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  • Revelation 1-17

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Oct 7, 2022

    Revelation is apocalyptic literature, a symbolic genre. Who and what does this book reveal?

    Students of Revelation fall into four broad categories, those who believe it’s mostly 1) past history, 2) foretells Christian history, 3) mostly future or 4) symbolic. Revelation is apocalyptic literature, a symbolic genre. Who and what does this book reveal? “The revelation of Jesus Christ, more

  • Jesus Back Before Pilate Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Apr 3, 2023

    Jesus has become a political liability, so He becomes a political pawn. With ruthless, satanic reasoning, Pilate released a murder and sentenced the innocent Jesus to death by crucifixion.

    LUKE 23: 13-17-25 [JESUS’ LAST DAY SERIES] JESUS BACK BEFORE PILATE [JESUS IS SENTENCED TO DEATH] [Mark 15:6-11, 16-20; John 19:1-6] Jesus has been accused of treason by the leaders of His own people. Pilate regards Jesus as having done nothing worthy of death. He thought perhaps that the more

  • Sermon On Egalitarianism

    Contributed by William Meakin on Feb 4, 2022

    Egalitarianism is defined as "A belief in human equality especially with respect to social, political, and economic affairs."

    Brad Miner, an American author once remarked: “The egalitarianism that is the most offensive is the notion, whether embodied in opinion or law, that every way of behaving is as good as any other and that the man who stands apart by reason of his dignity, restraint, and discernment is somehow an more

  • Why Jesus Taught That It Was Ok To Disagree As Long As One Was Not Disagreeable In Manner

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 29 ratings

    There are times when everyone must learn how to be politely disagree.

    There are times when everyone must learn how to be politely disagree. A person who agrees just to avoid conflicts is a coward. Jesus showed the disciples how to disagree without being so disagreeable in disposition that people would be turned off to the messenger. One day the Jews accused Jesus of more

  • Why We Must Not Remain Silent

    Contributed by Ronald Keller on Feb 15, 2004
    based on 99 ratings

    Should our first obligation be to politics or to filling the Great Commission?

    INTRODUCTION In recent days, the events of our Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the USA should tell everyone of us who claim to be Christian that we must not remain silent. Now your first thought would rightly be that we must not remain silent and must act in defense of marriage, speak out more

  • Smyrna Series

    Contributed by Chris Rowney on Jul 20, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Even in the first century the church faced problems of political correctness Churches of Revelation#2 - Smyrna February 2006 • Chris Rowney These messages are also available as audio podcasts at “8 “And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write: The first and the last, who was dead, and has come to more

  • Do All To Stand Series

    Contributed by Todd Pugh on Feb 6, 2007

    How should a Christian stand when dealing with political issues.

    Series: America, Bless God Sermon Title: Do all to Stand Sunday, October 23, 2004 Intro: “the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do” We have now reached the point when political debates deal essentially with the most fundamental matters of right more

  • Sermon On Gracious Acceptance

    Contributed by William Meakin on Dec 1, 2022

    Gracious Acceptance is said to receive something in a polite or kind manner.

    Alexander “Sandy” McCall Smith, a British writer once remarked: “Gracious acceptance is an art – an art which most never bother to cultivate. We think that we have to learn how to give, but we forget about accepting things, which can be much harder than giving…. Accepting another person’s gift is more

  • Gather Up All Things In Christ Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Oct 28, 2016

    We generate history, not by politics and war, but by service to the poor and helpless.

    Thursday of the 30th Week in Course 2016 Joy of the Gospel Every time we turn a page in the New Testament, we are–if we are sensitive–struck by how counter-intuitive the Christian message is. Consider St. Paul’s life. He was, by his own account, a super-Jew. He observed every more

  • Sex, Lies And Videotape: The Real Deal Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on May 13, 2012

    No Christian is immune to the LIES of the Evil One. Seduction is all around us. Yet through prayer, fellowship and a spirit of brotherly/sisterly love we can check in on ourselves and one another.

    Sermon by Adam Cetrangolo [Begin with latest Crown Casino Advertisement,] What you have just seen is the most recent television advertisement for Crown Casino. It is the only one I could get a hold of for today and in some ways it is tamer than some of its more

  • Understanding The Roots Of Contemporary Worldview: The Struggle Of Modern Day Faith

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Apr 26, 2021

    We live in a time of clashing worldviews. We live in a time of great corruption and uncertainty. We live in a time of great splendor, and beauty, and technological marvels and convenience.

    “Never in our country’s history has a generation been so empowered, so wealthy, so privileged—and yet so empty.” ? Ben Shapiro, Porn Generation We live in a time of clashing worldviews. We live in a time of great corruption and uncertainty. We live in a time of great splendor, and beauty, and more

  • The Shepherds Vs. The Wise Men: The Report Goes Out To Working Men, Elites, And Political Leaders

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Dec 14, 2022

    The gospel is information we receive and then decide what we’re going to do with it. We read this map, these directions saying, you’re a sinner, you deserve hell, you will go there without Jesus, but here’s what you do, come to Jesus and receive Him as your savior...

    Recently I received some information, a report that was very good. Chelsey, and Karen, and my mom, and others had gone out for the Stuff a Blue Goose event, for the first time at Meijer, and with the help of MSP they had raised over $1,000 in donations and 300 toys. That is what you would call good more

  • Power And Wisdom Of The Holy Spirit Through Paul Series

    Contributed by David Welch on May 22, 2018

    Message 3 in our exposition of 1 Corinthians commenting on the work of the Holy Spirit in Paul's ministry.

    Chico Alliance Church Pastor David Welch “The Power and Wisdom of the Spirit Working Through Paul” I Corinthians 2:1-5 Basic Outline Address and Introduction (Greeting and Thanksgiving) 1:1-9 I. Reproof for fleshly behavior 1-6 II. Response to questions and issues 7-16 Conclusion 16:5-24 more

  • From Cheek To Cheek

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jul 9, 2013

    "Turning the other cheek" is a challenge to anyone who follows Jesus. What is it? What is it not?

    1. Love Walks In the early 1990s, gang violence erupted in Boyle Heights, a section of East Los Angeles. 8 gangs were in conflict in the parish around the Dolores Mission Catholic Church. Killings and injuries happened daily. A group of women who met for prayer read together the story of Jesus more

  • "Choosing Our King"

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Jul 10, 2002
    based on 25 ratings

    On Palm Sunday Jesus entered as the King, but the crowd was expecting a political revolutionary

    Choosing our King...a Palm Sunday message Pastor Bob Leroe, Cliftondale Congregational Church, Saugus, Massachusetts What kind of deliverer did the people of Jerusalem want? On Palm Sunday the crowds were ecstatic with joy at the coming of the Messiah, but why did they so soon afterwards call more

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