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  • Jesus! Heal My Withered Hand! Series

    Contributed by Will Potter on Feb 10, 2010
    based on 14 ratings

    Many people lives are withered spiritually, but Jesus can restore things to life

    I. Introduction: Whatever has “withered up” in your life, God came to make it “whole”! a. We all have seen or had some things that have “withered up!” (Ex: The recent severe Winter that we have experienced in Florida, seemed to have killed every plant that was more

  • Like A Thief In The Night

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 27, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    2nd Coming. (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Reading: 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verses 1-12. Ill: Acronyms • IKEA- Named after the founder of the company; and a place in Sweden; • Tesco is similar named after TES – T.E.Stockwell & Co – Jack Cohen. • LASER – • Light Amplification by more

  • Are We Ready To Wait?

    Contributed by Roberta Karchner on Nov 9, 2017
    based on 2 ratings

    There are people who prepare, and people who don't. Three points - We don't know the day or hour, We do know Jesus will return for us, We need to prepare for his coming. Concludes with Apostles Creed

    Passage: Matthew 25:1-13 “Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be like ten virgins, who took their lamps, and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. 3 Those who were foolish, when they took their lamps, took no oil with them, 4 but the wise took oil in their more

  • When Will The Rapture Take Place?

    Contributed by Eugene Pansler Jr on Oct 10, 2015

    when will the rapture take place

    When will the Rapture take place, will it take place before the tribulation, will it take place in the middle of the tribulation, or will the Rapture take place after the tribulation? When will the Rapture take place, (first,second,third0, the rapture will take place when you see and hear more

  • When A Brother Comes Home!

    Contributed by Mark N. Posey on May 4, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    What should the Church do when a brother/sister repents and comes back to the Lord?

    SERMON: When a Brother Comes Home! TEXT: 2 Cor. 2:7-8. The sinner repented so Paul instructions how to welcome him back home. 1. “FORGIVE him.” True forgiveness is letting go of any desire for revenge! 2. “COMFORT him.” Comfort means, “call him near, invite, invoke, more

  • What Are The Signs That Christ Could Return At Any Time?

    Contributed by Eugene Pansler Jr on Sep 5, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    what are the 3 major signs that Christ could return at any time

    What are the 3 major signs that Christ could return at any time, is it the economy, is it the middle east, or is it the price of energy? What are the three major signs that Christ could return at any time, (first, second, third) is a: 1. Lack of Answers. What are the 3 major signs more

  • When Will The Rapture Be? Series

    Contributed by Eugene Pansler Jr on Jan 17, 2019

    when will the rapture be

    When will the rapture be, will it be when the economy falls, will it be when our enemies attack, or will the rapture be when the middle east explodes? In Matthew 24, Christ tells us when the rapture will be. When will the rapture be, (first, second, third) the rapture will be: 1. When It Is more

  • His Return, There's No Place Like Home Series

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Dec 10, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The first of 7 messages where we are looking at 7 events in the life of Christ counting back to Chrithmas. Events that are intended to shape and define our lives.

    His Return There’s No Place Like Home Back To Christmas (1) QUESTION – who here has seen the Wizard Of Oz? Who here has seen it more than once? YEAH – I think most of us probably have. THIS - 1939 classic is pretty timeless… I MEAN – it’s a movie we watched as kids and that we watched with more

  • I Wish We'd All Been Ready Series

    Contributed by Scotty Killingsworth on Sep 18, 2003
    based on 16 ratings

    Being ready to meet the Lord is the most pressing issue in life. Readiness must become our highest priority.

    This sermon was preached on Sunday morning September 21st, 2003 to the Evergreen Church by Scotty L Killingsworth The text for the message is taken from 1 Thessalonians 4 The sermon series is part of the “Ready” series The sermon title is: I wish we’d all been ready In 1971-2 I recorded a song more

  • Are You Ready? Series

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Mar 29, 2019

    Are we ready for the Coming Christ?

    Are You Ready? Matthew 25:1-13 Introduction Our series is Surprise Endings. Just like many favorite movies and mysteries, Jesus’ parables often carried an element of surprise, a plot twist that we may not be ready for as we are reading. In the parable of the Workers in the Vineyard, all the more

  • The Wedding Banquet: Invitation, Ingratitude, And Indiscretion, Part 2

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Mar 20, 2023

    The original recipients of the invitation to the banquet (Matthew 22:1-7) refused to attend, giving flimsy excuses that resulted in their destruction (v.7). Who would attend the banquet now? Here is where we see the king's mercy extend to "the least of these".

    The Christian band Sidewalk Prophets wrote a song entitled, "Come to the Table", based on the Parable of the Wedding Banquet (Matthew 22:1-14) and the call of God for everyone regardless of their situation to come to the table and take place in the celebration. The Wedding Banquet is more

  • Awaiting His Return - Ready For His Appearing

    Contributed by William Akehurst on Apr 17, 2023

    Just as the 10 virgins in the parable were waiting for the Bridegroom to appear, Many who call themselves Christians are represented in this parable. Those who are ready - those who are not. Which category are you in? Are you Awaiting HIS Return and Ready for HIS Appearing?

    2023.04.16 Sermon Notes. Awaiting HIS Return - Ready for HIS Appearing William Akehurst, HSWC KEY Scripture: Matthew 25:1-13 Referenced Scriptures: 1Samuel 16:7, Romans 8:9, 1Corinthians 6:19, Ephesians 5:18, Matthew 5:16, Ephesians 5:26, 2Timothy 2:15, Acts 3:19, Psalms 23:5, 1Corinthians 11:23, more

  • Sermon 4: From Pleasant To Bitter Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Jul 7, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    Upon her return to Behtlehem, Naomi told people to stop calling her Naomi, Hebrew for “Pleasant, and to call her “Mara,” (“bitter”). Naomi was bitter against God. This sermon explains why Naomi was wrong and how her sorrow was the prelude for the biggest blessing of her life.

    Sermon 4: From Pleasant to Bitter Series: Ruth Chuck Sligh July 7, 2019 [PROP: Find a pebble for object lesson in point III. Make sure it’s big enough for all to see.] NOTE: A PowerPoint presentation is available for this sermon by request at Please mention the title of more

  • The First Miracle Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jun 28, 2017

    This wedding is a picture of another wedding that is coming. Jesus began His ministry at a wedding and He will end it at another wedding. At the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, the Church will be presented to Him as a bride.

    Harmony of the Gospels -AD 27- Cana of Galilee The First Miracle John 2:1-10 In the eleventh verse of this chapter it says, “This beginning of miracles did Jesus.” From this we know that this was His first miracle. And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of more

  • The End Times Series

    Contributed by Dr. Lewis W. Gregory on Nov 2, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Someone asked: “What’s all the fuss? Why are some Christians giving so much attention to the end times? There are so many different theories. Everyone thinks his or her theory is right. Where did these theories come from? It is all very confusing.

    Depending on what you’ve heard, it certainly can be confusing. However, it should give us great comfort to know that God has a plan for our world, and it is all coming together according to His Divine purpose. Almighty God, who knows the end from the beginning, will make sure that everything turns more

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