Sermon Series
  • 1. Don't Get Tripped Up

    Contributed on Jul 12, 2015
    based on 3 ratings

    This is the 1st sermon in the series "God Is Here". We must not allow the enemy to trip us up.

    Series: God Is Here [#1] DON’T GET TRIPPED UP Esther 1:1-22 Introduction: How many times have you watched things happen that you have no control over? The Supreme Court rulings, the price of gasoline, etc…; and it makes you wonder if God has taken a break. I have heard more more

  • 2. It's Time To Celebrate

    Contributed on Sep 12, 2015

    This is the 10th sermon in the series "God Is Here". This sermon is an overview of Esther and a glimpse of the Feast of Purim. Have fun with this celebration, (even if it's Baptist style- Like we did). After all, we always need a reason to eat at Church.

    Series: God Is Here [#10] IT’S TIME TO CELEBRATE Esther 9:20-10:3 Introduction: There are times in life that we need to celebrate. Look with me at these final verses in Esther. Esther 9:20-10:3 (MSG) “Mordecai wrote all this down and sent copies to all the Jews in all King more

  • 3. When The Tables Are Turned

    Contributed on Sep 7, 2015

    This is the 9th sermon in the series "God Is Here". God shows His children favor.

    Series: God Is Here [#9] WHEN THE TABLES ARE TURNED Esther 9:1-19 Introduction: There is a word that my generation and younger generations like to use- Karma. Now, I don’t use it because it is a word used in Hinduism and Buddhism, and refers to reincarnation; but its intended meaning more

  • 4. How To Make Good Decisions

    Contributed on Jul 23, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    This is the 2nd sermon in the series "God Is Here". Christians need to be reminded in how to make decisions that please God.

    Series: God Is Here [#2] HOW TO MAKE GOOD DECISIONS Esther 2:1-23 Introduction: I was talking to my brother and we were remembering some of the stupid things we did as children. One of our favorite things to do was hoist our bikes up from the Mulberry Tree and then jump our bikes off of more

  • 5. Understand That Life Is Not Fair

    Contributed on Jul 26, 2015

    This is the 3rd sermon in the series "God Is Here" . Life is not fair; but God is faithful.

    Series: God Is Here [#3] UNDERSTAND THAT LIFE IS NOT FAIR Esther 3:1-15 Introduction: When in an argument with a non-Christian, the question of fairness will always come up. You know, “If God is in control, then why would He allow innocent children to die”. Or, “If God is more

  • 6. Prepare For Victory

    Contributed on Aug 2, 2015

    This is the 4th sermon in the series "God Is Here". Christians need to prepare their lives for victory.

    Series: God Is Here [#4] PREPARE FOR VICTORY Esther 4:1-17 Introduction: It is always a privilege to have Tharon home visiting. What a year he has had and it is only ½ way over. Tharon has had many victories this year way beyond the World Championship Silver and Bronze Medals. Many of you more

  • 7. Timing Is Everything

    Contributed on Aug 9, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 5th sermon in the series "God Is Here". We need to wait upon the Lord and also be faithful when God's says, "Act".

    Series: God Is Here [#5] TIMING IS EVERYTHING Esther 5:1-14 Introduction: Two different times in the last month, I have almost been in a car accident. Each time, I was the passenger in a school vehicle. As I think back on both situations, if the driver of the school vehicle would have more

  • 8. A Coincidence?

    Contributed on Aug 16, 2015
    based on 2 ratings

    This is the 6th sermon in the series "God Is Here". God knows what is happening.

    Series: God Is Here [#6] A COINCIDENCE? Esther 6:1-14 Introduction: Have you ever wondered why things happen? Why do you have the job that you have? How did you end up in Hobbs? How did you end up at Bel Aire? Is this just a coincidence? While there are times to not make this statement, more

  • 9. Winners...

    Contributed on Aug 23, 2015

    This is the 7th sermon in the series "God Is Here". How are winners supposed to behave?

    Series: God Is Here [#7] WINNERS Esther 7:1-10 Introduction: Everyone loves a winner, right? We live in a time of 2 philosophies: Either, “Everyone is a winner” or, “Winning is the only thing”. Being a very competitive person, 2nd place is not winning. We have more

  • 10. Take It Back

    Contributed on Aug 30, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 8th sermon in the series "God Is Here". Christians need to take back what the enemy has taken from them. Christians are victorious through Jesus Christ and we should live like it.

    Series: God Is Here [#8] TAKE IT BACK Esther 8:1-17 Introduction: I enjoy singing and playing “Enemy’s Camp”. I had a former church member who would tell me that this song was theologically incorrect. As I thought about it, I wondered why, because to me it’s a song more