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  • Called In Family To The Family Of God

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jan 13, 2013

    The Church, in Her Liturgy, continues the work of Jesus on earth, calling all in unity to obey the two great commandments.

    Monday of First Week in Course January 12, 2013 Sacrosanctum Concilium Today we begin reading the Letter to the Hebrews, in which the author writes what may be the first theology of the atonement. We also see Peter, Andrew, James and John being called to be disciples, and ultimately apostles, of more

  • Second Sunday In Ordinary Time, Year C: Cana

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Dec 23, 2024

    Are we holding up OUR part of the covenant of our vocations?

    Jesus walks into a bar. “Just 12 waters, please,” while winking at his disciples. I saw this post on social media, DOES ANYONE KNOW WHICH PAGE OF THE BIBLE EXPLAINS HOW TO TURN WATER INTO WINE? I AM JUST ASKING FOR FRIEND. “The Church attaches great importance to Jesus’ presence at the wedding more

  • "Ephpheta, Be Thou Opened”

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jul 30, 2018

    We need to get very, very serious about promoting priestly vocations

    Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost Extraordinary Form “Ephpheta, be thou opened,” Jesus said, after groaning, “and immediately his ears were opened, and the impediment to his speech was loosed, and he spoke clearly.” Come to any baptism–as we’ll have here on Saturday the eighteenth, and you’ll hear more

  • Too Full Of Yourself? Or Weighed Down By Shame?

    Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on Feb 21, 2013

    A short talk given at a baptism service. If we’re too full of ourselves then God desires humility. If we’re weighed down by sin, by shame, by guilt, and if we can pray, "God have mercy on me a sinner", God will restore us and lift us up.

    Jesus told lots of challenging stories; and in the Church we tend to calls his stories parables. But why did Jesus use stories, parables, to communicate truth to his 1st century audience? Well, he used parables to paint a picture with a punchy, poignant, pertinent point. His pithy parables packed a more

  • Fulfilling A Promise Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Jan 5, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    Simeon and Anna see the Messiah—a fulfillment of God’s promise to them. They are now able to depart in peace.

    Luke 2:21-38. "Fulfillment of a Promise" INTRODUCTION During the Advent and Christmas Seasons, we have had many messengers and models to encourage and direct us on our walk of faith. The prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel spoke to us in the Hebrew Scriptures. We have also heard from two angels, more

  • What Kind Of Spirit Do You Have Part#2

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Feb 7, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    One of the greatest hindrances you will encounter in your Christian walk is that of the religious spirit. Religious spirits endeavor to interfere with the free flow of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

    What Kind of Spirit Do you Have? By Bishop Melvin Maughmer Part #2 OPENING: - Last night before I went to bed, I was watching the local news and this church here in Florida received a violation for violating covid restrictions. They didn’t have a permit to have the event that had several thousand more

  • Rtd (Religiously Transmitted Diseases) - Pt. 1 - Discipleship Dyslexia Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Aug 24, 2019

    Religion promises life and then it sickens! It steals hope, joy and eventually life! Are you contaminated with an RTD? The cure is

    I. Introduction Bojana Danilovic, 28, sees everything upside down because of an abnormal connection in the way her brain processes images. Danilovic has to have a special upside down computer screen and keyboard and reads papers from the bottom up. At home, she watches one TV balanced on its top more

  • The Great Harlot Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Oct 7, 2021

    The question answered in this chapter is: What “church” will actually assemble at this time on earth?

    What is the church? Is it a building, a professing people, a group of genuine Christians? Is it a place with a steeple, a social club, or a people related to Christ? Some may call the church building the church, The early church met in homes. Feelings may come and go, but the church continues. The more

  • Justified By Faith And Living In Love Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jan 6, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    “Luther’s expression sola fide is true if faith is not opposed to charity, to love.”

    Thursday After Epiphany 2018 Reformation/Revolution The action of the Israelites and the response of the Philistines we have heard proclaimed from the first book of Samuel help us see the two primitive and wrong conceptions of the divine. For the Israelites, their God was the God of Moses who had more

  • The Virtuous Woman

    Contributed by Martin Holland on May 19, 2006
    based on 35 ratings

    This virtuous woman mentioned in Proverbs 31 is God’s plan for every wife or mother. See her value, vocation, and her vitality.

    Proverbs 31:10 Asks a very important question for every man. "Who can find a virtuous woman?" Virtuous means: One who is chaste, moral, and pure. Ruth 3:11 Boaz said unto Ruth the city of my people know thou art a virtuous woman. Who can find a virtuous woman? 1. Her Value Prov. 31:10 Her more

  • Join Zechariah’s Praise To The Lord

    Contributed by Gregg Bitter on Jan 3, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Our Lord replaces fear with joy, changes doubt to faith, and welcomes our service that flows from faith in Jesus. Parts: A. The Lord has ransomed you from fear B. The Lord drives out your doubts with his word C. The Lord enables you to serve him with joy

    Text: Luke 1:68-75 Theme: Join Zechariah’s Praise to the Lord A. The Lord has ransomed you from fear B. The Lord drives out your doubts with his word C. The Lord enables you to serve him with joy Season: Christmas 2 Date: January 3, 2010 Web page: more

  • "Yahbut’s Disease"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Jan 27, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    A sermon about God’s call on your life.

    Jeremiah 1:4-10 “Yahbut’s Disease” By: Ken Sauer, Pastor of East Ridge United Methodist Church, Chattanooga, TN In these opening verses of the Book of Jeremiah, the prophet gives us a testimony of his “call” to become a prophet. One thing immediately stands out. Jeremiah did not “choose” to more

  • Ordinary People, Extraordinary God

    Contributed by David Roth on Oct 3, 2015

    Proper 11 (b) Christ feeds His people through and by His people, through and by His Holy Church, He brings His word to His disciples and to the world. In our ordinary and daily lives, we are the hands and feet and mouth of Jesus.

    Mark 6:30-44 J. J. May the words of my mouth, and the meditations of our hearts, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer. Amen. “Ordinary People, Extraordinary God” We are continuing our reading through the Gospel of Mark. You will recall that Jesus had sent more

  • Introduction To The Parable Of Luke 15 Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Feb 19, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    An examination of the introduction to the parable of Luke 15.

    Scripture Jesus’ entire ministry was only about three years long. He preached that the kingdom of God has come near, and he called upon people to enter the kingdom of God through faith and repentance (Luke 10:9; 12:31; 18:17). Jesus was now on his way to Jerusalem and only had a few months more

  • What Did Jesus' Resurrection Mean To The Religious Leaders Of The Day? Series

    Contributed by Michael Thomas on Mar 22, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    Take a look with me about what the Pharisees may have thought about Jesus’ Resurrection.

    What Does The Resurrection Mean? Series Sunday March 24 What Did Jesus’ Resurrection Mean To The Religious Leaders? Intro: Did you know that when Jesus was here on earth that there were a group of people who did not like him & what he was doing? What many people don’t realize is that not only did more

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