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  • Calling Sinners Home Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Feb 26, 2002
    based on 149 ratings

    The church can become just another club – an elite society that has all the right externals but has forgotten what its true purpose is. Principles taken from the call of Levi (Matt).

    A Study of the Book of Luke Sermon # 10 “CALLING SINNERS HOME!” Luke 5:27-39 “It was a beautiful Sunday morning. People were filling the church to its fullest capacity. As they entered, each were given a bulletin filled with more

  • The Lights Are On But No One Is Home

    Contributed by Johnny Carver on Apr 8, 2002
    based on 126 ratings

    The problem with people asking for forgiveness and not inviting Jesus into their life.

    Scripture: Matthew 12:43 – 45 Title: “The Lights Are On, But No One’s Home” Introduction: Jesus was making reference to how Israel had been presented the opportunity to receive Jesus, but instead had rejected Him in favor of holding onto the O.T. Law. As a result of depending on the Law instead more

  • Lost…at Home Series

    Contributed by Joey Nelson on Apr 15, 2002
    based on 164 ratings

    In Luke 15, Luke gives a series of three parables in response to the criticism of the scribes and Pharisees that Jesus received unbelieving sinners and even ate with them. Today, our focus is on the second of these stories – a lost coin that had value and

    INTRODUCTION Opening Statement: How many of you chronically lose or misplace things? You never notice that something is lost until you need it and it’s always in the last place you look. Have you ever noticed the intensity with which you will search for an inanimate object when you need it? Your more

  • Home By Another Way

    Contributed by Carla Powell on Jan 8, 2003
    based on 49 ratings

    An Epiphany sermon - explores the way that we are changed after we meet the baby in the manger, just like the "wise men" were. (also makes reference to the James Taylor song of the same title)

    Grace be to you and peace from the One who was and is and is to come. Amen. As the story goes, the Magi in our gospel lesson had seen a star at its rising that they interpreted as announcing the birth of a king. Magi may have been dream-interpreters, astrologers, or astronomers, but not likely more

  • A Picture Of God At Home

    Contributed by Donald Carpenter on Jan 11, 2003
    based on 9 ratings

    This message deals with the fact that God the Father disciplines those who are true children of God.

    A Picture of God at Home Hebrews 12:5-13 Introduction: Today we will be studying the beautiful picture that God has given us of Himself, our earthly Father. Dads, you should be very aware of the fact that you are the first picture of God that your children will see. This Father’s Day we will more

  • Our Heavenly Home

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Feb 7, 2003
    based on 38 ratings

    This is a message about Heaven, and preparing for it.

    OUR HEAVENLY HOME Hebrews 11:10 I. This text must not be interpreted to mean that Abraham wandered throughout Canaan and the neighboring lands in search of an earthly city. While diligently engaged in his daily occupation he lived in quiet expectation of a heavenly city. It was this sure hope more

  • The Home Built On The Rock

    Contributed by Michael Dephillips on Feb 8, 2003
    based on 15 ratings

    What kind of house are you building for your family?

    The home built on the rock! Matthew 7:24-27 While I don’t particularly like to preach messages that follow the themes of the holidays, I think that today that might be in order. Not many times that a man can walk behind a pulpit and share the message of Christ that it isn’t expected to be a more

  • Go Home And Tell

    Contributed by R Davis on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 134 ratings

    Main Idea: God has called, equipped, and empowered every Christian to be a missionary.

    Main Idea: God has called, equipped, and empowered every Christian to be a missionary. Introduction: Today, all over our state, many churches are observing volunteers in missions Sunday. This is a time set aside to recognize those who have participated in volunteer mission work, and promote more

  • Establishing A Christian Home

    Contributed by Bill Lobbs on Nov 2, 2000
    based on 114 ratings

    Building strong family relationships in the home.

    Establishing A Christian Home Pastor Billy G. Lobbs Theme: Building strong family relationships in the home. Text: Ephesians 5: 22-31, "Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the Church: more

  • Home Truths For Christians

    Contributed by Owen Bourgaize on Nov 4, 2000
    based on 69 ratings

    James diagnoses some problems in the churches to which he writes and offers some home truths concerning the Christians' having the Wrong Spirit, the Wrong Friendship and the Wrong Attitude.

    HOME TRUTHS FOR CHRISTIANS The letter written by James is very direct and personal in its message - he doesn't pull his punches. Martin Luther wasn't very keen on this book - he called it "an epistle of straw" because it didn't say much about Jesus or the Cross. But that's an incorrect reading of more

  • Come Home Again

    Contributed by Michael Flowers on Nov 10, 2001
    based on 43 ratings

    It is never to late to come back to God. This sermon uses Luke 15:11-31 to tell the story of the prodigal son and his return home. It also presents the gospel at the end.

    Come Home Again By: God (Spoken by: Michael Flowers) - I really want a million dollars. - I can only think of all the things that I would do with all of that money. - I would buy a car, a house, and probably a few stores full of things too, while I was at it. - Everyday I wait for the voice to more

  • Heaven Help The Home!

    Contributed by Neal Gray on Jan 8, 2002
    based on 59 ratings

    Unless God builds our home, we labor in vain. The Lord must be at the center, both individually and as a family. Then God will make our roles of husband, wife, and children, very clear and joyful. Heaven will help our homes! The Lord will help our homes!

    "Heaven Help the Home!" Author: Dr. Neal Gray Passage: Psalm 127:1, KJV Purpose: Unless God builds our home, we labor in vain. The Lord must be at the center, both individually and as a family. Then God will make our roles of husband, wife, and children, very clear and joyful. Heaven will help our more

  • This World Is Not My Home

    Contributed by David Coe on Nov 11, 2000
    based on 161 ratings

    A sermon to show the defilement of this world.

    THIS WORLD IS NOT MY HOME! Micah 2:10 I. THE DEPARTURE "Arise ye, and depart..." II. THE DESTINATION "...for THIS is not your rest..." III. THE DEFILEMENT "...because it is polluted..." IV. THE DESTRUCTION " shall destroy you..." more

  • Come Home To The Flock Series

    Contributed by Chaz Brown on Dec 11, 2000
    based on 44 ratings

    Why do we stray away from God’s love. Can we Come home?

    Come on back to the flock! By Rev. Chaz M. Brown I am working in a local convenience store at nights for a well-known company. I see hundreds of people. I can see in many of them their eyes, and faces. I can see their pain and their suffering without their saying so. One man in particular I see more

  • What Is A Christian Home?

    Contributed by Michael Blankenship on May 1, 2004
    based on 48 ratings

    The Christian home is a fortaste of heaven when we attribute our lives to serving God.

    Dickerson Road Baptist Church 3601 Dickerson Road Nashville, Tennessee. 37207 Pastor: Michael Blankenship 615-865-0911 Joshua 24:13-15 What Happened to the Family? We live in an age where televison and video games have become more

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