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  • Changing Wardrobe Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Apr 12, 2018

    37th in a series from Ephesians addressing a change in behavior for those who embrace Christ.

    “Changing Wardrobe” Ephesians 4:31 REVIEW I. Our Wealth and Worth In Christ 1-3 II. Our Worthy Walk in Christ 4-6 A. Live in Unity 4:1-16 B. Live in Newness of life 4:17-24 C. Live in Love 4:17-24 1. Speak truth not falsehood 4:25 2. Be angry without sinning 4:26-27 more

  • Pass It On-Respect

    Contributed by Jim Caswell on Apr 20, 2018

    May all who come behind us find us faithful in our respect to God.

    Title: Pass It On-Respect Place: BLCC Date:6/15/2014 Text: 1 Samuel 2.12-29 CT: May all who come behind us find us faithful in our respect to God. Mother’s Day FAS: We live in a fast-paced culture, but some things just ought to happen slowly. The book Final Salute tells the story of Major Steve more

  • The Mysterious Melchizedek Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Sep 22, 2019
    based on 5 ratings

    Melchizedek gets 3 verses in Genesis, but 3 chapters in Hebrews. It's like he disappeared from history until God decided it was time to explain his importance to our faith.

    OPEN: During WWII, the Geneva Convention allowed Allied POWs to receive gifts from home. Some of the most popular gifts were board games and decks of playing cards, and one of the most popular board games was Monopoly… especially the Monopoly games sent to them by British government. The reason more

  • Sensing God - See Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Jan 15, 2018

    This message is one part, of a five part series, on sensing God. The question in focus is how do we see God? The most important aspect of the answer to this question is to see God as he has shown himself to us in Christ.

    A little boy was drawing a picture on a piece of paper. His mother came up to him and asked him what he was drawing. The little boy responded, "I am drawing a picture of God." The mother said to her boy that no one knows what God looks like. The boy said confidently to his mum, “Well they more

  • Our Christian Behavior

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Jan 11, 2022

    This passage of scripture is talking about the Christian’s wardrobe.

    Illus: For example, Princess Diana, Jacqueline Kennedy and Nancy Reagan were known for the beautiful clothes they wore. When Barbara Bush came along, she was a wonderful First Lady, but she was different. In fact, she was so different that many times it looked like she bought her complete more

  • What Ever Happened To Hell?

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 3, 2022

    Sometimes we hear about the “Endangered species” list. That is, there are certain kinds of birds, fish, animals, and insects that die and become few in numbers because of hunting or natural disasters.

    When this happens, they are placed on the “Endangered Species” list so that they will not become extinct. Once they are placed on this list, everything that is imaginable is done to preserve them. This is good, because if they were not placed on this list, soon these birds, fish, insects and more

  • Receiving God’s Grace

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Mar 3, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    There are many believers who know about grace in their mind, but they haven’t taken it to heart. God loves us for who we are, and we do not have to perform for Him or try to be perfect. All the Lord expects is that we simply be His.

    Jesus said, “If the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed” (Jn 8:36 NASB); but how many Christians are actually living as though they’re free? Some portray the look of a death row inmate awaiting the day of execution! There are believers living with regret over past mistakes and sins, and more

  • Psalm 45 - Psalm Of The Sons Of Korah Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Mar 18, 2022

    Psalm 45 is a magnificent Psalm, one of the Messianic ones. This one worships the beauty of the King and covers His glory. It is deep and full of worship.

    Psalm 45 For the choir director; according to the Shoshannim. A Maskil of the sons of Korah. A Song of Love. Ron Ferguson 2021 You will notice a title to this Psalm, and the word “shoshannim” means lilies and it is probable referring to the shape of the musical instrument more

  • God And Creation

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 23, 2022

    Someone has said that Genesis 1:1 is read more than any verse in the Bible.

    This is especially true in January, since many begin the year with the determination to read the Bible through that year, but often that is as far as they get. However, if they only read this one verse, it will tell them a great deal about the God of the Bible. This one scripture is considered more

  • Lessons From The Life Of Abraham (2–5)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Jan 27, 2022

    We live in an age of materialism! It seems we can’t get enough of what this world has to offer. Because of people’s love for things, we have two problems.

    (1) We have people who are up to their eyeballs in debt because they are constantly buying things they can’t afford. Illus: A businessman is in a great deal of trouble financially because he kept buying things when he should not have. He even considered suicide, but he decided before he would do more

  • God And Creation

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Feb 23, 2022

    Someone has said that Genesis 1:1 is read more than any verse in the Bible.

    This is especially true in January, since many begin the year with the determination to read the Bible through that year, but often that is as far as they get. However, if they only read this one verse, it will tell them a great deal about the God of the Bible. This one scripture is considered more

  • If You Can’t Stand The Heat…

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 28, 2022

    We live in the day of change! The world we live in is not the world into which we were born.

    Now we must admit that some of these changes are for the better. For example: • None of the ladies would want to go back to washing their family’s clothes on a scrub board • Mothers would not know what to do without their microwave ovens • Men would not know what to do without our T.V. remote more

  • You Shall Not Be Afraid

    Contributed by John Gaston on May 20, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    God assures us we need not be afraid because 1). we are in our Father's hand, 2). God is planning a bright future for us, and 3). because perfect love casts out all fear. Read about God's wonderful plans for your life!

    YOU SHALL NOT BE AFRAID Ps. 91:5; Jn. 10:28-29 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. Driving to work, a man had to swerve to avoid a box that fell out of a truck in front of him. Seconds later, a policeman pulled him over for reckless driving. 2. Fortunately, another officer had seen the carton in the more

  • You Shall Not Murder Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 21, 2021

    The Bible’s opening plotlines show the firstborn man, Cain, killing his brother Abel. Think of it: the firstborn person in the human race was a murderer.

    Contrary to many people’s thoughts that civilization is more civilized, evidence suggests that murder is on the increase. In 1963, in Scotland, two people were convicted of murder. In 2000, there were 128 reported homicides in Scotland. In 1960, the District of Columbia reported 81 murders. In 1991 more

  • Empowering Men To Be Great Fathers And Husbands

    Contributed by Scott Maze on May 24, 2021

    A good marriage extends grace to you when you are grumpy; remembers your birthdays, your favorite foods, and your favorite music; celebrates your wins; speaks the truth when no one else will; serves one another with joy without complaining; and affirms my best qualities when I am insecure.

    I had a really good father in life. My dad, Brian Maze, taught me to work hard as he grew up around the steel industry of Pittsburgh. He taught me to hate debt. He was a savor and modeled great wisdom for me in personal finance. He taught me to love my country as he was a Vietnam Vet around 1965. more

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