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  • Bad Calls From Religious Umpires

    Contributed by Gary Washburn on Jul 11, 2002
    based on 119 ratings

    When an umpire makes a bad call our sense of fairness has been violated. Sometimes we scream at God, "bad call" or "not fair God!" This attitude reveals some ugly things about us.

    Bad calls from religious umpires Romans 2:1-4 Intro: Ever seen umpire make a bad call? Crowd boo’s and blood pressure and anger rises. Our sense of fairness has been violated and we are ready to fight when it comes to fairness. We hear of a serial killer getting caught, convicted, then life in more

  • Do You Pray Religiously Or Wholeheartedly?

    Contributed by Stephen Smarowsky on Oct 27, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    I know many families that pray as if it were an old tune. Are we just praying repetitously or is our heart in it? Jesus gives us some examples on how to pray.

    Jesus prayed earnestly, purposefully, and with certainty. He knew that God answers prayer. "The Lord’s prayer" was given during Christ’s Sermon on the Mount to provide an example for how we should approach the throne of grace. Prayer is the prelude to peace, the prologue to power, the preface to more

  • The Most Religious Person I Know

    Contributed by Brian Buriff on Jun 3, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The problem and solution to Legalism & Self-Imposed Religion

    I. PROBLEM OF JEWISH LEADERS IMPOSING RULES OF CONFORMITY ON COLOSIANS A. New Gentile Christians – struggling to wrap their brains around new-found faith B. Warning About Jewish Leaders 1. “Let no one judge you…” “Let no one cheat you…” (v. 16,18) 2. They are intrusive into things they have not more

  • Jesus Is The Way Out Of Religious Confusion Series

    Contributed by Danny Anderson on Oct 28, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Many people who wish to follow Jesus are repelled by the multitude of denominations, diffenerences in beliefs, and conflicting doctrines and practices taught by those professing to be Christians. Such a strong distaste for denominational division is in

    Jesus - The Way Out Of Religious Confusion TEXT: John 14:1-7 INTRODUCTION: Many people who wish to follow Jesus are repelled by the multitude of denominations, diffenerences in beliefs, and conflicting doctrines and practices taught by those professing to be Christians. Such a strong distaste more

  • Do Religious People Have An Advantage? Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Jul 20, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Do religious people have an advantage over non-religious people? Are relgious people more likely than non-religious people to get to heaven? This sermon answers these questions.

    Scripture Let’s read Romans 3:1: "What advantage, then, is there in being a Jew, or what value is there in circumcision?" (Romans 3:1) Introduction Every profession has its favorite stories, and the legal profession is no exception. A beginner attorney was defending a man accused of biting more

  • Simon The Zealot – A Redirected Religious Fanatic Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Dec 21, 2005
    based on 22 ratings

    Sometimes we might find ourselves wondering why Jesus picked us as His disciples. When we look at Simon the Zealot we see that Jesus does not choose us according to what we can give, He chooses us because of His incredible grace.

    Matthew 10:4a Simon the Zealot – a redirected religious fanatic Currently Australia is in the middle of The Master Chef phenomena. In this TV show people with great cooking skills, but who are not professional chef’s, compete against each other to make certain meals and meet various challenges. more

  • Wearing Religious Masks Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Apr 12, 2002
    based on 35 ratings

    Bitterness can become a mask that is woren in the church.

    Part #1 of 2. WEARING RELIGIOUS MASKS By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I ponder: what do I do when I am hurt? How can I handle injustice? How do you handle hurt? I must learn to trust God, God turns messes into messages. God can turn great test into great testimonies. more

  • Religious Liberty, Your First Freedom

    Contributed by John Crowe on Oct 13, 2014

    a sermon on Religious Liberty

    INTRO: This week I was moved as many of you were by the protesters in Hong Kong. Here’s a group of people trying to exercise freedom in order to get some type of representative government instead of an oppressive tyrannical government. As I watched video and pictures from the news, I more

  • When The Truth Collides With Religious Beliefs Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Feb 20, 2014

    Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus: When the Truth Collides with Religious Beliefs

    Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus: When the Truth Collides with Religious Beliefs Luke 14:1-6 Jesus has left the large crowds and continues heading toward Jerusalem (9:51). It is a Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath, and a prominent leader of the Pharisees invites him to a Sabbath meal in an attempt more

  • When The Truth Collides With Religious Beliefs

    Contributed by David Taylor on Feb 27, 2014

    Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus: When the Truth Collides with Religious Beliefs

    Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus: When the Truth Collides with Religious Beliefs Luke 14:1-6 Jesus has left the large crowds and continues heading toward Jerusalem (9:51). It is a Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath, and a prominent leader of the Pharisees invites him to a Sabbath meal in an attempt more

  • The Anatomy Of Religious Hypocrisy, Part 6 Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Aug 7, 2014

    The Gospel According to Hosea The Anatomy of Religious Hypocrisy, part 6

    The Gospel According to Hosea The Anatomy of Religious Hypocrisy, part 6 Hosea 6 David Taylor We are well into our summer series, The Gospel According to Hosea, looking at God's faithful love for an unfaithful people. Let me recap where we have been. The first three chapters set the foundation more

  • Chipping Away At Our Religious Freedoms

    Contributed by Terry Frazier on Feb 19, 2012

    When the U. S. Government tries to force religious entities to choose between our faith and their mandates, we have to choose God every time.

    Chipping Away At Our Religious Freedom Today’s message is connected to last week’s message in part only because the President and his administration, mainly Health and Human Services Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius are deeply involved in chipping away at our 1st amendment rights to freedom more

  • Cain;s Road Of Religious Ruin Series

    Contributed by Johnny A. Palmer Jr. on Dec 8, 2011

    Cain had at least two bad room mates and I am not talking about Able but Satan and his sin nature.

    Intro: 1. In my research of Cain and Able, I discovered that all of their problem stemmed from the fact that they were roommates. In "Children's letters to God" I found these: Dear GOD, Instead of letting people die and having to make new ones, why don't You just keep more

  • Bad Calls From Religious Umpires

    Contributed by Monte Brown on Apr 21, 2010

    We must stop comparing oursleves to anything other than the Word of God.

    Introduction Baseball is an American sport that has been around for a long time. There are two teams, competing with each other and overseeing the game and the pitching of the ball is an umpire. Have you ever seen an umpire make a bad call? The crowd boo’s and blood pressure and anger more

  • The Religious Leaders Missed The First Christmas Series

    Contributed by Dr. Dave Hartson on Dec 3, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    We are in danger of becoming indifferent to the things of God.

    INTRODUCTION Most of life is made up of ordinary moments. You wake up, you head out to work, you must deal with people throughout the day, and no ordinary day would be complete without having to solve a problem or two. Yet, sometimes extraordinary events can break into those ordinary moments. In more

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