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  • Post Spiritual High Syndrome Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Jan 1, 2019

    We all have times in life when we have had a spiritual high. Invariably the high is followed by challenges that lead to frustration and frustration that leads to distraction. This distraction can lead us away from serving God in full strength. That is the definition of Post-Spiritual High Syndrome.

    Jexit - Judah Comes Home Post Spiritual High Syndrome Ezra 4:1-5 In your life, most of us, maybe not all of us, have gone through this experience is what I call the Post-Spiritual-High-Syndrome. Ok … so this isn’t a technical description … but it is a legitimate experience It happened to more

  • The Danger Of Spiritual Highs

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 25, 2022

    The life of Elijah teaches us many valuable lessons. One of the lessons it teaches us is that some of our most trying times come after a SPIRITUAL HIGH in our life.

    For example, Elijah had just had two of his greatest victories: • All alone, he has just confronted a cult, and had 450 of their prophets on Mount Carmel killed. • God had just used him through prayer, to bring rain after three years of drought. He was on a SPIRITUAL HIGH, he was on a roll, and more

  • 40 Days Post 1 – Landing Safely From A Spiritual High Series

    Contributed by David Elvery on Nov 27, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    Adapted from 40 Days of Purpose Sermons - Sermon 8

    40 Days of Purpose – Your Spiritual Journey Part 1 How to Safely Land after a Spiritual High “I think I’ve got everything. I’m off to climb a mountain. I’ve been in training all week – climbing all those stairs up to my office. I’ve climbed them at least 20 times this week. I’ve got my more

  • Spiritual High Gear Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jun 3, 2004
    based on 3 ratings

    We become useful to God when we are broken of our stubborn self-will and learn to submit to His will. The beatitudes describe what it means to be broken before God¡Kwe can summarize these first 4 beatitudes with one word each.

    Spiritual High Gear (Matt. 5:1-6) INTRO 1. Right now, Freddie Aldridge is in boot camp. 2. I’ve never been in the military, but I understand it does a good job of teaching people respect for authority. 3. I knew a student at Moody, Bruce¡Kflunked out¡KNavy¡Kpastor/professor 4. "The Navy has a more

  • Spiritual Highs And Lows Series

    Contributed by John Harvey on Mar 10, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The baptism and temptaions of Jesus give us principles for living the Chrisitna life.

    “Breathless” A Study of the gospel of Mark “Spiritual Highs and Lows” March 9, 2008 Me: Last week was an awesome week here at LifeQuest. We had a great service and the baptism celebration. But on Monday, I was back into the routine of life. It is always hard to sustain a really spiritual high more

  • Posting The Watch

    Contributed by Chip Monck on Nov 28, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon on the imperative need for a consistant prayer life in the spiritual disciplines of a believer.

    Message begins with a tie in to the previous message: Last week Matthew 21:12-13 (read) - Jesus in the temple not happy with what it had become, and what it wasn’t - The Next Day – Jesus curses a fig tree, and spends some time teaching in parables - He is challenged by the Pharisees and the more

  • Post Resurrection Lull Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Mar 30, 2016

    After the resurrection a group of disciples ended up fishing. When Jesus turns up 153 fish are caught. Through these verses we are reminded that we need to obey Jesus, even when obedience seems strange, because Jesus will give the resources.

    Message John 21:1-14 Post Resurrection Lull Have you ever had post-exciting-event-syndrome? It is the syndrome which happens when you have been planning an event for a long time … a wedding, a special party, a holiday, a house move You have been putting your energy and time and commitment into more

  • Post-Resurrection

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Apr 8, 2021

    This message demonstrates the importance of understanding why Jesus died and rose from the dead and why our joy should not be limited to just one "Easter Sunday" celebration.

    Post-Resurrection Scripture: Luke 24:44-53; Isaiah 53; Romans 10:17 The title of my message this morning is “Post-Resurrection.” If you are familiar with the word “post” you know that it has several meanings. It could refer to a piece of wood or metal fixed in the ground in an upright more

  • Landing Safely After A Spiritual High Series

    Contributed by David Flowers on Dec 1, 2007

    Seventh and final in our Purpose-Driven Life series, this message looks at how to put into practice what we have learned in the previous 40 days.

    Landing Safely After a Spiritual High Wildwind Community Church David K. Flowers November 25, 2007 For those of you who have been part of the 40 Days spiritual journey that we’ve been on here at Wildwind, welcome. But I understand there will be some of you here that are maybe here for the first more

  • Even The High Places! Series

    Contributed by John Crisp on Aug 9, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Each point can be and probably will be a sermon in a series, at least for me: Israel was laid to waist, and Edom was saying to everyone that would listen we have the land that God had promised someone else NOW it is OUR possession how did this happen?

    Ezekiel 36.1.3 – even the high places… 1 Also, thou son of man, prophesy unto the mountains of Israel, and say, Ye mountains of Israel, hear the word of the LORD: 2 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because the enemy hath said against you, Aha, even the ancient high places are more

  • The Reality Of Evil In Post Christian America: Be Spiritually Armed"

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Aug 23, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Sermon Based on Ephesians 6 the Armor of God.... quotes from David Kupelain's book "How Evil Works" concluding with the need for Christians to be defensive and offensive using Paul's descriptive Roman armor.

    In Jesus Holy Name August 26, 2012 Text: Ephesians 6:10-17 Redeemer “The Reality of Evil In Post Christian America” The Need to Be Spiritually Armed Today, we understand the physics of an expanding universe and the mysterious behavior of quarks. We know how to more

  • The High Priestly Prayer

    Contributed by Jay Bunting on Jul 2, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus' prayer for us and using our spiritual gifts.

    John 17:1-19 : The High Priestly Prayer I was sent this story last week by e-mail: A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed. As the barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation. They talked about so many things and various subjects. When they eventually more

  • It Is High Time To Be Awake

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Jun 9, 2022

    Today we’re going to look at the danger of sleeping spiritually. Romans 13:12 gives us two reasons: “The night is far spent, the day is at hand.” We are told that this is no time to sleep. It is high time to awake.

    Alba 6-6-2022 IT IS HIGH TIME TO AWAKE Romans 13:11-14 They say the average American adult doesn't get enough sleep. Sleeping is a wonderful blessing. It refreshes the body and gives new strength. A Japanese transistor manufacturer scheduled 30-second "yawn breaks" into the more

  • Preaching To A Postmodern Culture

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Oct 17, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    In today’s sermon we are going to examine the manner in which Paul implored the Athenians to seek the Creator, sustainer and ordainer of all life in hope that we might learn how to evangelize this postmodern culture!

    Preaching to a Postmodern Culture Acts 17:16-34 Online Sermon: How do we fulfill the command to “go and make disciples” of all nations when most believe that truth is infinitely complex, relational and contextually dependent on socially constructed more

  • A Spiritual Abiding Of The Father And The Son

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on May 19, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    The post-Pentecost manifestation of God in the hearts of His people.

    A SPIRITUAL ABIDING OF THE FATHER AND THE SON. John 14:23-29. Today’s short excerpt comes by way of response to the question of Judas (not Iscariot), “Lord, how is it that You will manifest Yourself to us, and not to the world?” (John 14:22). Typical of the disciples and many of their more

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