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  • Ready 4a Change?

    Contributed by Shine Thomas on Jan 26, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Pride leads for Fall. Fear leads to confusion. Rebellion leads to destruction. Laziness leads to poverty. Ignorance will lead you no where. Faith in Jesus leads to change.

    Follow us on: Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: Change is one of the most difficult things that we face in life. One reason we more

  • Breakfast With Jesus

    Contributed by Richard Francis on May 18, 2007
    based on 13 ratings

    If you have turned from Jesus, feel far from him, he is closer than you think ready to met with you prepared to forgive and restore, all you need to do is ask and recive his unconditional and never ending love, are you ready?

    This is an amazing message for us and the Church Why, it tells of God and his heart for all of us brings us hope eternal and true Why, well its tells of forgiveness and love beyond belief Why, through this we see the foundation of the universe it self here is Gods fingerprint his blue print for more

  • Becoming Ready To Share The Gospel Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on May 2, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    How should we live our lives in a way that Jesus is evident and the gospel relevant? Paul has some practical advise. Also information on how Gnosticism is rampant today.

    Marriage is when you agree to spend the rest of your life sleeping in a room that’s too warm, beside someone who’s sleeping in a room that’s too cold. I do a fair amount of pre-marital counseling - and though I don’t share that illustration - what I do tell couples that are preparing for more

  • Show Them The Way Series

    Contributed by Duane Wente on Jan 29, 2024

    Parents have the responsibility of preparing their families for Jesus' return. Fathers: leading spiritually. Mothers: examples of faith. We need to be mindful of the evil days we are in and set a positive example so that all are ready for Jesus’ return.

    Introduction Video Ill.: Parenting - A Holy Stewardship Parenting is not easy! Parents Have It Rough Source: John Maxwell, "What Children Owe Their Parents (and Themselves)," Preaching Today, Tape 140. Copied from more

  • Dead Batteries? Wish We Were All Ready?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jan 8, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    As fear and worry try to shake the world systems we can by faith and trust and have great peace. Watch God's plan develop. Jesus is coming, are you ready? The days of Noah?

    DEAD BATTERIES, A WAKE UP CALL? WARNING! I WISH WE ALL WERE READY? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I went out to start the car, the battery was dead. Not to worry, I have a portable battery jump box. I grabbed the box and hooked up the cables, the car still would not more

  • The Last Days: Getting Ready For The Second Coming

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Jun 5, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    We are living in the last days. How do we get ready for the second coming of Jesus? By looking for opportunities to provide people with hope and healing.

    THE LAST DAYS: GETTING READY FOR THE SECOND COMING OPENING TEXT: “Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen.” (Revelation 1:7). • One of the basic fundamental doctrines of the more

  • Ready Or Not - Here He Comes

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Feb 19, 2012
    based on 15 ratings

    Jesus Christ is coming again. He warns us to be ready for His coming. The countdown to the Rapture of the church has begun and we need to realize that “Ready or Not” - here He comes!

    Ready or Not – Here I Come 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Introduction: When I was a child we played the game of hide and seek. One person was “IT” and they were the seeker, or person who would look for the other players who ran and hid. “IT” stood at the designated home more

  • Knowing Where You Are…knowing What You Are Doing? Series

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Jul 14, 2019

    The Coming of the Kingdom - Luke chapter 17 verses 20-37 – sermon by Gordon Curley (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: • Signpost #1: God is in Your Midst (vs 20b-21) • Signpost #2: God's Plan is Unfolding (vs 22-24) • Signpost #3: God's Time Clock Is Ticking (vs 26-30) • Signpost #4: God Takes No Pleasure in Our Clinging (vs 31-33) • Signpost #5: God's Judgments are Individual more

  • Are You Ready To Be Judged?

    Contributed by Don Schultz on Nov 6, 2003
    based on 84 ratings

    Judgment Day is coming, when Christ looks into the hearts of all. Are you ready?

    John 5:19-24 ARE YOU READY TO BE JUDGED ON JUDGMENT DAY? Many years ago, in a frontier town, a horse bolted and ran away with a wagon carrying a little boy. Seeing the child in danger, a young man risked his life to catch the horse and stop the wagon. The child who was saved grew up to become a more

  • Are You Ready For This?

    Contributed by Aubrey Vaughan on Jul 11, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    This is a look at our preperation for heaven. Asking the question are you prepared?

    What are you looking forward too? So often if were honest things we look forward to dont always live up to our expectations. I remember my Kids getting really excited about the magic of Disneyland Paris. They had watched the magic of the advertising campaign on TV, it loooked great. But the more

  • Ready, Set, Go!

    Contributed by Thomas Bowen on May 8, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Palm Sunday, what did the people come out to see?

    Ready, Set, Go! Luke 19:28-40 Today we are at the beginning of Holy Week, we have been following Luke’s history of the church in acts and now we are looping back to the week before the crucifixion of Jesus. I am not trying to surprise you with this change of direction I am just jumping to more

  • Ready For The Glory Of God Series

    Contributed by Scotty Killingsworth on Sep 4, 2003
    based on 25 ratings

    Serving God is a privilege. Bringing Him glory is our total joy and responsibility. Our service is not needed because God is completely complete. We are not saved to serve; yet our service brings him glory. We live for one purpose and one purpose alon

    This sermon was preached by Scotty L Killingsworth to the Evergreen Church on September 7, 2003 This is the first in a series of sermons from 1 Thessalonians The series title is -Ready to glorify God It was a home away from home for the first Christ followers. Jesus and the disciples enjoyed more

  • Getting Ready For The Feast

    Contributed by James May on Nov 23, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    A Thanksgiving message that says, "Be thankful for all of the wonderful gifts of God, both natural and spiritual."

    Getting Ready for the Feast By Pastor Jim May We are entering the season of the year when all of us are preparing for our Thanksgiving Feast. The stores will be packed and the shelves will be empty of all things necessary for preparation of the feast. I’ve got mine; I hope you have yours. One more

  • Are You Ready To Walk

    Contributed by Antonio Torrence on Nov 11, 2000
    based on 125 ratings

    In addition to Christ, the church needs the faith and action of seekers in order to overcome its obstacles.

    "Are You Ready To Walk" -Reverend A. LaMar Torrence, Pastor of Cross of Life Lutheran Church Someone once said that ‘nothing gives you quite the thrill of treading in the darkness on a step that is not there.’ Often in this life, we must walk upon steps with the uncertainty of their support. We more

  • Readiness - The Watchword For The Faithful Series

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Feb 4, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    The Parable of the Wedding Feast. (Powerpoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: • Be alert (Vs 35) • Be Waiting and watching (vs 36-40) • Be specific (vs 41) • Be Working (vs 42-53) SERMON BODY: Ill: • When Winston Churchill was in his early thirties; • He tried with all his powers to awaken the English speaking world; • To the impending dangers of a more

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