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Sermons on reassures:

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  • If You Want To Get Someone's Attention - Whisper

    Contributed by Curt Cizek on Aug 1, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    When God wants to get someone’s attention, He rarely shouts. Instead, He whispers by displaying to the world His "weakness" in Jesus’ death.

    -I don’t know if you remember the perfume commercial from the 1980’s where the woman squirts on some perfume and says, “If you want to get someone’s attention – whisper”? -Do you remember it? -I used to get a kick out of commercials and imitate some of them -I still use some of the lines from some more

  • Divine Touch - The Finger Of God

    Contributed by Oluwadamilola Daramola on Dec 25, 2009
    based on 30 ratings

    Divine touch is a heavenly touch, it is touch of power and a transforming touch. It a touch that produces change and it is different from an ordinary touch of a friend, a spouse or colleagues. A touch could be by laying of hand or through spoken

    Divine touch is a heavenly touch, it is touch of power and a transforming touch. It a touch that produces change and it is different from an ordinary touch of a friend, a spouse or colleagues. A touch could be by laying of hand or through spoken word, deeds or action. This morning we shall examine more

  • God, "You Said?"

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Sep 26, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    This is what God says, when you feel like your too tired and life's getting you down. I will give your rest, rest like you can't even imagine, the way God intended for you to always live from the beginning! Amen?

    God...You said! Probably one of the earliest things we learn when we are children is, holding our parents, to the promises they make. Children are tenacious, they are persistent, they quickly learn how to get their way, When they get a No...that doesn't stop them. No it's on to the other parent, more

  • Lifestyle Principles Sermon Iii: Prayerful Persistence Dispels Doubt Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Jul 22, 2020

    When facing the assaults of godless secularism, prayerful persistence of God's people propels God's work onward despite resistance.

    IN DOING GOD’S WORK, PRAYERFUL PERSISTENCE DISPELS DOUBT AND REPELS RESISTANCE At this point in life’s journey it should come as no surprise to us that, when endeavoring to live out the prayer principle, “Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”, not all are in favor of God’s more

  • Jesus Has Overcome The World.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jul 21, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    “Be of good cheer” and ‘let not your heart be troubled.’

    JESUS HAS OVERCOME THE WORLD. John 16:23-33. JOHN 16:23a. “And in that day ye shall ask Me nothing.” In John 16:19, Jesus had known that “they were desirous to ask Him” about what He had just said. Now he assures us that at His second coming we won’t need to ask Him such things, because we would more

  • A Psalm/Song For When Life Is Scary (Psalm 23:1-6) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Aug 25, 2022

    A song to sing, to reassure ourselves that God is a good shepherd, and a gracious host.

    This morning, we will work our way through Psalm 23. It's a short psalm, so I want to start just by reading it: (1) A psalm of/for David. Yahweh, My shepherd is. ["Yahweh" is focused] I shall not lack. (2) In green pastures He makes me lie down. ["in green pastures" is more

  • "On Eagles" Wings

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Sep 13, 2015

    A reassuring message from a long-silent God to all who need hope.

    For some people, life is drudgery, and then you die. What are we resting our hopes and dreams on? Where is our peace in life and our security for eternity? The prophet Isaiah proclaims to our great relief that we can rest in God's care--now and forever. This is a wonderfully reassuring chapter, more

  • Bread And Water Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Apr 23, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    When life gets overwhelming, trust Jesus to provide rest, resources, and reassurance.

    Once there was a turkey farmer who was always trying to perfect a way to breed a better turkey. All the members of his family enjoyed turkey legs, and there was never enough for everyone. But after several frustrating attempts, the farmer told his friends at the general store, “Well I more

  • Christ Is Sufficient Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Dec 18, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Paul wanted to reassure the believers in Colossae that Christ was sufficient for all redemption and salvation.

    Colossians 2:1-5 [NLT] December 19, 2012 Oak Park Baptist Church – Wed Bible Study Series Colossians Bible Study Paul’s encouragement and teaching on heritical teaching: To this point, we can read where Paul has been extremely uplifting to the believers in the church at Colossae. more

  • God Our Refuge

    Contributed by Spencer Cunnah on Oct 4, 2002
    based on 108 ratings

    A sermon designed to encourage believers and to reassure them of God’s presence at all times.

    Introduction. Deuteronomy 33 is a wonderful piece of Hebrew poetry in which Moses addresses each one of the twelve tribes of Israel and gives each one a particular blessing, a blessing to sustain them as they experienced Canaan’s great benefits and bounty. After devoting a separate stanza to each more

  • We Have An Eternal House In Heaven!

    Contributed by Michael Otterstatter on Aug 25, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    In a world where everything changes it is reassuring to know that we have an eternal home in heaven.

    “There’s no place like home…there’s no place like home…there’s no place like home.” That is all that Dorothy had to say in order to return to her home in Kansas. (Well she also had to close her eyes and click her glass slippers together as well.) If you are familiar with the movie The Wizard of more

  • Something Borrowed To Make You New

    Contributed by Royce Hendry on Dec 18, 2000
    based on 54 ratings

    Three fulfilled prophecies, at Christmas, that reassure us we have a God who loves us.

    Luke 1:26-33; 2:1-7; 23:53 Something Borrowed to Make You New INTRO: The place was Dallas, TX; the year, 1987; there are at least 500 people standing behind police barricades trying to catch a glimpse of what is happening. Paul Tavilla holds the world record for grape catching. He catches grapes in more

  • God's Forever Plan Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 12, 2021

    Everything in history is moving according to His plan. To know there is a plan in the midst of a crisis is wonderfully reassuring.

    Darren Goforth was a 10-year veteran of the Harris County Sheriff’s Office when he was murdered at a suburban Houston Chevron station just two Fridays ago. While many of us were busy heading out to enjoy Friday night football, authorities say the deputy was the victim of a “cold-blooded more

  • Why We Should Not Be Troubled.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jan 17, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Seven headings in John chapter 14, where Jesus reassures us that we should not be troubled.

    WHY WE SHOULD NOT BE TROUBLED. John 14:1-27. 1. Jesus reassures us that those who put their trust in Him have a sure place in the Father’s house (John 14:2-3). 2. We have in Jesus a sure way to get to heaven (John 14:4-6). 3. Even with His departure, His work goes on (John 14:12-14). 4. He more

  • Funeral Service - The Lord Is My Shepherd

    Contributed by Gary Regazzoli on Sep 4, 2019
    based on 5 ratings

    Comfort from one of the most reassuring passages of scripture that has comforted believers throughout history.

    Welcome and Words of Comfort • Thank you for coming today to say goodbye and to pay your last respects to ……. • Whether we are family or friends, we have been drawn together today by the life of …………………... • ………...... was born ………… and lived a full life until he died on ……………. this year at the age more

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