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  • Called In Righteousness

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Apr 4, 2016

    To show that GOD does the calling, He called us not us calling Him, He has chosen us before the foundation of the world.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you called to be righteous? Yes. II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers/unbelievers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that GOD does the calling, He called us not us calling Him, He has chosen us before the foundation of the world. Ephesians 1:4 (Amplified Bible) Even as [in His love] He more

  • The Paths Of Righteousness Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 2, 2021

    In every issue of life the believer has only one question to answer to determine the will of God, and that is, what is right and just? Not, what is the majority for, or what is best for the majority, or what is best for me and my group, but what is just?

    A study of God's nature as just and righteous leads to the conclusion that one of our popular explanations of things is not true. We have all heard the saying that God loves the sinner but hates the sin. It sounds good and seems to be a helpful way of explaining God's attitude to man. more

  • Separation Anxiety - Mark 10:17-27 Supplemental Notes Series

    Contributed by Darrell Ferguson on Jan 16, 2024

    Footnotes for the message on Mark 10:17-27

    Why Perfection is Required If you want to be justified by the law, you have to keep it perfectly. But why? We read the Sermon on the Mount and find out that if you get angry you’ve committed murder, if you so much as look in order to lust you’ve committed adultery, etc. And if you hear all that more

  • One Filthy Rag Talking To Another Filthy Rag

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on Jul 3, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    You cannot be saved by your good works, because no matter how hard you try, your “Good” is not good enough for the perfectly holy and completely righteous God who alone grants salvation.

    TITLE: ONE FILTHY RAG TALKING TO ANOTHER FILTHY RAG SCRIPTURE: ISAIAH 64:6 / ROMANS 3:10 / ROMANS 3:23 / ZECHARIAH 3:1-4 The title of this morning’s message came from a rather exciting and spirit filled Bible Study we had here at ‘First Church’ a few weeks ago. Rev. Finley actually threw more

  • Una Manzana Podrida Series

    Contributed by Dr. John Singarayar on Feb 13, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    una manzana podrida

    una manzana podrida Sagrada Escritura: Marcos 8:14-21, Génesis 6:5-8, Génesis 7:1-5, Génesis 7:10. Reflexión Queridos hermanos y hermanas, “Una manzana podrida echa a perder el (todo) barril” es un proverbio que todos hemos escuchado en un momento u otro. El diccionario more

  • Isang Bulok Na Mansanas Series

    Contributed by Dr. John Singarayar on Feb 13, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Isang Bulok na Mansanas

    Isang Bulok na Mansanas Banal na Kasulatan: Marcos 8:14-21, Genesis 6:5-8, Genesis 7:1-5, Genesis 7:10. Pagninilay Mahal na mga kapatid, "Ang isang bulok na mansanas ay sumisira sa (buong) bariles" ay isang kasabihan, narinig nating lahat sa isang pagkakataon o sa iba pa. Tinutukoy more

  • It Just Ain’t Fair

    Contributed by Dr. Jwt Spies on Nov 11, 2023

    The text teaches us that Asaph is so disturbs and distress by the unrighteous, until it almost got the best of him.

    By Pastor J.W.T. Spies Psalm 73:2-5 2 But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well nigh slipped. 3 For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.   4 For there are no bands in their death: but their strength is more

  • A Daily Word Of Encouragement And Admonishment Re: Coronavirus 4

    Contributed by Howard Gunter on Mar 24, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    Prayer is an essential element in our response to the coronovirus pandemic

    A Daily Word Of Encouragement And Admonishment Re: Coronavirus 4 Will You Pray For Me? Of course, as a pastor I get that request all the time. I am happy and honored to do that. BUT, I am always tempted to ask, “Who have YOU prayed for today?” I am reminded of a time a few years ago when I was more

  • The Call To Righteousness: A Lifeline For All. Ezekiel 33:10-16

    Contributed by David Cramer on Nov 16, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    A message of hope for us realizing that we will not go under in the times we live in. There is a lifeline if we ask for it.

    The Call to Righteousness: A Lifeline for All. Ezekiel 33:10-16 Good Morning Stand with me and lift your bible and repeat after me. This is my Bible. I am what it says I am. I can do what it says I can do. I am going to learn how to be what it says I can be. Today I will learn more of more

  • "Blessed Are Those Who Hunger And Thirst” Series

    Contributed by Dustin Boden on Jul 27, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    The Beatitudes teach us how to embody the qualities that Jesus values, such as humility, mercy, and purity of heart.

    “Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst” Introduction: Today we have come to a very important place in our journey through the beatitudes. As I've mentioned before, the Beatitudes are essential for our transformation into Christ-likeness. They serve as the blue print for living and becoming more

  • Having The Right Type Of Anger

    Contributed by Margaret Olubiyi on Oct 30, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Is there any such thing like the right type of anger in Christianity? Absolutely! There is the anger that leads to sin and has dire consequences and gives glory to the devil and there is the type of anger that disrupts satan’s work and give God the glory and honor.

    Is there such a thing as the right type of anger in Christianity? Absolutely! There are two types of anger: one that leads to sin, resulting in dire consequences and glorifying the devil, and another that disrupts Satan’s work, giving glory and honor to God. I am referring to sinful anger versus more

  • How To Pray Like A Righteous Man

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jul 30, 2002
    based on 164 ratings

    James gives us the example of how to pray by referring back to Elijah’s prayer for rain. What did he do that we can copy in our prayers?

    OPEN: A man by the name of Harold Lamb told this story of a sales presentation he made at a church board meeting: "My co-worker and I were making a sales call to a rural Baptist church. We gave our presentation to the church committee, and then the group’s chairman walked to the altar and knelt more

  • Righteous Words From Proverbs 10

    Contributed by Gordan Runyan on Feb 13, 2002
    based on 41 ratings

    An evangelical call to recognize the worth and value of the gospel proclamation.

    RIGHTEOUS WORDS FROM PROVERBS 10 Read Proverbs 10:11 and 20-21 Who is the RIGHTEOUS? Scripture uses “righteous” in more than one way. - Outward righteousness of the Law - The righteousness of God, to which no man attains - Comparative righteousness, recognizing some men more righteous than more

  • Only A Righteous Man Is Remembered Forever

    Contributed by Edwin Amundson on May 23, 2003
    based on 75 ratings

    Curious Memorial Day Sermon that examines the legacy of every believer.

    “ONLY A RIGHTEOUS MAN IS REMEMBERED FOREVER,” PSALM 112:1-10 JOKE--- Two elderly women were eating at a restaurant one morning. Ethel noticed something funny about Mable’s ear and she said, "Mable, did you know you’ve got a suppository in your left ear?" Mable answered, "I have? A suppository?" more

  • How Jesus Ministered To The Self-Righteous

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 9 ratings

    Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to relate to people who project a sense of moral superiority? Self righteous people focus more on their goodness than the holiness of God.

    Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to relate to people who project a sense of moral superiority? Self righteous people focus more on their goodness than the holiness of God. One night, such a self-righteous man named Nicodemus, a ruler in the Pharisee's council, came to Jesus wondering how he more

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