Sermon Series
  • 1. Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit

    Contributed on Jul 26, 2024

    The Beatitudes teach us how to embody the qualities that Jesus values, such as humility, mercy, and purity of heart.

    Today, we are starting a new series called “Becoming.” In this series, we will explore Jesus' most famous sermon, “The Sermon on the Mount,” which spans Matthew chapters 5 through 7. (Turn there) For those who think my sermons are long, they might not have enjoyed Jesus' sermons, as this more

  • 2. Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

    Contributed on Jul 26, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    The Beatitudes teach us how to embody the qualities that Jesus values, such as humility, mercy, and purity of heart.

    Good Morning to all of you today!… I am truly glad to see all of you here today. I just want to take a moment and welcome everyone here today and those who are watching on line and those who watch in the future… Today, we continue our journey through one of the most profound and transformative more

  • 3. Blessed Are The Meek

    Contributed on Jul 26, 2024

    The Beatitudes teach us how to embody the qualities that Jesus values, such as humility, mercy, and purity of heart.

    "Blessed are the Meek” Opening Greeting: Good morning everybody! I am happy to see everyone here today and thankful for all you. Today, we continue our journey through one of the most profound and transformative passages in the Bible—Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Specifically, we are more

  • 4. "Blessed Are Those Who Hunger And Thirst”

    Contributed on Jul 27, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    The Beatitudes teach us how to embody the qualities that Jesus values, such as humility, mercy, and purity of heart.

    “Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst” Introduction: Today we have come to a very important place in our journey through the beatitudes. As I've mentioned before, the Beatitudes are essential for our transformation into Christ-likeness. They serve as the blue print for living and becoming more

  • 5. Blessed Are The Pure In Heart

    Contributed on Aug 11, 2024

    The Beatitudes teach us how to embody the qualities that Jesus values, such as humility, mercy, and purity of heart.

    Becoming (6) Dustin Lee Boden / General “Blessed are the Pure” Matthew 5:1–8 ESV 1 Seeing the crowds, he went up on the mountain, and when he sat down, his disciples came to him. 2 And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying: 3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of more

  • 6. "blessed Are The Peacemakers"

    Contributed on Aug 17, 2024

    The Beatitudes teach us how to embody the qualities that Jesus values, such as humility, mercy, and purity of heart.

    “Blessed are the Peacemakers” “Becoming a Peacemaker: Reflecting the Son of God” Matthew 5:1–9 ESV 1 Seeing the crowds, he went up on the mountain, and when he sat down, his disciples came to him. 2 And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying: 3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for more

  • 7. Blessed Are The Persecuted

    Contributed on Aug 24, 2024

    The Beatitudes teach us how to embody the qualities that Jesus values, such as humility, mercy, and purity of heart.

    Becoming (8) Dustin Lee Boden / General “Blessed are the Persecuted” Matthew 5:1–10 ESV 1 Seeing the crowds, he went up on the mountain, and when he sat down, his disciples came to him. 2 And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying: 3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the more