Sermon Series
  • 1. Where It All Starts

    Contributed on Mar 30, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus deliberately enables Himself to be arrested, showing that He is totally in control of the situation. In doing so Jesus demonstrates that no one who is in God’s family will be lost.

    Message John 18:1-27 “Where It All Starts”. For the next 8 weeks, and also on Easter Friday, we are going to focus our attention on the chapters 18-21 of John’s Gospel as we look at the Passion of Jesus and His willingness to give His life for us. We are entering the story at the point where Jesus more

  • 2. The Obvious Truth

    Contributed on Mar 30, 2016

    When Pilate is asked to judge the guilt of Jesus Pilate finds himself asking a very significant question: What Is Truth? The truth is that Jesus is declared innocent by Pilate, but He is still put to death because Jesus is also an inconvenience.

    Message John 18:28-40 The Obvious Truth Who ate the lollies? Not me. Not me. Not me. Every parent has had that conversation at one time or another. So, you go to the old faithful approach. “I can tell you are lying when you stick out your tongue”. Who ate the lolly? Not me. Not me. (muffled more

  • 3. The Non-Decision

    Contributed on Mar 30, 2016

    Pilate declares Jesus innocent so Jesus should be set free. But Pilate also needs to compromise so he makes a “non-decision”. Pilate’s decision seems better than the decisive decision of the chief priests to call Caesar their king however a non-decision about Jesus is still a decision against Him.

    Message John 19:1-16a The Non-Decision. Have you ever been in one of those situations where you don’t really make a decision – but by not making a decision you actually make a decision? It might happen to a person who gets asked to join in on a Fun Run. You have to run 10km. You are not sure if more

  • 4. Not Just Business As Usual

    Contributed on May 1, 2019

    While the crucifixion is a brutal affair it must be recognised that, for the Roman soldiers, this event is business as usual. However, as those who are reading about these events, we cannot treat the crucifixion in a business-as-usual fashion.

    Message John 19:16b-27 Not Business As Usual Read John 19:16b-27 Modern technology means that we have been on-the-spot witnesses to many atrocities which have occurred in the last few years. Desert Storm and the Invasion of Iraq September 11. The recent terrorist attack in Christchurch When we more

  • 5. Dead And Buried

    Contributed on May 1, 2019

    This 3-part Good Friday message focuses on:- 1) The human Jesus, therefore He is the only Saviour; 2) The dead Jesus who is not broken, therefore He can help those who are broken; 3) The buried Jesus who brings disciples out of darkness into the light.

    Message (Part 1) John 19:28-42 Dead and Buried Read John 19:28-30 In total there are seven phrases that Jesus speaks while on the cross. Father forgive them because they do not know what they are doing. Today you will be with me in paradise. My God. My God. Why have You forsaken Me? These are more

  • 6. Confusion Reigns

    Contributed on Mar 30, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    The empty tomb produces confusion yet, despite the confusion, Jesus is still at work. When we have confusion keep trusting in the work of Jesus.

    Message John 20:1-10 “Confusion Reigns” A good word which describes the first Easter Long Weekend is Confusion There is the confusion of the temple leaders, elders and teachers. They are face to face with the promised Messiah, yet they want him killed. There is the confusion of the crowd. One more

  • 7. Jesus Keeps Appearing

    Contributed on Mar 30, 2016
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    The resurrection of Jesus means that Jesus has the capacity to keep on appearing in our lives and to give us the very thing that we need the most. In what capacity do you need Jesus to appear to you today?

    Message John 20:11-31 Jesus Keeps Appearing Have you noticed that when you are in need that the appearance of someone who is significant in your life can make all the difference. Maybe your car has broken down and you are stuck in the rain. You have rung your Dad and now he is just arriving to more

  • 8. Post Resurrection Lull

    Contributed on Mar 30, 2016

    After the resurrection a group of disciples ended up fishing. When Jesus turns up 153 fish are caught. Through these verses we are reminded that we need to obey Jesus, even when obedience seems strange, because Jesus will give the resources.

    Message John 21:1-14 Post Resurrection Lull Have you ever had post-exciting-event-syndrome? It is the syndrome which happens when you have been planning an event for a long time … a wedding, a special party, a holiday, a house move You have been putting your energy and time and commitment into more

  • 9. When Jesus Restores The Fallen

    Contributed on Mar 30, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Peter is going through a time of regret around the fire of denial. In response Jesus takes the initiative to restore Peter around a fire of fellowship.

    Message John 21:15-25 When Jesus Restores the Fallen Do you sometimes live your life with a sense of regret? I do. In fact it can be a real struggle and I need to keep challenging myself to stop. Because, when you can keep on looking back, you can find yourself somewhat trapped by the past. And more