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  • Preparing For The Flood

    Contributed by Bret Bone on Mar 5, 2012

    Many of us are planning on spending the holidays throughout the year with your family and friends? Some of you might be planning a vacation get away in the fun and sun? Maybe you’re more concerned with the rising price of gas this year? Or you’

    Prepare for the flood… Video- Definition of a trader (Right Now Ministries) Slide #1 What are your plans for this coming year? Many of us are planning on spending the holidays throughout the year with your family and friends? Some of you might be planning a vacation get away in the more

  • Prepare For The Lord

    Contributed by William Baeta on Dec 3, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    “For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah, saying, ‘The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make His paths straight’” Matthew 3:3.

    Theme: Prepare for the Lord Text: Is. 11:1-10; Rom. 15:4-13; Matt. 3:1-12 Today is the 2nd Sunday of Advent. Advent simply means the coming or manifestation of Christ. It is used to refer to the first coming of Christ, the birth of Christ, and to His second coming, His return. Before His birth, more

  • Preparation For The Kingdom

    Contributed by Jeff Van Wyk on Jun 7, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    The spiritual gates of Jerusalem are significant and represent the whole counsel of God for our lives. Each gate is important. Like Nehemiah, these gates must be restored to the body of Christ.

    Preparation For The Kingdom The spiritual gates of Jerusalem are significant and represent the whole counsel of God for our lives. Each gate is important. Like Nehemiah, these gates must be restored to the body of Christ. Matthew 7:13 - "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is more

  • Prepared For Burial Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Mar 9, 2013

    Mary worshipped Jesus as the Lamb of God through extravagant surrender of all that she possessed.

    “When Jesus was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, a woman came up to him with an alabaster flask of very expensive ointment, and she poured it on his head as he reclined at table. And when the disciples saw it, they were indignant, saying, ‘Why this waste? For this could have been sold more

  • Preparing For Service

    Contributed by Scott Spencer on Aug 19, 2013
    based on 3 ratings

    What prepares a person for effective service to the Lord? How do you come from a place of accepting Christ as your Savior to being used by Him for His glory? What is it that can turn an ordinary, dull, routine Christian walk into an extraordinary, exciting and adventurous Christian life?

    (2) Mark 1:9-15 6-23-13 What prepares a person for effective service to the Lord? How do you come from a place of accepting Christ as your Savior to being used by Him for His glory? What is it that can turn an ordinary, dull, routine Christian walk into an extraordinary, exciting and more

  • Preparing For The End

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Aug 30, 2013

    If you believe the end is near, then what are you doing about it?

    September 1, 2013 Morning Worship Text: Isaiah 44:1-8 Subject: Revival Title: Preparing for the End You can’t go anywhere today where Christians are gathered without hearing someone talk about the imminent return of Christ. I can say without any doubt that the majority of us here today more

  • The Urgency Of Preparation

    Contributed by Rodney Johnson Sr., on May 27, 2017

    There is no greater urgency than that of Preparing to meet our God...

    Introduction: God warns the people in our text to prepare them selves to meet Him. He shares with them acts of mighty power over all things to this end. I. It's a Call from the Supreme Judge of all Mankind. II. It's a Call to the Unprepared. III. It's a Call to the Psuedu Prepared. IV. It's more

  • Preparing For Armageddon Series

    Contributed by Coz Von on Jul 2, 2016

    Armageddon: Is It About to Happen. Should you and I be preparing for earth’s final battle? Absolutely—but how? (Revelation 16:13, 14, 16).

    Many Christians today are convinced that Armageddon—Revelation’s name for earth’s last battle—is due to break out in the very near future. Armageddon is presumed to refer to the valley of Megiddo in Israel (though the word itself means “Mount Megiddo”), and all more

  • Preparing For Battle Series

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Jul 8, 2016

    How did Daniel survive and thrive while living in the most godless of all cultures?

    THRIVING IN BABYLON PART 1: PREPARE FOR BATTLE Online Sermon: When one thinks about Daniel from the Bible certain images come to mind. For many Daniel is the one who was thrown into the lion’s den. When king Darius appointed Daniel as second in more

  • Prepare To Share Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Aug 6, 2016

    "To interpret a biblical text, we need to be patient, to put aside all other concerns, and to give it our time, interest and undivided attention."

    Thursday of 18th Week in Course This day we commemorate St. Clare of Assisi, the friend of St. Francis who founded the second Order of Franciscans for women religious, or the Poor Clares. As we look at the first reading about Ezekiel digging a hole in the wall of his house, we are reminded that more

  • Preparing For The Adventure Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Aug 15, 2016
    based on 10 ratings

    Within 3 years of its launch, the early church faced persecution and death. And yet the church not only continued to survive, but thrive. How did it manage to do that?

    OPEN: April 11, 1970, 3 men set off on an adventure. They were the Apollo 13 crew, and their adventure was to be the 3rd manned moon-landing. Their spacecraft look like this artists drawing (We put a picture of the spacecraft on the screen). • The main module (the Odyssey) was designed to be more

  • Preparing For The Light Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Dec 4, 2011
    based on 101 ratings

    This year, Christmas will fall on Sunday. This year people will be faced with a decision of whether Sunday worship will be a matter of "convenience" or "cost." What can we learn form the ministry of John the Baptist that will help us to make the right dec

    Several years back a life-style management consultant surveyed about 1000 people about how they prepared for Christmas. What he found was this: · The average person spent up to an hour and 10 minutes a day during the last week of December bickering over holiday related plans such as what parties more

  • Prepare To Pray

    Contributed by Archie Norman on Nov 11, 2014


    Prepare to Pray Habakkuk 2:20-3:1 I. Our connection with God - II Chronicles 20:6-7, 12: John 17:23 2. Our confession of sin - Jonah 3:5-10; I John 1:9 3. Our commitment to obey - II Chronicles 14:3-4; John 14:15 4. Our confidence before God - Ezra 10:1-2; I John 5:14 more

  • Preparation For The Celebration

    Contributed by Judith Hand on Dec 12, 2014

    We celebrate Christ from the Cradle to the Cross to the Crown Using Isaiah, John and I Thessalonians the birth and ministry of Jesus is explored as we look forward to His second coming now.

    Preparation for the Celebration Most of us are busy preparing for a Christmas celebration now. We want to gather with family and friends, feast, give gifts and remember the coming of Christ into the world 2,000 years ago. Now it seems to me that our last Christmas celebration couldn’t have more

  • Preparation For The Visitation Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Dec 15, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The story of Mary and Joseph in the first Christmas teaches us about the greatest gift that God has given to us - His Son Jesus, and salvation, joy, peace and hope.

    PREPARATION FOR THE VISITATION THE BIG IDEA: The story of Mary and Joseph in the first Christmas teaches us about the greatest gift that God has given to us - His Son Jesus, and salvation, joy, peace and hope. • Christmas is all about celebrating Jesus – the Saviour of the more

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