
Summary: This is a post Ester message centering on four statements Jesus gave to his frightened followers on the evening of His resurrection

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John 20:19-31


Have you ever had someone tell you something that was too good to be true? In spite of all the evidence, you just can’t bring yourself to believe it, even though it could change your life?

There is a story of a man who was mountain climbing. He lost his footing and found himself dangling on the rope hanging between the sky and the ground several hundred feet below.

Realizing that he couldn’t hang on for long, he called for help.

“Is anybody up there?”

“Yes, I’m here!”

“Who’s that?”

“The Lord”

“Lord, help me!”

“Do you trust me?”

“I trust you completely, Lord.”

“Good. Let go of the branch.”


“I said, Let go of the branch.”

(After a long pause)

“Is there anybody else up there?”

Sometimes, it is hard to believe someone or something, even when there is all sorts of evidence.

The greatsest news of all time is that Jesus was crucigfied, buried and on the third day he rose from the dead. Las t Sunday and Wednesday we considered evidence proving the resurrection to be true.

I believe the most powerful evidence of the resurrection, is the change it brings to the lives of those who embrace the power of the love of the grace of the living Christ into their lives.

There is no greater testimony than what the living Christ has doen in the lives of His followers.

In our text we see the disciples huddled together in a room. It’s Resurrection Sunday and it has been an eventful day for everyone involved.

It’s now evening and they’re excited, yet afraid. The door was locked because rumor had it that the Jewish leaders wanted to arrest and dispose of anyone who had been associated with Jesus.

The disciples were having trouble believing what they had heard. Only a few hours earlier, Mary Magdalene, and the other women had announced that they had seen Jesus, ALIVE!

The news seemed too unbelievable. After all, it was only a few days ago, that they had seen their best friend, leader, teacher, and master arrested, beaten, crucified and buried. The Romans had set guard over the tomb.

Jesus was dead, and buried and with him all of their hopes dreams and desires.

The disciples were discouraged, disapoointed and consumed by doubt.

Suddenly, without warning, Jesus appears. He is not a ghost or figment of their grief. It is the risen, glorified Jesus.

There is no rebuke, no “how could you?” Jesus doesn’t scold or shame them. The first words out of his mouth show one thing: He accepts them. Can you imagine the relief and the joy that must have flooded their hearts?

The KJV says they were glad to see Jesus but I think it is the NIV that really come closest to their emotion: They were OVERJOYED when they saw the Lord!

Talk about the understatement of all time.

In moments the presence of Jesus transformed the disciples from weak kneed, cowering cowards into confident , faith filled men ready to pursue God’s will at any cost.

That’s the affect of the power of the resurrected Christ in the life of any person who by faith embraces His loving grace.

Wherever people are confronted by the reality of Jesus resurrection their lives are transformed. Because Jesus has risen from the dead, we can be people who experience the power of the resurrection!

In our text we see the disciples huddled together in a room. It’s Resurrection Sunday and it has been an eventful day for everyone involved. It’s now evening and they’re excited, yet afraid. The door was locked because rumor had it that the Jewish leaders wanted to arrest and dispose of anyone who had been associated with Jesus.

Suddenly, without warning, Jesus appears and says in verse 19, “Peace be with you.” I don’t imagine those were the words some of the disciples were expecting.

There is no rebuke, no “how could you?” Jesus doesn’t scold or shame them.

1st he says to them, “Peace be with you”.

That was a common greeting and probably one he had spoken to them many times. But in this situation it was more than a greeting. It was a message!

Can you imagine the relief and the joy that must have flooded their hearts? These first words of Jesus after His resurrection were almost identical to what He said shortly before He was arrested in John 16:33: “I told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

In some respects, it is almost as if the last few days hadn’t happened. Certainly these disciples felt unworthy . . . but the Savior extends peace. Let that sink in. Understand how gracious an act this was.

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