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  • Memorial For A Christian Lady

    Contributed on Feb 16, 2017
    based on 2 ratings

    A short reflection I used for an active Christian lady who passed at the age of 90 years.

    One of the major themes in the book of Ecclesiastes, and certainly a theme that is reflected in our passage this afternoon, is that everything in this life, including life itself, is temporary. The author wrote that, “For everything there is a season. A time to be born and a time to die.” Words more

  • A New Beginning

    Contributed on Jan 2, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Often we set a New Year's Resolution, because there is a part of ourselves we are not happy with, or we want to live better than we have before. The world says we can't change. But with God, nothing is impossible.

    Who here has ever made a new year’s resolution? How many people have actually stuck with it? I have made a new year’s resolution many times. A common one for me has been to lose weight, and get into shape. However, needless to say, I never lost weight. And I came to the more

  • Communion

    Contributed on Nov 15, 2016

    A communion message reflecting on Jesus' command to share the cup and break the bread in remembrance of Him.

    When we come around to a time of communion, our attention can’t help but be drawn to the two elements. We have the bread, and we have the grape juice. But these two symbols represent something bigger, and much more important that bread and juice. We are all familiar with the Last Supper more

  • The Spirit Of God

    Contributed on Nov 15, 2016

    A sermon on the power of the Holy Spirit.

    Life can get really busy, can’t it? I think that with every passing year, the pace of life increases, and we have quickly found ourselves in a culture where being busy is normal. A young doctor had just opened office and felt really excited. His secretary told him a man was here to see him. more

  • Purpose: Unknown

    Contributed on Oct 31, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    It is a fact of life that we will go through times of trial, pain, and suffering. This is an encouraging sermon that reminds us that God has a plan for us, and that trials give us an opportunity to grow in faith, wisdom, and maturity.

    You know, everything happens for a reason. Even before I was saved, I seemed to have the knowing that nothing in life was a coincidence. I just knew that we encounter experiences in life for a purpose, either to learn an important life lesson, or to grow in some way, but more importantly, to more