Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Jan 9, 2022 (message contributor)
1. The Path To Blessing And Happiness (Psalm 1:1-6)
Contributed on Jan 9, 2022
If you lack joy, and happiness, and prosperity in life, look at your feet.
What are the first things you should teach new Christians? What is it, that they most need to know, now? Maybe, we'd answer this question by turning to Hebrews 6:1-2: 6 Therefore let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance ...read more
2. We Kiss The Son's Feet (Psalm 2:1-12)
Contributed on Jan 12, 2022
God has placed all nations under Jesus' feet, and under ours in Christ. We serve him in reverence.
This morning we're going to work through Psalm 2. OT scholars call Psalm 2 a royal psalm. And what they mean by that, is that it's one of the psalms that centers around some aspect of the Davidic kingship. This is a psalm that's really important to the NT. It's read as being ...read more
3. God, Lift Up My Face, And Help! (Psalm 3:1-8)
Contributed on Jan 13, 2022
God used to do great things. But will He do those things for you? Is there salvation/rescue in God, now?
Today we continue our sporadic study of the psalms, by reading Psalm 3. Psalm 3 begins with a heading, that gives us a framework for understanding it. This is a psalm composed by King David, while he was fleeing from his son Absalom. But, this is also a psalm that became part of Israel's ...read more
4. God Helps People, If/When They Ask. So Ask (Psalm 4:1-8)
Contributed on Jan 15, 2022
A psalm of confidence: God has heard, has answered, and my help is coming. God sets apart his loyal ones for himself.
Today's psalm, Psalm 4, is a psalm of confidence. And what this means, is that this is a psalm that God has given to his people for when life is hard. It's designed to help you pray to God, and give voice to your problems. But the other thing that psalms of confidence are designed to do, ...read more
5. Make Them Pay! (Psalm 5:1-12)
Contributed on Jan 15, 2022
In prayer, we can tell God what we think He needs to hear. Not what we think He wants to hear.
Today, we get to work through Psalm 5. This will be a treat :) (5:1) Of/for the director. With flutes. A song of/for David. (2) I have said, "My words, hear, O Yahweh. Understand my sighing/groaning. When things are really bad in life, you lose your ability to form words. All that ...read more
6. A Prayer For The Dark/Sick Times In Life (Psalm 6)
Contributed on Jan 20, 2022
When prayer is unanswered, God isn't saying "no." God just isn't listening. God gives this psalm, to encourage you to get his attention.
We continue our very sporadic study of the book of Psalms today, by working through Psalm 6. Now, this is a psalm that deals with, among other things, sickness and healing. So some of you are going to wonder if this psalm was chosen deliberately, because we've spent a lot of time talking, and ...read more
7. A Prayer For When A Lion Thinks You're Supper (Psalm 7:1-17)
Contributed on Jan 21, 2022
Also, a prayer for when you're falsely accused.
Today, we get to work through Psalm 7. Let's start, by simply reading the first three verses (Hebrew numbering). (7:1) A Shiggaion of/for David, that he sang to Yahweh concerning the words of Cush, son of Yemini. (2) O Yahweh, my Elohim/God, in you I have sought/taken refuge, save me from ...read more
8. God Made You To Rule (Psalm 8)
Contributed on Jan 22, 2022
Our God shares his power, and dominion, with us. He gave the world to us, that we would rule over it (Psalm 115:16). (And so we praise Him).
We continue our "sons of God" series today by working our way through Psalm 8. This psalm, is a great psalm. It has a lot to say about who God is, what He is doing, and what God created us to be. We read it, and it makes us think backward to Genesis, and forward to Hebrews, and maybe ...read more
9. A Prayer For When God Stands Far Off (Psalm 9-10)
Contributed on Feb 3, 2022
Or, a prayer for when God doesn't answer, the first time you pray.
Today, we will work through Psalms 9 and 10. Originally, these two psalms were probably one single song, and they are treated as a single song in the Greek OT (LXX). So we are going to try to work through both, in one sitting. I have total confidence that this will work out. This song divides ...read more
10. I Will Not Run, And I Will Not Lose (Psalm 11:1-7)
Contributed on Feb 11, 2022
A psalm/prayer for when running from trouble, is the wrong thing to do. The psalmist, instead, has run to God. He will stand firm, and God will give him victory.
Imagine that you live in a society that's collapsing. The "foundations" of society are falling apart. When you hear the news, it's nothing, except talk about violence, and crime, and drugs. You look around at your city, or your nation, and you know that the end is near. Maybe ...read more
11. May You Cut Off All Lying Lips (Psalm 12:1-8)
Contributed on Feb 14, 2022
Society falls apart when the land is filled with liars. But God will deal with them.
Last week, we worked our way through Psalm 11. That psalm was written for people to pray, when society is completely falling apart. The foundations are being destroyed, and it looks hopeless. The wicked are too many, and too powerful, and can't be stopped. But in the face of this, the ...read more
12. One Day, God Will Rescue Us From Fools (Psalm 14:1-7)
Contributed on Jul 5, 2022
There's different kinds of stupid. Defining a "fool," OT style. A psalm of confidence-- God will rescue us one day.
We continue our very sporadic study of the psalms today, by reading Psalm 14. Let's start by reading part of verse 1. (1) Of/for the director. Of/for David. He has said-- a fool-- in his heart/mind, "There is no God." There's lots of kinds of stupid in life. You can act ...read more
13. Who Gets To Be God's Houseguest? (Psalm 15:1-5)
Contributed on Jul 8, 2022
What types of behavior is God looking for from his people? With what type of people is God pleased?
Today we continue our sporadic study of the psalms by working through Psalm 15. Let's start by reading verse 1: (15:1) A psalm of/for David. Yahweh, who shall live as a guest in your tent? Who shall dwell on your holy mountain? The psalmist begins by asking God two related questions. ...read more
14. Creation, And God's Word (Psalm 19:1-14)
Contributed on Jul 12, 2022
It's common to play off the two parts to the psalm. But they are both useful, and inspired. And creation and the Bible complement each other, in how they reveal God.
This morning we will read Psalm 19. This psalm breaks down into two (or sort of 3) main parts. They are related, and connected, but I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to pull them all together at the end. Or even how I'd do that. My plan, instead, is to approach this as two sort ...read more
15. As The King Goes, We Go (Psalm 20)
Contributed on Aug 1, 2022
3 different applications: what do we trust in, how to view our leaders, and what it means that Jesus is our King.
Today we have the privilege of working through Psalm 20. This psalm is a little different from most that we've studied so far. The only one sort of like it, up to this point, is Psalm 2. This is a song that would've sung by the congregation-- by Israel-- for its Davidic king. Picture ...read more
16. A Psalm/Song For When Life Is Scary (Psalm 23:1-6)
Contributed on Aug 25, 2022
A song to sing, to reassure ourselves that God is a good shepherd, and a gracious host.
This morning, we will work our way through Psalm 23. It's a short psalm, so I want to start just by reading it: (1) A psalm of/for David. Yahweh, My shepherd is. ["Yahweh" is focused] I shall not lack. (2) In green pastures He makes me lie down. ["in green pastures" is ...read more
17. Praise Yahweh, Our Loyal God (Psalm 106)
Contributed on Oct 24, 2024
God's loyalty is good, and forever. The psalmist knows it's time to appeal to that loyalty, and to God, and move forward to a better future with God.
If you've ever been to a large amusement park, or zoo, or national/state park, you know that one of the most helpful things you can find there is a giant map with a little dot somewhere on it that says, "You are here." It's easy to get lost in the bigness of what you're ...read more
18. A Song For Hard-Working Men (Psalm 127)
Contributed on Nov 2, 2024
A message for a men's retreat, talking about men as provider and protector, and work, and wealth, and family, and inflation.
A song for hard-working men (Psalm 127) This morning, we will be talking a lot about practical, everyday parts of life. We'll talk about work, and wealth, and family. We'll talk about how a man provides, and protects. We'll be talking about our role, and God's. Parts of what I ...read more