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  • The Faith Promise Series

    Contributed by Bob Briggs on Jun 8, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    What does the Bible have to say concerning faith vs. the Law?

    How many of you have made out a will? How would you feel, after you have taken the time to make out a will, paid a lawyer, or had it witnessed and notarized, would later have the executor of your will throw it out and instead add his or her ideas as to the disposition of your estate? That more

  • The Test Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Lynn Malone on Jun 13, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    We will all one day face the most difficult challenge of our lives as we face the test of faith.

    Heroes of Faith: Abraham The Test of Faith Genesis 12:1-14 Introduction We want to close this series of sermons on the life of Abraham with the most famous story arising from his life—that of the sacrifice of his son, Isaac. I need to remind you that Abraham had been promised a son through more

  • Faith In God

    Contributed by Ed Pruitt on Jun 17, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    Faith, it does a body good

    Faith in God Mark 11:22-24 Sunday July 22, 2001 We have seen that God has provided a marvelous salvation from all the consequences of man’s rebellion. This salvation is to be received through repentance and faith. God expects us to change our allegiance. We must now love Him and serve Him - more

  • An Intense Faith Series

    Contributed by Timothy Smith on Jun 25, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    4th in a four part character study on the life of John the Baptist.

    "AN INTENSE FAITH" MARK 6:16-29 INTRODUCTION: In the highly rated Smallville, the WB’s story of Superboy, Clark Kent is just learning about his super powers. It is a perplexing and frustrating time for him. His powers really come to light when he is accidently run down by Lex Luthor and yet more

  • Asking In Faith

    Contributed by Jeff Simms on Jun 28, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    To encourage the people to trust in the Lord and not to doubt Him or His ability to answer

    SBC Philippi 6/26/05 am Rev. Jeff Simms Asking in Faith James 1:5-8 Primary Purpose: To encourage the people to trust in the Lord and not to doubt Him or His ability to answer When James writes this letter to the dispersed Jewish Christians outside of Jerusalem, he is writing to a group that more

  • The Gift Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Jun 29, 2005
    based on 33 ratings

    A message on the gift of Faith (2 of 4)

    THE GIFT OF FAITH 1 Corinthians 12:9 INTRO: All Christians have saving faith. This verse is talking about Mountain moving faith. The power to lay hold of God’s promises for results. ILLUS: There is a story about a fellow who fell off a cliff and plunged about seventy-five feet until he grabbed more

  • Amazing Faith

    Contributed by Johnny Creasong on Aug 11, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The scripture records only two times that Jesus was amazed. Will you be one who amazes Jesus?

    Amazing Faith Matthew 8:5-13 What amazes Jesus? The scripture records only two times that Jesus was amazed: 1) Once when people lacked faith… Mark 6:2-6 2 When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed. "Where did this man get these things?" they more

  • Steps Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Bobby Daniel on Aug 12, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    First sermon in a 4 part series called Change from the Inside Out taken from Ephesians 4.

    Change from the Inside Out series Ephesians 4 Sermon 1: “Steps of Faith” Ephesians 4:1-6 Intro: There is some crazy stuff on TV…I’m sure you would agree with me; unfortunately a lot of it is made for kids. We work hard to police what our kids watch, and when we say “no” to something we want to more

  • Faith On Trial

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Aug 18, 2008
    based on 25 ratings

    We get an idea from the life of Paul as he stood before King Agrippa how to conduct ourselves when our faith is on trial in this world. 1- We must obey God’s vision 2- We must not fear accusations 3- We must present the truth of God

    INTRO.- ILL.- A judge, bored and frustrated by a lawyer’s tedious arguments, had made numerous rulings to speed the trial along. The attorney had bristled at the judge’s orders, and their tempers grew hot. Finally, frustrated with another repetition of arguments he had heard many times before, more

  • A Picture Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Aug 26, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    There are many definitions of fatih, but the woman of this text gives a clear demonstration of what makes great faith. We learn that faith is persistent and always relys upon God’s grace and mercy.

    Matthew 15:21-28 “A Picture of Faith” INTRODUCTION What would you say if someone came up to you and asked you to define what “faith” is? Here is a short video clip of what some people said. Faith is difficult to define because it is an abstract concept. It is perhaps easier to describe faith more

  • Faith To Follow

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Aug 30, 2008

    Wearing a cross should symbolize the fact that we are wrong, that Christ Jesus is right and we are in submission to Him.

    Matthew 16: 21-28 / Faith To Follow Intro: A physician told this about her 4-year-old daughter. One day on the way to preschool, the doctor left her stethoscope on the car seat. He little girl picket is up and began playing with it. The mom tried to remain calm although she was extremely more

  • Essentials Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Aug 31, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see. We should not put our trust in any other person or thing but in Christ [God] alone. They are all mortal but God alone is immortal. Our faith grows and is build through prayer, fasting and hear

    Opening illustration: During the 2nd week of our being at Valley we encountered a situation where we had to exercise our faith to the extreme. [Dealing with an incident of a person who was possessed.] Let us look into a passage where we see the disciples lack of faith and being exhorted by more

  • Faith In Action Series

    Contributed by Jeremias Fababier on Sep 1, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    7th part on the book of James - we should not only know what t believe but how to behave

    TOPIC: FAITH IN ACTION Text: James 2:14-26 Introduction: (ILL. Trust Him Fully - An old Methodist preacher once offered this prayer in a meeting: "Lord, help us to trust Thee with our souls." Many voices responded with a hearty, old-fashioned "Amen!" "Lord, help us to trust Thee with our more

  • The School Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Joel Smith on Sep 13, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    God wants to reveal Himself to you so that He can reveal Himself through you.

    [Use children’s sermon as introduction for this sermon.] I have a reward for one of you this morning, but you’re going to have to trust me to get it. Here’s the challenge: Somewhere in this room I have hidden a candy bar and you have to find it while blindfolded. I will tell you that it is in more

  • The Faithfulness Of God

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Sep 25, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    From this teaching we will discover how God’s love goes farther than our sins.

    The Faithfulness of God Romans 3: 1-18 1 What advantage then has the Jew, or what is the profit of circumcision? 2 Much in every way! Chiefly because to them were committed the oracles of God. 3 For what if some did not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without more

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