Ronald Keller
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
What Is Communion To You?
Contributed on May 2, 2004
A Communion sermon that ends with an opportunity for members of the congregation to share briefly one of the things Communion means to them.
INTRODUCTION When someone comes to my house for dinner, we eat—And because of my wife’s good cooking, it is always good eating. As we eat we talk, and we talk, and we talk… Our guests and my wife and I get to know each other much better. Today, in a few minutes, before we come to the ...read more
That First Resurrection Morning
Contributed on Mar 28, 2004
A Lenten or Easter sermon using the people, things and events of Matthew’s resurrection story.
INTRODUCTION It is redundant to say, “Easter Sunday.” Why? Because Easter is always on Sunday. Sunday has become the Christian Sabbath ever since Jesus arose from the dead on that first day of the week. He became the first fruits of the dead.(1 Corinthians 15:20) His resurrection has ...read more
Why We Must Not Remain Silent
Contributed on Feb 15, 2004
Should our first obligation be to politics or to filling the Great Commission?
INTRODUCTION In recent days, the events of our Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the USA should tell everyone of us who claim to be Christian that we must not remain silent. Now your first thought would rightly be that we must not remain silent and must act in defense of marriage, speak out ...read more
Y 2 K + 4 = ?
Contributed on Jan 4, 2004
A New Year’s sermon that shows us how to live out the Great Commission during this new year.
INTRODUCTION On New Year’s Day I thought of the “Y2K” scare and realized that it was just a distant memory. Our electrical power continues to supply our homes with energy. I have never had to use the small propane heater and stove that I got just in case… Our telephone systems still keep us ...read more
How Can We Repay The Lord?
Contributed on Nov 24, 2003
A Thanksgiving sermon listing three ways that we may try to repay the Lord for his priceless blessings.
INTRODUCTION When we go to the grocery store we watch and wait while the clerk rings up our orders. When they finish they tell us the total amount that that we owe for our purchases. A trip to the doctor usually ends with the words, “How much do I owe?” When our teenager smashes the fender ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Pictures Of Jesus
Contributed on Dec 1, 2001
Contributed on Sep 30, 2001
Contributed on Sep 24, 2001
Newest Sermon Illustrations
Some Time Ago I Saw A Travelogue On Television ...
Contributed on Nov 24, 2003
“Some time ago I saw a travelogue on television concerning a group of explorers who were searching in Africa for a vanishing tribe. In the course of their travels they came across some natives who for centuries had made their home on the banks of this one particular river. This in itself did not ...read more
A Little Lame Boy Was Once Hurrying To Catch A ...
Contributed on Nov 24, 2003
“A little lame boy was once hurrying to catch a train. In the press of the crowd he experienced real difficulty in manipulating his crutches, especially as he was carrying a basket full of fruit and candy. As the passengers rushed along, one hit the basket by mistake, knocking oranges, apples, ...read more
Billy Bray Was Saved From A Terrible Life Of ...
Contributed on Nov 24, 2003
“Billy Bray was saved from a terrible life of drunkenness and sin. After his conversion he experienced one trouble after another, but he never ceased praising the Lord. At last he came to the place where all he had to eat was a mess of very small potatoes which a friend had given him. Billy Bray ...read more
I Can Remember A Time While I Was A Young And ...
Contributed on May 24, 2003
I can remember a time while I was a young and poor college student of being invited to preach at a church without a pastor. I was to preach and my wife was to sing in the morning worship service and also in the evening service. I was about eighty miles from home. After the service all of the ...read more
I Remember Hearing Of A Man Who Was Deeply In ...
Contributed on Apr 6, 2003
I remember hearing of a man who was deeply in debt. The bill collectors called constantly. One in particular was extremely harassing. The man finally told the bill collector: “When I cash my pay check, I put the name of all my creditors in my hat. I shake the hat. Then I reach in and randomly ...read more