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  • Herodes Series

    Contributed by Wilbur Madera Rivas on Dec 29, 2019

    No hay poder en el cielo o en la tierra que pueda estorbar los propósitos redentores del Señor.

    Para que una historia tenga una buena trama tiene que tener no sólo héroes, sino también villanos. Las historias de ficción siempre tienen un villano poderoso. ¿Quién no recuerda a Darth Vader, Voldemort, Sauron, Loki y el coyote del correcaminos? Este mes hemos more

  • The Herods Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Mar 26, 2022

    In regard to overcoming sin, what should be your aim as a Christian? You should aim to overcome each and every temptation that you encounter, knowing that you have been given the grounds and the means to overcome such temptations,

    The Herods During my study of the Herods, I realized that many people get confused about who "Herod" is in the Bible. This is not surprising since there are six different "Herods" in the New more

  • ¿qué Harás Con El Niño Cristo?

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Dec 20, 2019

    Este sermón analiza los motivos de cuatro personajes navideños diferentes de por qué vinieron a Cristo y con qué se fueron una vez que se fueron. Los personajes son los pastores, los soldados, el rey Herodes y los magos.

    ¿Qué harás con el niño Cristo? Mateo 1: 18-2: 1-12 Lucas 2: 4-18 22/12/2019 Veamos de qué tipo de grupos estamos compuestos esta mañana. Supongamos que fue a un restaurante y ordenó algo, pero cuando le trajeron el plato, no se hizo de la manera que lo more

  • Cuál Es Tu Signo Series

    Contributed by Scott Hudgins on Feb 17, 2015

    La encontraron y descubrieron que la señal astral no era la fuente de su esperanza, no era de lo que se necesitaban depender. Encontraron a el que creó la estrella. El Rey de reyes.

    La Expectativa de la Esperanza: ¿Cuál es tu signo? 11 enero 2015 Introducción Quiero hacerles una pregunta. La pregunta es un poquito rara especialmente porque la estoy haciendo en una iglesia cristiana y en una charla. Pero de todos modos se la voy a hacer. … ¿Cuál es tu signo? … ¿Cuántos de more

  • ¿cómo Afrontas La Navidad? Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Sep 30, 2023

    Estamos a punto de ver cómo diferentes personas abordaron la Navidad. Uno de ellos adoptó el enfoque equivocado. Los otros dos con el enfoque correcto de la Navidad recibieron una tremenda bendición en la primera Navidad.

    Después de que un hombre visitó Tierra Santa, describió su experiencia. El comercialismo lo desanimó. Años más tarde hizo un segundo viaje a Tierra Santa y dejó atrás el comercialismo para centrarse en los lugares de la historia bíblica. Estaba pensando more

  • Many Are Afraid- Herod’s Fear Series

    Contributed by Ryan Akers on Dec 3, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    You never seem to hear about people saying they are afraid of Jesus but truth is not only were people afraid of Jesus when he was born but millions are still afraid of him today.

    Jesus. What Child is This? Part 1- Many Are Afraid- Herod’s Fear Matthew 2:1-18 One of the most interesting emotions I think humans experience is fear. It’s an emotion that goes up and down all the time. Sometimes we love it and look for it (movies, roller coasters, extreme sports) and sometimes more

  • Herod's Choice

    Contributed by Matthew Wright on May 19, 2003
    based on 68 ratings

    A look at how we should not just listen to the Word, but also obey it.

    Title: Herod’s Choice Text: James 1:22; Mark 6 18-29 Subject: Obedience Introduction: There is an epidemic loose in our world today. It’s not a physical disease, but an epidemic far worse. It is the terrible reality that many people in our country know what God expects, yet stubbornly more

  • Herod's Folly

    Contributed by David Wilson on Oct 31, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Herod’s Folly was not making a rash promise-- it was his refusal to REPENT!

    Herod’s Folly Mark 6: 14-29 1. Because of His Guilt- Herod was ready to believe the worst! Some said that Jesus was John the Baptist returned from the dead! Other People said he was Elijah (See Malachi 4), Others said he was a prophet. From these choices- Herod chose the worst—and was more

  • According To Herod Series

    Contributed by David Cain on May 4, 2013

    The slaughter of the innocents was a dreadful historic moment but how did Herod see it?

    According to Herod Lord, direct me in my speaking that those who hear may learn more of your love for us and your expectations of us. Amen. It’s not easy being a King; let me tell you! After more than 30 years of constant challenge to my authority as the King of the Jews, let alone what it more

  • Haunted Herod Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Oct 29, 2012

    Are you like Herod - haunted by your sins but you don't catch on that your hope is in Jesus?

    Introduction No doubt I now grew very pale; --but I talked more fluently, and with a heightened voice. Yet the sound increased --and what could I do? It was a low, dull, quick sound --much such a sound as a watch makes when enveloped in cotton. I gasped for breath --and yet the officers heard it more

  • Herod Antipas Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Mar 14, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    7 steps on the road to hell illustrated by Herod Antipas (Material adapted from Ray Pritchard at:

    HoHum: The April 12, 1993, issue of Newsweek unknowingly reported the signs of the times. Bill Wyman, of The Rolling Stones, married his son’s wife’s daughter, a woman 34 years his junior. Her mother married Wyman’s son, Stephan, a man 16 years her junior. That makes Stephan his more

  • Herod's Pride Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Mar 13, 2017

    Pride comes before a fall!

    Let’s continue our worship of God by learning from His Word through the Gospel of Mark. We had noted at the beginning of the Gospel that Jesus immediately began His ministry on earth right after He was water baptized. Jesus immediately proclaimed the Kingdom of God by stating He is the Savior; He more

  • Herod The Great Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jan 24, 2022

    Herod's despotic rule has been demonstrated by many of his security measures to suppress his people's contempt towards him, especially Jews. For instance, it has been suggested that Herod used secret police to monitor and report the feelings of the general populace toward him.

    Herod the Great Tom lowe 1/24/2012 Herod (also known as Herod the Great) was a Roman *client king of Judea, *A king who is dependent on a more powerful state for political, economic, or military support, and who in return is expected to serve the interests of that state; specifically a king more

  • Reino Y Rey Series

    Contributed by Timothy Archer on May 14, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    4 historias de la vida de Jesús nos enseñan sobre Su reino.

    Reino y Rey Lucas 18:15-43 Introducción: Esta sección del evangelio de Lucas nos enseña sobre el reino de Jesús y Su papel como rey. A la medida que Jesús va reaccionando a distintas situaciones, vemos que el enfoque de Su enseñanza es el Reino de Dios. I. Dejen que los niños vengan a mí (Lucas more

  • El Rey Supremo Series

    Contributed by Wilbur Madera Rivas on Mar 21, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Esta vida no se trata de ti, sino del Rey supremo.

    Son las 3 de la mañana, el bebé comienza a llorar, el esposo escucha el llanto y se vuelve a acomodar. La esposa escucha el llanto, y se vuelve a acomodar. Cada uno piensa: “Anoche, yo me levante”, “Estoy cansando y al rato tengo que levantarme para ir a trabajar” ¿Quién more

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