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  • Anointing

    Contributed by Scott Carroll on Mar 8, 2008
    based on 4 ratings


    ANOINTING Exodus 30:23-33 • In the history of Hanukkah, the Jews only had enough oil to burn in the temple for one day, however the oil miraculously burned seven days longer. • THE NUMERAL FIVE- the number of exercise and responsibility of weakness, • And of grace in spite of more

  • Little Is Much

    Contributed by Andy Barnard on Dec 27, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    no matter what we bring to Jesus, he will use it to bless others

    LITTLE IS MUCH Jn 6:1-15 Only miracle, besides resurrection, repeated in all 4 gospels. Some try to explain this miracle away: When they saw the boy was willing to share his lunch they all took out their lunch baskets. Miracle was in convincing the Jews to share! Would they want to crown him king more

  • What Is The Direction Of Your Life After Salvation?

    Contributed by Chad Bolfa on Apr 14, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    So tonight, I want to take a look at Lot’s bad decision and what motivated him to make that decision because if Lot as a righteous man can make bad decisions; it means that you and me as Christians are not immune from making bad decisions even though we

    What is the Direction of your life after Salvation? Wed. Night March 4th 2009 2 Peter 2:7-9; Genesis 13:5-13 Introduction In what direction or you going in life since you’ve been saved? What kind of decisions are you making in your life? A lot of that depends on the spiritual condition you are more

  • A Long Time Series

    Contributed by Bramwell Hayes on May 16, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    When God seems to have abandoned us for a long time we need to trust, looking forwards and backwards to times of blessing, as David did.

    What is a long time? A year? Ten years? A hundred years? A thousand years? The answer to this question is ’it all depends’. We live in an increasingly impatient world; we want and expect everything NOW, just like spoiled children. I was like that on Thursday afternoon when I was in a huge hurry more

  • Walking Into The Sunset Series

    Contributed by Brian Matherlee on Aug 17, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    Part 2 of the series looks at the life of Enoch. 5 key points demonstrate how Enoch was set apart in his life of faith.

    WALKING INTO THE SUNSET Big Faith Series-Part 2 Hebrews 11:5-6; Genesis 5:21-24 Sunday, July 23, 2006 Pastor Brian Matherlee Introduction I was sitting by the ocean when a man and his sons came by. The father was a tall man and one son was an older teen while the younger son was no more than more

  • Standing Up When Everyone Else Lays Down Series

    Contributed by Brian Matherlee on Aug 17, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon looks at the life of Noah and outlines principles that we should emulate and warning signs to help us avoid danger.

    STANDING UP WHEN EVERYONE ELSE LAYS DOWN Big Faith Series-Part 3 Hebrews 11:7; Genesis 6-9 Sunday, July 30, 2006 Pastor Brian Matherlee Introduction Show “Noah Situation” video clip I think the bedrock principle of Noah’s life was this: NOAH TOOK GOD SERIOUSLY! Noah took God seriously & because more

  • Deacon Ordination Charge

    Contributed by Bruce Allen on May 25, 2006
    based on 88 ratings

    This sermon is a charge to the deacons at an ordination service.

    Deacon Ordination Charge Acts 6:3 Introduction This morning this church has gathered together to ordain the following two men – C. E. and J. O. – as deacons. The term “Deacon” is a term which is our English transliteration of the Greek word diakonos. This Greek word is found 29 times in the more

  • Nine Things Not To Consider When Determining What's Right Or Wrong

    Contributed by Alex Mcfarland on Jun 28, 2006
    based on 68 ratings

    In the life of every Christian, there will eventually be a struggle between “oughts” and “actions.” Every day has a way of forcing choices upon us, putting us in the middle of things that we should or should not do. When it comes to decision making for

    Nine Things NOT to Consider When Determining What’s Right Or Wrong By Alex McFarland “There is nothing wrong with what we did! Besides, we really love each other.” These were the reasons Jennifer gave for “going to far” with her boyfriend when confronted by her Mom. Jennifer knew what the Bible more

  • Character Trait: Seeing And Living The Supernatural Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Feb 22, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    The supernatural is not always spectacular. Sometimes God works supernaturally in the natural. Some examples are marriages restored, addictions undone, attitudes remade. Character and conduct are conformed to Jesus.

    Intro: The supernatural is not always spectacular. Sometimes God works supernaturally in the natural. Some examples are marriages restored, addictions undone, attitudes remade. There is something that is very dangerous today. The supernatural has become twisted to be vampires, zombies, and more

  • The Lost And Found Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Nov 19, 2012

    A message from Luke 15 about the lost and found and the principles of the story.

    Note: I used some commentary from Becoming a Contagious Christian by Bill Hybels Lost and Found Theme: To build a concern for the Lost Text: Luke 15 Introduction There was something about Jesus that attracted people. People from all walks of life came to him. He had an attraction. I more

  • Heritage Of Faith

    Contributed by Thomas Bell on Oct 12, 2016

    celebrating 50 year members honored for their heritage of faith

    ECC 2 Tim 3:14- 4: 5 Heritage Sunday Oct 16 2016 Heritage of Faith A simple definition of heritage is the traditions, achievements, beliefs, etc., that are part of the history of a group or nation. On this heritage Sunday here at ECC we will be honoring those folks who have been members of this more

  • A Guide To Godly Friends - How To Treat Others Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Powell on May 15, 2007
    based on 10 ratings

    Sermon 3 in a series of 4

    Building Relationships #3 A Guide to “Godly Friends” and How to Treat Others Proverbs 17:17; Matthew 22:37-39 The past two weeks we have studied relationships. The most important relationship that you and I can have in our life is a “Relationship” with God. In other words, knowing Jesus Christ more

  • The Crowd That Didn’t Follow Jesus

    Contributed by Martin Ellgar on Nov 1, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    A perspective on Mark 5: 21-43. If we are serious about restoring our own life and the life of this congregation then we need to hear the reports about Jesus healing others.

    Mark 5: 21-43 The Crowd That Didn’t Follow Jesus There are three miracles in today’s Gospel text. Can you name them? 1. The woman with the issue of blood healed. 2. Jairus’ daughter raised. 3. And perhaps, “The crowd that did not follow Jesus.” Can you imagine the more

  • Iceberg's.

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Jul 7, 2019

    Warnings come, but if not heeded consequences usually occur.

    Iceberg's. Luke 6:43-45NKJV Machines in factories exist to turn-out products; however, factories can never manufacture "fruit." Think about this, Fruit must grow out of life, and, in the case of the believer, it is the life of the Spirit (Gal. 5:25). When you think of more

  • Mission Apostleable Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Aug 5, 2019

    We may know the basics of our faith, but even the basic things go deeper and deeper.

    Mission Apostleable (Romans 1:1-7) 1. Do you know what the most shoplifted book in the world is? The Bible. 2. Every year ABC cuts down A Charlie Brown Christmas—a movie about the over-commercialization of the holidays—to make room for more commercials. 3. “Father of Traffic Safety” William Eno more

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