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  • Wedding Sermon

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Sep 8, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A wedding sermon I did for my son’s wedding.

    Who gives this woman to this man? (Please Be Seated) SONG The Bible begins with a description of the creation. It describes the beginning of Heavens and the Earth, all plant life and animal life…everything. After each day of creation, the Bible records, “and the Lord saw that it was more

  • A Declaration Of Dependence Series

    Contributed by Allen James on Jan 17, 2010

    Second message in series exploring the first two Beatitudes - "poor in spirit" & "those who mourn".

    A Declaration of Dependence • Matthew 5:3-4 • January 16-17 Opening: Quote the Declaration of Independence… We are a country of independence, aren’t we? It's more than a document by our founding fathers... independence is a way of the American life. Think about it... more

  • What Makes Grace So Amazing

    Contributed by Clint Shrum on Jan 5, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The chararacteristics that make grace so amazing

    WHAT MAKES GRACE SO AMAZING Ephesians 1:1-12 Intro: For a long time I never knew what the word “GRACE” meant. I realized that I had been saved but I just did not know what grace meant. Once I realized what the word GRACE meant and realized how that it was responsible for my receiving salvation more

  • Wedding: Ausmus.killough

    Contributed by Kevin Higgins on Jan 26, 2006
    based on 69 ratings

    10 Minute Wedding Ceremony

    August 10, 2005 Kevin Higgins Woodlawn Baptist Church On behalf of Bill Ausmus and Martha Killough, I want to welcome each of you. We have been invited here to share with them in a most important time in their lives. In the time they have been together, their love for one another has grown and more

  • No Ordinary Building

    Contributed by Vinnie Cappetta on Feb 11, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    This was no ordinary building project. It is an illustration of humankind’s tendency to focus our unity on building monuments to our own greatness instead of using it to follow God’s plan.

    No Ordinary Building Babylonian tablets confirm the story of the tower of Babel Tower built several generations after the flood Westward movement of man to Mesopotamia See what you notice . . . when you read verses 3,4 (“Us” syndrome). The people were only concerned about themselves and not more

  • Acted Parables

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Nov 2, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    A Lord’s Supper Devotional.

    ACTED PARABLES Mark 9:33-37 John 13:3-5 INTRO: Actions speak louder than words. We=ve all heard that old but accurate saying. An old Chinese proverb reflects this idea: AI hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I do and I understand.@ Old Testament leaders and prophets knew this truth. more

  • A Living Memorial

    Contributed by Carl Finney on Nov 3, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The need for us to be a living Memorial for Christ.

    Three Questions for this lesson: 1) Why is it important to “confess” Jesus? (A: Matthew 10:32-33) 2) How do we “confess” Jesus? (A: Romans 10:9-10) 3) What is True a Confession of Jesus as Lord and Savior? (A: James 2:19-26) 2142; ’azkarah – a reminder; specifically remembrance- offering: more

  • Part 7 - Matthew 9:18-26 - The Desperate Cry Of My Faith! Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Mar 25, 2010
    based on 15 ratings

    It wasn’t the faith of this little girl that moved Jesus to come. It was the faith of a father in desperation, crying out to Jesus. Nothing is more powerful than the desperation of a father for his child. THERE IS ALWAYS A DESPERATE ASPECT TO FAITH.

    Part 7 - Matthew 9:18-26 - THE DESPERATE CRY OF MY FAITH! I’ve conducted funerals. I know the kind of grief that hangs in the air with anticipation like storm clouds ready to flood the earth with rain. I know the kind of grief which needs to be expressed in tears and in saying goodbye. Yes, I know more

  • Stillness And The Power Of God

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jul 13, 2013
    based on 5 ratings

    Swimming against the religious tide is a lonely business. Doubts may follow, but the LORD recalls us to duty.

    STILLNESS AND THE POWER OF GOD. 1 Kings 19:1-19. A. THE WILDERNESS OF DISSENT (1 Kings 19:1-8). It is hard when we stand out in the crowd, but Christians are different. The Bible names us a ‘peculiar people’ - called out of darkness into His marvellous light (1 Peter 2:9). Privileges carry more

  • New Way Of Living

    Contributed by Clarence Clough on Aug 14, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Christ our Redeemer makes available to the saints a new way of living that results in redemption and blessedness.

    New Way of Living Text: 1 Peter 1:18-20 Intro: Consider some thoughts about Redemption, Accomplished and Applied. The results of redemption that we will look at are: REDEEMED & BLESSED, ACCEPTED BY GOD, and CONFORMED TO GOD’S WILL. Included in the "Results of Redemption" is the New Way of more

  • International Mediator

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Aug 26, 2012

    I. EXORDIUM: How will we solve international disputes? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believer III. OBJECTIVES: To prove that the LORD JESUS CHRIST is the international Mediator IV. TEXT: Micah 4:3 (New Living Translation, Second Edition) T

    I. EXORDIUM: How will we solve international disputes? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believer III. OBJECTIVES: To prove that the LORD JESUS CHRIST is the international Mediator IV. TEXT: Micah 4:3 (New Living Translation, Second Edition) The Lord will mediate between peoples and will settle more

  • Wedding Service 2012

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Sep 20, 2012

    revised wedding service

    Who gives this woman to this man? (Please Be Seated) The Bible begins with a description of the creation. It describes the beginning of Heavens and the Earth, all plant life and animal life…everything. After each day of creation, the Bible records, “and the Lord saw that it was more

  • Unparalleled Love

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Sep 24, 2012

    1. The Object of His Love 2. The Purpose of His Love 3. The Results of His Love

    Romans 5:8 8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. - So often God’s love does not seem very evident 8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were Building an ark people would not believe & mocked us 8 But God more

  • The Lure Of "Spiritual Worldliness" Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Apr 11, 2015

    Although the Christian life brings conflict, we cannot flee from a personal and committed relationship with God which still commits us to serving others.

    Thursday of 2nd Week of Easter 2015 Joy of the Gospel If you have ever wondered why the Season of Easter is the longest one in the liturgical year, consider this: after the Resurrection of our Lord, we are living in an Easter season that will last until the Lord comes again! All our lives are a more

  • No Mere Consideration: The Apologetic Quandaries Found In The Lewis Classic

    Contributed by Frederick Meekins on May 1, 2015

    No Mere Consideration: The Apologetic Quandaries Found In The Lewis Classic

    Psalms 14:1 says, “The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God'.” Only those seeking to live in utter irrationality can ignore the arguments made in favor of the God of the Bible by C.S. Lewis in “Mere Christianity”. Three of the most compelling issues the skeptic will more

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