorated on the outside like our Christmas Tree which are dying and life-less

    Rooted and Grounded in Christ As I was pondering on what to share today, I began to think about my Christmas tree...yes my Christmas tree. I'm not sure what your typical tradition is, but we typically put up our tree as soon as possible after Thanksgiving day. And of course, we always get a REAL more

  • Unto You Is Given - A Sign

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Dec 24, 2023

    Have you ever missed a sign? Signs are important, and it is wise to pay attention to them.

    Alba 12-24-2023 UNTO YOU IS GIVEN – A SIGN Luke 2:10-12 It is important to be aware of the signs that everyday are all around us. They give us direction, instruction, information, and even warnings. Signs are given along roadways to make sure we don’t miss a turn. There are stop signs and more

  • You Don't Have To Be Something Special For God To Want You

    Contributed by Mark Witherden on Jun 20, 2003
    based on 123 ratings

    You are special to God, and His desire for you is to bear fruit.

    You don’t have to be something special for God to want you. Hold up a smooth round stone and ask how did this stone become smooth? The story. This stone started its life on the top of a very high mountain where the wind rain and snow slowly moved it into the way of a stream. The melting snow and more

  • God's Plan To Reach The World Series

    Contributed by Jose Gomez Sr. on Jun 7, 2004
    based on 6 ratings

    Part one of a two part series on evangelism.

    “Those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful shouting. He who goes to and fro weeping, carrying his bag of seed, shall indeed come again with a shout of joy, bringing his sheaves with him”. Introduction *The text that we are using today is more

  • A Joyful Harvest! Series

    Contributed by Jose Gomez Sr. on Aug 26, 2004
    based on 16 ratings

    This series has to do with the responsibility of the church with the GREAT COMMISSION

    Gods Plan To Reach The World “Those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful shouting. He who goes to and fro weeping, carrying his bag of seed, shall indeed come again with a shout of joy, bringing his sheaves with him”. Introduction *The text that we are using today is using more

  • Jesus And Candy Canes Series

    Contributed by James Chandler on Dec 8, 2003
    based on 51 ratings

    This message uses a simple candy cane to communicate the gospel and shows how a symbol like this can be used to evangelize others.

    According to legend there was a candy maker who wanted to invent a candy that was a witness to Christ. First of all, he used a hard candy because Christ is the rock of ages. This hard candy was shaped so that it would resemble a “J” for Jesus or, turned upside down, a shepherd’s staff. He made it more

  • Lord What Wilt Thou Have Me To Do

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Jul 27, 2005
    based on 27 ratings

    LORD WHAT WILT THOU HAVE ME TO DO I. The Question Acknowledges The Lordship Of Christ II. The Question Is An Expression Of a Surrendered Heart III. The Question Was The Begining Of A New Career IV. The Question Opens The Door To What The Will Of God

    Sun. Sept 12/93 Acts 9:1-9 LORD WHAT WILT THOU HAVE ME TO DO Ten Deep Questions Of Life 1. When sign makers go on strike is anything painted on their signs? 2. Why do television stations report power more

  • Unity Through Diversity

    Contributed by Thomas Miller on May 13, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    Can’t we all just get along? Forget the world, can’t we as believers get along? Of course we bless each other until we say the wrong thing or step on some toes and out comes the flesh. But nothing gets the attention of non-believers quicker then tho

    Unity Through Diversity Can’t we all just get along? Forget the world, can’t we as believers get along? Of course we bless each other until we say the wrong thing or step on some toes and out comes the flesh. But nothing gets the attention of non-believers quicker then those more

  • Matthew 13:20-21 – Part 5 – Swimming At The Shallow End Of The Pool? Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Jan 28, 2011
    based on 11 ratings

    No matter how hardhitting and inspiring and deep the message is on Sunday, many stay at the shallow end and won’t continue with the faith that they profess.

    Matthew 13:20-21 – Part 5 – SWIMMING AT THE SHALLOW END OF THE POOL? He stays at the shallow end of the pool for a long time, refusing invitations to come out into the deeper water, even with his dad. But after a long time considering it, my grandson Zion Brave Bennett thrusts himself more

  • The Night Time Ain't So Bad Series

    Contributed by Ken Hubbard on Feb 11, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    A message about how the tough "night times" of our lives make us stronger and deepen our faith

    INTRO VIDEO Rocky III Clip EXPLAIN Video Clip - If you're going to survive the battles - If you're going to survive what the enemy throws at you - If you're going to survive... 1. You Need a Tribe You Won't Get Voted Off 2. Can't Go Over the Hedge 3. You Can't Curse Your Crisis 4. more

  • Sowing Seeds

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Jul 13, 2023

    Casting the seed of the gospel is essential for modern followers of Christ Jesus.

    Sowing Seeds – Matthew 13: 1 - 9 Intro: One evening during a reception Franklin Roosevelt decided he would conduct an experiment to see if anyone really paid attention to what he said. As each person passed down the receiving line shaking his hand Roosevelt more

  • Revivals Of Hosea, Joel And Amos Series

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Sep 13, 2021

    Let's look at the revivals prophesied by Hosea, Joel and Amos.

    Let's look at the revivals prophesied by Hosea, Joel and Amos. 1) Hoseah’s Revival How is repairing a broken marriage like a spiritual revival? How can God love an unfaithful nation and Jesus love such a sinful Church? Hosea’s story of adultery, divorce and remarriage is heartwarming. more

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