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Sermons on reinterpret:

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  • Communion And Passover

    Contributed by Adam James on Oct 23, 2016

    Every ritual of the Old Testament was completely fulfilled by Christ's finished work on the cross. There was significant meaning in the bread and the wine in the Passover meal, which Jesus reinterpreted with his new covenant.

    One of the great and exciting challenges we have as Christian readers of the Old Testament, is to find Jesus in every book of the Bible. All of the festivals and rituals prescribed in the Old Testament point directly to, and are completely fulfilled by the finished work of Christ on the cross. One more

  • Paul's Understanding Of This Age And The Age To Come Acts 22:1-21 Series

    Contributed by Nigel Heath on May 18, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Paul’ dramatic converstion forced him to re-interpret the cross in the light of the resurrection and assess what it meant as the age to come began to dawn.

    PAUL – MINISTERING BETWEEN THE AGES - Acts 22:1-21 INTRO This week the BBC strung together a series of clips in which politicians, bankers and other public figures had given public apologies over things they had got wrong. And the background music was Elton John’s ‘Sorry seems to be the hardest more

  • Is God An Illusion Series

    Contributed by Coz Von on Jun 30, 2016

    I will not accept cheap shots at science in order to justify my acceptance of Scripture. Neither will I compromise Scripture by reinterpreting it in ways that may satisfy science

    According to a Gallup poll, in 2012, 44 percent of Americans believed that “God created human beings pretty much in their present form at one time in the last 10,000 years or so.” A second group of 32 percent believed that “human beings have developed over millions of years from more

  • Holy Thursday: Feet Washing

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Feb 12, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Peter said to him, "You will never wash my feet." Literally "unto eternity." Peter grasped that complicity in this act involved acceptance of a radical reinterpretation of his own life-world and ours!

    Peter said to him, "You will never wash my feet." Literally "unto eternity." Peter grasped that complicity in this act involved acceptance of a radical reinterpretation of his own life-world, a genuine conversion of some kind which he was not prepared to undergo. Jesus confirms this by replying, more

  • Keep The Way Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the challenging journey of faith, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a Christ-like heart and persevering in righteousness, as Jesus reinterprets primary teachings from the Rabbis of His time.

    How important are the true motives of the heart? And how important is it that your actions align with your motives, values, etc…? To some, the discrepancy between the two may be seen as hypocrisy. The idea of saying one thing and doing another. Have you ever done anything like that? The truth is more

  • Right Church Leadership (1 Timothy 3)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on May 6, 2024

    Do we have the right to reinterpret Paul's inspired qualifications for elders and deacons, adapting them to a sinful society? Let's find out in 1 Timothy 3.

    Do we have any authority to ignore Paul’s inspired qualifications for elders and deacons? Do we have any authority for man-made requirements? Do we have any authority to ordain women as elders? Do we trust that God inspired Paul with instructions for all time, or do we bend them to suit the whims more

  • Don't Let The Grinch Steal Christmas

    Contributed by Simon Rundell on Jan 19, 2001
    based on 125 ratings

    Adapted from another sermoncentral sermon, this reinterpretation of "The Grinch who stole Christmas" Movie and Dr Seuss book encourages us to look for the real meaning of Christmas. Given at Midnight Mass 2000

    In the name of the living, incarnate God, +Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Everyone down in Who-ville liked Christmas a lot… But the Grinch, did not! The Grinch hated Christmas! The whole Christmas season! Now, please don’t ask why. No one quite knows the reason. It could be his head more

  • But I Say To You...

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Feb 14, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    1. Jesus reinterprets the law and makes it a more difficult way (not less). 2. Jesus’ way had to wait until the human family was able to hear it and follow it. 3. We cannot live the way Jesus taught us without each other.

    • Peter Kreeft, professor of philosophy at Boston College, tells this story from his childhood: “I remember to this day exactly where I was when it hit me: riding north on Haledon Avenue between Sixth and Seventh Streets in Paterson, New Jersey after Sunday morning church with my parents. Isn’t it more

  • We Preach Christ Not Ourselves

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jun 1, 2018

    How are we to understand the New Testament? Are some of its instructions now irrelevant to us? Should we preach ourselves, our denomination, or popular opinion which contradicts the New Testament?

    Prelude How are we to understand the New Testament? Are some of its instructions now irrelevant to us? Should we preach ourselves, our denomination, or popular opinion which contradicts the New Testament? Purpose: Let’s examine the popular notion that we can ignore or reinterpret clear New more

  • Who Is Our God And Who Are We Series

    Contributed by Charles Scott on Jun 24, 2002
    based on 4 ratings

    The nature of our God and of ourselves is revealed in God’s acts in history that culminate in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

    WHO IS OUR GOD? And, who are we. The readings from Holy Week sums up the heart of our faith and reveals God to us. In your private devotions this week, please re-read the last chapters of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John that retell the events from the Triumphal Entry of Christ in to Jerusalem for more

  • By Their Fruit Series

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Aug 9, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    There is so much conflicting teaching in the church today. How do we discern the true from the false?

    By Their Fruit Matthew 7:15-20 Introduction We have always had false prophets in the world. So when Jesus tells His followers to be wary of them, He isn't saying anything new. The Old Testament is full of examples. But what is the difference between a false prophet and one who speaks truly for more

  • No Rich People In Heaven Series

    Contributed by David Smith on Oct 27, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    "Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, "How difficult it will be for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!" And the disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus said to them again, "Children, how difficult it is to enter the kingdom

    In any journey, such as a trek through the bush, there are exciting parts, such as when we start out (perhaps) and when we near your destination, there are relatively boring parts, and there are patches that are just hard work. In our journey through the Gospel of Mark we seem to have reached an more

  • Unveiling The Scriptures: Navigating Ancient Interpretations In A Modern World Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Oct 8, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    With our modern expectations, sometimes we find it difficult to understand the Bible. By adjusting our expectations we can correctly understand God's Word and apply His truth to our lives.

    Unveiling the Scriptures: Navigating Ancient Interpretations in a Modern World Today, we’ll explore a fascinating and often overlooked aspect of Scripture: how the authors of the Bible interpret earlier portions of the Bible, and how we, with our modern expectations, sometimes find these more

  • Biblical Christianity Vs. Progressive Ideology

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Mar 23, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    There are several dangers to biblical Christianity that have come about through progressive ideology.

    There are several dangers to biblical Christianity that have come about through progressive ideology. Progressive ideology essentially stems from non-biblical positions about the nature of truth (that it is relative), the nature of people (that people are basically good) and the nature of scripture more

  • Separation Of Church & State

    Contributed by Michael Grant on Sep 3, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    The foundations of America and how we are to view our role in society.

    Separation of church and state     Matthew  22: 15-21   One nation under God in the Pledge of Allegiance.  A Ten Commandments monument in a local courthouse.  A Manger Scene on the town common.  In God we trust on our currency.   What do you think of when you hear those things?  For millions of more

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