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  • A Mother

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on May 12, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Mothers are givers by nature, but the greatest gift a mother can give to her children is her faith. This reworking of a similar sermon by Charles Stanley challenges mothers in six key areas.

    A Mother’s Greatest Gift Chuck Sligh May 12, 2013 NOTE: A PowerPoint presentation of this sermon is available upon request by emailing me at NOTE: The inspiration for the main points and the basic concepts and some of the illustrations in this sermon was a sermon by more

  • A Mother

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on May 12, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Mothers are givers by nature, but the greatest gift a mother can give to her children is her faith. This reworking of a similar sermon by Charles Stanley challenges mothers in six key areas.

    A Mother’s Greatest Gift Chuck Sligh May 12, 2013 NOTE: A PowerPoint presentation of this sermon is available upon request by emailing me at NOTE: The inspiration for the main points and the basic concepts and some of the illustrations in this sermon was a sermon by more

  • Our Father Who Art In Heaven

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on Jun 25, 2013

    This sermon is a compilation of scripture in the form of a 'letter' from God to his children describing His love for us.

    Last Sunday, I told a story and showed a video to conclude my sermon. For those of you who may not have been here, it was a story about a father and his handicapped son. When most of the medical system had written this child off as “a vegetable”, this dad refused to give up. He found more

  • Keep The Faith! Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Feb 15, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    When you’re tempted to give up your faith, look up to Christ; look within at your own heart to make sure you are truly trusting Christ; and look around to other believers for the help you need to keep going.

    Bryan Wilkerson tells the story of a time when his kids were young, and they were at a themed restaurant with TV’s all over the walls. The TV’s were playing cartoons with no sound, and his youngest son, about four at the time, had his eyes glued to one of the TV screens. He was viewing a continuous more

  • Washing Feet

    Contributed by Delray Lentz on Aug 7, 2024

    Toward the end of last year I mentioned that for 2024 there would be a heavy emphasis on discipleship.

    Washing Feet Today we continue our quest for excellence in discipleship, and our key passage is John 13:1-17 and we will get there shortly. I’d like us to take a quick look at the The Gospel of John: Although it is one of the 4 gospels, it does not fit into the synoptic Gospels for a few reasons, more

  • When There Is No One To Stand In The Gap Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Nov 18, 2024

    God makes a stunning statement here: there is no one left to stand in the gap on behalf of Israel. What does this passage tell us about the specific shortcomings of the people of God and the prophets of God in that day? And can this text encourage us today to stand strong amid a dark hour?

    OFF-TRACK: The American church is far from what we should be. - I think this is largely beyond dispute, so I won’t belabor the point. - Let me simply share one proof that I think is instructive. - When you look at the early chapters of Acts, there are many people who are coming to know Jesus. The more

  • "Whose Shall Those Things Be, Which Thou Hast Provided" Series

    Contributed by Jimmy Chapman on Nov 4, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    3 traits that classify a fool

    I HE DELIBERATED UPON GOLD RATHER THAN GOD. A. Notice the THOUGHTS HE CONTEMPLATED. B. Notice the THINGS HE CLAIMED 1. He let things dominate him. 2. He let things define him. II. HE DELIBERATED UPON RESOURCES INSTEAD OF RELATIONSHIPS A. Notice the goals that pushed him 1. more

  • The Do's & Don'ts Of Restoring Relationships

    Contributed by Steven Dow on Aug 24, 2002
    based on 234 ratings

    By following the example of Joseph we can learn how to restore rifts in our relationships.

    THE DO’S & DON’TS OF RESTORING RELATIONSHIPS Genesis 45:1-15 August 4, 2002 INTRODUCTION: If you think your family has problems, consider the marriage mayhem created when 76-year-old Bill Baker of London recently wed Edna Harvey. She happened to be his granddaughter’s husband’s mother. That’s more

  • I Don't Know What To Do Series

    Contributed by Christopher Roberts on Sep 13, 2002
    based on 211 ratings

    What should we do in the face of life’s stress? Stress is what King Jehoshaphat must have felt when he found out about the upcoming war. We can learn some lessons about stress management from this great leader.

    Please e-mail me with any comments or if you use any part of this at your church at I would love to hear about it. God Bless! - Chris Series: “What To Do” See also I Don’t Know What To Do; But I’m Disappointed; But I Just Can’t Win; But Life is Too Hard; What You Need, God more

  • Jesus Is In The House

    Contributed by Thomas Dibble on May 22, 2003
    based on 164 ratings

    When Jesus is in the house, anything can happen. If you have a need move the obstacles out of the way and get to where Jesus is.

    In this Bible account from Mark chapter two it says that word began to spread around that Jesus was in a particular house. In fact so many people heard about Jesus that the house was full and no one else could get in. On that day Jesus was preaching the Word of God. ® No doubt he was preaching more

  • Energized For Victorious Living

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Sep 5, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Before Jesus ascended into heaven He gave His disciples the promise that He would send the Holy Spirit to fill them and empower them so they could continue His work and ministry on earth.

    Energized for Victorious Living “Come Thirsty” John 7:37-39 As we celebrate this Labor Day weekend it’s a good time to reflect on our work. Whatever your work is you should be able to work and bring glory to God. If you’re retired your retirement should be lived to bring glory to God. When more

  • Return To Innocence

    Contributed by Keith Manry on Apr 3, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Part VI in the series - 24. This is a first person narrative account from the perspective of the penitent thief on the cross. The preaching idea: Only by the innocence of Christ are the guilty set free.

    Introduction… My prayer is that over the past six weeks that those of you who have been present for this series of sermons have been moved by the stories that we have experienced. One of the great things about preaching – is that before the message ever gets to you I’ve spent hours and hours in more

  • What Is A Person Like You Doing In A Place Like This?

    Contributed by Bob Joyce on Oct 10, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Satan has tried to deceive us into believing that the choices make will not harm us in the future. But history proves that choices we make can have dire consequences

    In a recent issue of Preaching Today (Sept/Oct 1998), Dr. Brian Harbour related the following story. Dr. Harbour, pastor of FBC Richardson and Dr. Duane Brooks, pastor of Tallowood Baptist Church in Houston, were in Waco attending a Baylor Regents meeting. They were on the elevator and were going more

  • "How To Handle Failure"

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Aug 6, 2003
    based on 234 ratings

    How a person handles failure can mean the difference between living a life of victory or living a life filled with bitterness, hostility and anger.

    The Apostle Paul -How to Handle Failure- 2 Cor. 4:7-9 2 Cor. 11:24-30 Introduction How a person handles failure can mean the difference between living a life of victory or living a life filled with bitterness, hostility and anger. In the first church I served as pastor in Kansas City I got more

  • I Can Change People Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Jul 19, 2004
    based on 16 ratings

    Third in a series on popular illusions. We think we can change others, but shaming them will not work. Nor will forcing them. Only a spiritual-relationship crisis will do so. Help them see how sin injures Christ and they will change.

    There have always been folks who have thought they could change the world, people who were unwilling to leave things as they are, who want to make a difference, who want to get things done. They want to change the world. The trouble is, they usually run up against harsh human reality. Eighty or so more

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