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Sermons on reading the bible:

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  • Reading The Bible Series

    Contributed by Jake Kircher on Mar 5, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Sometimes reading the Bible can be difficult. Why should we even read it? If if we convince ourselves to open it, where do we start.

    ***Open the time with all the lights out and the room completely dark. Begin to lightly toss stones up front so that the thud can be heard by the group*** The first five books of the Old Testament are called the Torah which is what the Jews look to as their Bible. The Hebrew word torah meant more

  • Read Your Bible Series

    Contributed by Gary Landsberg on Dec 16, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The Word of God is the power of the Holy Spirit, and for the Holy Spirit to remain powerful in us, we need to stay in the power of the Word of God.

    READING YOUR BIBLE Hebrews 4:12 INTRODUCTION 1. Come up to the front reading the instruction manual for the telephone, whilst carrying other instruction manuals. Read a little to the congregation, and then dump them in a trash can, saying, well, I am a man, I know how this thing works, who more

  • Why Read The Bible

    Contributed by Stephen Funderburk on Nov 30, 2005
    based on 16 ratings

    value of reading the Word

    Intro: a grocery store owner overheard a young man using his pay phone. The young man said, I would like to do your yard work, then he said, you already have someone, are they doing a good job, are you completely satisfied, is he totally dependable. When he hung up the phone the man said to the more

  • Why Read The Bible

    Contributed by Richard White on Sep 25, 2002
    based on 27 ratings

    We are lost, needing direction, need a map? Read the Bible

    WHY READ THE BIBLE? 2 Tim. 3:14-17 Illustration: It’s Christmas Eve. The kids are all asleep, you are sitting by the tree, trying to assemble that bike. Box says “so simple a 10 year old can put it together”. An hour later you mutter something like “they forgot to include the 10 year old more

  • Reading The Bible Literally

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Oct 7, 2020

    Paul's instruction that the Corinthians were to "greet one another with a holy kiss" provides a nice open door for discussing whether we are to take the Bible literally. This message looks at four considerations that we need to keep in mind to read the Bible correctly.

    - I have four questions for you as we begin. Let me hear an “Amen” if you agree with what I say: a. The Bible is the Word of God. b. We believe in the Bible. c. The Bible is literally true. d. When I came into church, I greeted everyone with a holy kiss. - Where were all the cries of “Amen” more

  • The Mark Of Discipleship -- Reading The Bible Series

    Contributed by W Pittendreigh on Mar 27, 2004
    based on 36 ratings

    We know we should read the Bible, but we have LOTS of excuses -- but do these excuses really hold water?

    The Mark of Discipleship: Reading the Bible Delivered on March 21, 2003 By The Rev. Dr. W. Maynard Pittendreigh Senior Pastor This is one of 14 sermons in a series delivered by Dr. Pittendreigh and Rev. Dietrich on The Marks of Discipleship. The elders of our more

  • #1dare To Read The Bible! Series

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jun 10, 2002
    based on 75 ratings

    We must dare to read the Bible or be spiritually sickly.

    #1 Dare to read the Bible By WadeMartin Hughes, Sr. TEXT: Psa. 119:105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Matt 22:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, YE DO ERR, NOT KNOWING THE SCRIPTURES, NOR THE POWER OF GOD. 2 Tim. 4:3 For the time will come when more

  • #2dare To Read The Bible Series

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jun 10, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    We discuss deeper--- some of the sidetracks that lead away from Bible reading.

    #2 Dare to read the Bible By WadeMartin Hughes, Sr. TEXT: Psa. 119:105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Matt 22:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, YE DO ERR, NOT KNOWING THE SCRIPTURES, NOR THE POWER OF GOD. 2 Tim. 4:3 For the time will come when more

  • Reading The Bible For Life Change

    Contributed by Isaac Butterworth on Oct 29, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    The Bible is screaming to be read not just to inform us but to form us. It can change our lives if we'll just let it.

    READING THE BIBLE FOR LIFE CHANGE Isaac Butterworth October 31, 2010 Hebrews 4:12-13 (NIV) 12 For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 13 more

  • Let's Keep Reading The Bible

    Contributed by Mark Tonkery on Jan 27, 2012

    This short sermon encourages Christians to keep reading the Bible and draw closer to God.

    Let’s Keep Reading the Bible by Mark T. Tonkery A book recently was released that utilized an interdenominational panel to determine the 25 books every Christian should read. Many books you would expect to be on the list were there: The Confessions of Augustine, The Imitation of Christ, more

  • How To Read Your Bible

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Jan 17, 2021

    This sermon is based on Nate Pickowitcz's new book "How to read your Bible?" and contains an interview with the author at the end.

    How to Eat your Bible 2 Tim 3:16-17 Pastor Jefferson M. Williams Chenoa Baptist Church 01-17-2021 Learning to eat I became a Christian in 1992 and, soon afterwards, my brother bought me a NIV Study Bible with my name on it. I treasured that Bible. I bought a case so I could carry it around. more

  • How Not To Read

    Contributed by Troy Richards on Dec 29, 2006

    For youth, a sermon on unconventional ways to read the Bible, but more importantly, how to apply it to our lives.

    -okay, so you hear me say all the time to read your Bibles. -this is not saying not to read your Bibles, per se. Instead, it’s a different way of looking at it. -the problem is most people read their Bible improperly, not saying that there is one specific right way to do it, but we place the more

  • "how To Read Your Bible"

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on May 21, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    This was a message given at the start of a new year to encourage reading the Bible.

    Title: How to Read Your Bible in 2020 Script: Dt. 30:15-20 Type: Expos./Theme for New Year Where: GNBC 1-12-20 Intro: Our theme for this year is: “20/20 Vision” with an emphasis on encouraging each and every one of us to more

  • Read All 66 In 2006

    Contributed by Larry Breeden on Oct 11, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Challenge to read the bible

    Read all 66 in 2006 Heb 4:12-13 INTRO: What in this life can we count on? 1. Other people. We all disappoint one another at times, we can not all be counted on 100% of the time, no matter how much we want to or try. 2. Government: Right? 3. Nature: Tsunami 1yr ago, more

  • Just Read It

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Aug 26, 2024

    Just read the bible we will belief, life, and hope.

    John 6:56-69 Just read it • People way back had an excuse for not reading the bible. Bibles were very rare. • They were handwritten by scribes so there were very few Bibles, until Herr Gutenberg invented the Printing Press. Then, mass productions began. • People before the more