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  • Real Change Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Nov 5, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    If you want to make real change in your life, submit to God's discipline; then in dependence upon Christ, admit and quit your sin.

    When Jack quit farming and moved, he discovered he was the only Baptist in his new town of all Catholics. That was okay, but the neighbors had a problem with his barbecuing beef every Friday. They were not allowed to eat red meat on Fridays, but the tempting aroma was getting the best of them, so more

  • "Real Relationship” Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Sep 19, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus doesn’t invite us to practice a religion, but to participate in a relationship.

    In this series, we want unbelievers to understand that Christianity is not a religion. The way of religion is about impersonal rules, while the way of Christ is about a personal relationship with God. But we also want believers to understand that Christianity is not designed to be lived as a more

  • "Real Significance" Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Oct 18, 2010

    Jesus tells us how to bear fruit that will last.

    (READ TEXT) We are called to reject religion & place our faith in Christ, so we might experience real life, enter into real relationship, understand real truth, know real power, enjoy real freedom & live a life of real significance. The key verse in our passage for today is John 15:16. As we look more

  • The Real Jesus

    Contributed by Johnny A. Palmer Jr. on Mar 30, 2010

    The greatest need we have is to see Jesus for who He really is!

    Intro: 1. There is an old TV show called To Tell the Truth, three mystery guests were presented to a panel who asked questions to find out who among them, was the real person they were all claiming to be. Two of them were obviously imposters. Finally at the very end they would say, “Will the more

  • Real Christianity

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Apr 27, 2016

    With everything going on and this world trying to identify itself with people and causes, what does the Bible say a real Christian looks like?

    Real Christianity Matthew 25:31-46 Introduction- This morning, I want you to think about 0ur country, the United States of America. It is anything but united. I want you to think about politics for a moment. I know religion and politics don’t mix well, so I will be careful about the more

  • Real Happiness Series

    Contributed by Steve Smith on Aug 28, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    In the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus begins by teaching his disciples what real happiness is.

    INTRODUCTION - In the OT, the 10 Commandments were given as instructions for living. - Paul, in Galatians 3, shares that the purpose of the 10 Comm are to expose sin. - Jesus in Matthew called his first disciples and then immediately began to teach them - He uses one word, “Blessed”. GRK word more

  • Real Wisdom

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Feb 14, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Real Wisdom 1) Comes from the Spirit 2) Concentrates on Christ 3) Culminates in glory

    There’s a new education program in town aimed at miniature-sized geniuses. Sturgeon Heights School is now offering a pre-kindergarten class modeled after an Italian educational philosophy that encourages “motivated” students to collaborate in their learning. I’m not sure more

  • The Real Beggar

    Contributed by Esther Collins on Aug 15, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    This message will help us have a Godly perspective of riches and wealth. It will encourage us to use our resources the way God intended for us to.

    The Real ‘Beggar’ We live in a world where a majority of people gain their identity from their economic status. Their status in society is strangely directly proportional to the riches they possess. We do not undermine the value of money, as we are aware that this is essential for our day to day more

  • The Real Virus

    Contributed by Michael Collins on Sep 2, 2021

    This is a message about what I call, 'The Real Virus,' referring to sin.

    One of the most widely-used words perhaps since Jan 2020 would be the word, 'Virus,' (in various languages of course). We’ve had to contend with this virus since then, and we still continue to do so. It’s also one of the main causes for fear, anxiety, grief, loss and so much more. It seems more

  • The Real Reality Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Sep 19, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    The story of God is all about the glory of God and the unfolding of the gospel.

    The Real Reality Acts 17:16-34 Rev. Brian Bill September 16-17, 2023 Special thanks to Abi Kongkousonh for using her gifts to depict the story of Creation along with the fall of Adam and Eve. Keep that image in mind as we go through the message. Are you aware we ran out of parking spaces during more

  • "Real Power"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Jun 2, 2004
    based on 30 ratings

    A sermon for Pentecost

    Acts 2:1-21 “Real Power” By: Rev. Kenneth Sauer, Pastor of Parkview United Methodist Church, Newport News, VA Acts chapter 1 describes several appearances of the risen Christ that occurred between the first Easter and the Day of Pentecost—or the birthday of the more

  • Real Freedom Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Jul 5, 2020

    Second message on the Miracles of Jesus. Deals with freedom and scars

    Title: Real Freedom Theme: To show how Christ can bring us real freedom Text: Mark 5:1 - 18 Introduction Review the Miracles of Jesus. Last week we looked at the miracle of the Wedding at Cana. This was Jesus 1st miracle. As we continue this series on the Miracles of Jesus let us now turn to more

  • Is God Real?

    Contributed by Bradley White-Findeisen on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 20 ratings

    That's a strange question for a preacher to ask, isn't it? Yet, it's a question that is asked by many, even those who profess to be Christians, especially during a time of trial and tribulation.

    That's a strange question for a preacher to ask, isn't it? Yet, it's a question that is asked by many, even those who profess to be Christians, especially during a time of trial and tribulation. My sermon today is not an argument for the existence of God. My personal belief is that any God I have more

  • Is Salvation For Real? Series

    Contributed by Chris Santasiere on May 17, 2002
    based on 210 ratings

    Is salvation too good to be true or is it for real?

    “An Interview With God” IS SALVATION FOR REAL? May 18, 2002 Introduction One objection that I hear concerning salvation is that it seems too good to be true. You know the old saying, “If it seems too good to be true, then it probably is.” Here is the situation. If you are going to give your more

  • Real Worship

    Contributed by Bobby Daniel on Dec 14, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    A new look at Isaiah 6:1-8, new outline and new illustrations.

    Real Worship Isa. 6:1-8 Introduction: I’ve been blessed beyond measure in my life in what God has allowed me to witness and experience over the last 20 years. As a kid when we went on vacation we would venture all the way off to Eunice, LA…yeah, good times. My first trip to New Orleans didn’t more

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