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  • Mighty To Save - 1

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on May 18, 2011

    The error of making the text subjective, post modern thought, accepting the scripture as authoritative, and finding sweet, sweet grace.

    Dakota Community Church May 15, 2011 Mighty to Save 1 Last week with mother’s day and communion we did not get to finish our look at how we reconcile the Just and Holy judge who commands the death of “everything that breathes” in the nations that occupy the promised land (in more

  • Waiting On Your Faith

    Contributed by Norman Bernad on Sep 27, 2022

    Mamie Adams always went to a branch post office in her town because the postal employees there were friendly.

    Illustration Mamie Adams always went to a branch post office in her town because the postal employees there were friendly. She went there to buy stamps just before Christmas one year and the lines were particularly long. Someone pointed out that there was no need to wait in line because there was a more

  • My Story Of Ptsd Series

    Contributed by Gary Tate on Mar 6, 2024

    To those who have shared in the various effects of post-traumatic stress disorder (P.T.S.D.)

    Authors Notes We can at times ask the questions such as, why did this happen or why me or perhaps where God was as this developed? This book may not be an answer to all these questions, but I believe this document may help anyone start or continue the process to recovery. There is much that has not more

  • A. W. O. L. (Absent Without Leave)

    Contributed by Johnny Carver on May 21, 2001
    based on 116 ratings

    This sermon addresses the problem of Christians leaving their post of duty and the dangers of their actions and how to prevent dropping out of service as a Christian.

    Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:1 - 4 Title: A. W. O. L. (Absent Without Leave) Introduction: From 1496 B.C. to A.D. 1861,the world knew 2,130 years of war and 227 years of peace. In the last four hundred years European nations have signed more than eight thousand peace treaties. In this century 37.5 more

  • Come And See

    Contributed by Kyle Meador on Nov 28, 2000
    based on 136 ratings

    This is the invitation of the post-modern church to a world hungry to experience something and somone beyond the empty promises of this world - Come and See!

    “Come and See” In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in more

  • For Me

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Oct 8, 2001
    based on 61 ratings

    Funeral message for Calvin John King, widower, father of seven, and long-term post-traumatic stress syndrome sufferer.

    We have all been taught to be unselfish. “Share your toys”, we say to our children. I am pretty sure that was said in the King household, with seven pairs of hands grabbing for the same stuffed animal. “Let your brother have some of your candy bar; you must not be selfish.” All very well, more

  • Has God Spoken? Series

    Contributed by Byron Harvey on Oct 29, 2001
    based on 20 ratings

    This is the first in a series I did on the importance of hanging onto truth in this post-modern age. Outline only for this first one.

    “Anchor Points” “Has God Spoken?” Genesis 1:1; John 1:1 January 30, 2000 Anchor Point #1: “God is here, and He has spoken!” Introduction 3 questions to which every person wants to know the answer: 1. Who Am I? 2. Why Am I Here? 3. Where Am I Going? “There is no man who is not a more

  • Prince Of Peace Series

    Contributed by Hal Seed on Jul 27, 2007
    based on 24 ratings

    This is the fourth in a Christmas series designed to spotlight Jesus as the hope and comfort needed during a scary, post 911 Christmas season.

    [This sermon is contributed by Hal Seed of New Song Church in Oceanside, California and of Hal is the author of numerous books including The God Questions and The Bible Questions. If you are interested in The Bible Questions Church-wide Campaign, please visit and watch Hal’s more

  • A Band Of Brothers Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Apr 9, 2013
    based on 2 ratings

    The impact of the post-resurrection appearances of Jesus was fully felt in his disciples. They went from deserters at the cross to defenders of the cross.

    1. Misfits Good and amusing stories often work on the proposition of an odd mix of unlikely characters: • The Odd Couple --.a neat freak and a world-class slob have to learn how to live together. • Gilligan ’s Island -- seven people, all of whom are weird in some way, stranded more

  • Noah's New Beginning Series

    Contributed by Paul Norwood on Mar 26, 2012

    Series examines several mountain top experiences from scripture: This one is Noah's post-flood experience on the mountains of Ararat.

    “Noah’s New Beginning” Scripture reading: Genesis 8:1-5 I. Welcome II. Introduction I’ve been thinking of a series of lessons on mountain top experiences for some time. There will be eight to ten of these spread out between the two testaments but I believe they can have some more

  • "common Ground" - The Bible For Christians And Conversations With Unbelievers

    Contributed by John Huyser on Jan 18, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Posting or inserting a Bible verse is no longer enough when people speak the same words but operate from different dictionaries.

    Slide 1 Last summer, we met Pastor Lora Copley and her husband, Joel. Just a month prior to the Abide Conference in Chicago, they moved to a church in Ames, Iowa near the University. Engaging with new members and neighbors, she took note of a language barrier present. It was particularly true of more

  • The Jesus Message For The Globe Series

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Apr 13, 2023

    Matthew’s account of the post-resurrection Jesus includes the exciting vision of Jesus to reach the entire world with the news of the Gospel.

    The Jesus Message For The Globe Matthew 28:16-20 Introduction Matthew’s account of the post-resurrection Jesus includes the exciting vision of Jesus to reach the entire world with the news of the Gospel. Matthew 28:16-20 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus more

  • I Care

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Mar 21, 2021

    If you have a Facebook account you may be familiar with the care emoji. We use it when someone posts something sad or painful. But being a caring person goes beyond clicking the care emoji on a Facebook post. Let's see what will help us to be more caring.

    I CARE If you have a Facebook account you may be familiar with the care emoji. When I first saw this I thought it was lame; 'I don't like it or love it; I just care'. But I actually found myself using it for the first time recently when someone posted something sad. I realized more

  • Living A Lifestyle Of Joy

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Aug 23, 2003
    based on 27 ratings

    A message calling Christians to live a life characterized by joy, not grumpiness. This is an expansion on part of the message, "Lighten Up!", also posted on this site.

    Living a Lifestyle of Joy Various Scriptures August 24, 2003 Introduction We all like being around people who are generally upbeat, don’t we? I mean, if you had your choice of being with someone who had a smile or someone who looked like he was weaned on sour lemons, who would you most likely more

  • "Raising Kids In An X Box Generation"

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on May 5, 2003
    based on 82 ratings

    Proverbs 22:6 gives to Biblical Principles that when applied to the Christian home provide Biblical values in a post modern generation.

    “Raising Kids in an X Box Generation” -Children are gifts from the Lord- Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it.” If you compare the amount of time our children and grandchildren are spending playing games or watching videos or more

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