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  • Pity Party

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Jun 16, 2022

    How to stop the pity party from Psalm 77; Psalm 77 invites us to look, learn and love Adapted from Eugene Peterson's book, "Where Your Treasure Is"

    HoHum: Back in the 60’s there was a singer named Lesley Gore who recorded, “It’s My Party.” The lyrics were written by Seymour Gottlieb, a freelance songwriter. The song lyrically portrays the discomfort of a teenage girl at her birthday party when her boyfriend Johnny disappears, only to return more

  • No Place For A Pity Party

    Contributed by John Baggett on Nov 24, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    Pity is natural but is for others not ourselves. Self Pity is dangerous. (1)Everyone is subject to self pity (2ADVERSITY IS NOT MEANT TO LEAD US TO SELF PITY BUT TO STRENGHTH IN CHRIST(3)Turning to God in our self pity is our hope for deliverance from it

    No Place for a Pity Party MT 16:21-24 If we think in terms of thankfulness we might say that there are many emotions that would compliment a heart that is filled with thanksgiving. For example love compliments thanksgiving, happiness compliments thanksgiving, joy and more

  • Jonah's Pity Party

    Contributed by Keith Broyles on Oct 7, 2014

    Jonah as both an unwilling and angry prophet, filled with self-pity.

    Over the edge. That is where so many employers seem to be pushing their workers these days. Perhaps you have felt it yourself. You work hard, sometimes too hard in what seems like 24/7 and even then the work just never stops. Your job drains you, mentally, physically and even spiritually. You put more

  • How To Avoid A Pity Party

    Contributed by Damion Lowe on Jan 22, 2011

    We must learn to stop feeling sorry for ourselves and learn to see the blessings in life.

    “HOW TO AVOID A PITY PARTY” By Dr. Tom Wallace The Story Of The Prodigal’s Brother is one often missed by many preachers. Yet we find a great life lesson here about pouting and having a "pity party." Luke 15:25 - 32“ …and he was angry and would not go more

  • Are We Enjoying A Pity Party?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Mar 21, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    It is so easy to have A PITY PARTY and feel like your are the only person in the world that is having trouble. What are you doing here? Problems and obstacles are common.

    HAVING A PITY PARTY... THE BATTLE OF THE MIND By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. This lesson is not about clinical depression from a chemical imbalance that requires professional help. Do you know no 16 seed NCAA team has ever beaten a #1 seed? Someday, some team will break that more

  • Turn Your Pity Into Praise

    Contributed by Tommy Jackson on Oct 2, 2002
    based on 84 ratings

    Having a "pity party"? You can turn your pity into praise!

    “Turn Your Pity Into Praise” Text: 1 Kings 19:1 – 18 Title; This morning I want to talk to you on the subject “Turning Your Pity Into Praise” Notice in this biblical account there are at least 5 mistakes that Elijah made: Mistake # 1 – Elijah was throwing a pity party! * In verse 4 he tells more

  • Pity Party - Prodigal Son / Brother

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Aug 28, 2004
    based on 81 ratings

    It’s a sad tune because the only instrument in the band is your own drum which you are beating on incessantly - Very "Phunny" opening poem, then the CURSE, CAUSE, AND CURE of Self Pity. Link inc. to formatted text, audio/video, PowerPoint.

    Pity Party Luke 15:25-32 It’s a sad tune because the only instrument in the band is your own drum which you are beating on incessantly. It’s not fun to listen to and no one taps their foot. But you are certain it makes you feel better to beat it out more

  • Never Invite God To A Pity Party

    Contributed by Jeffrey Samelson on Sep 1, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    When we’re tempted to focus on everything that’s wrong in our lives, God directs us back to him and leaves us no room for self-pity.

    July 11, 2004 — Sixth Sunday after Pentecost Christ Lutheran Church, Columbia, MD Pastor Jeff Samelson 1 Kings 19:14-21 Never Invite God to a Pity Party I. He Won’t Agree with You II. He Won’t Let You Wallow III. He Won’t Leave You Alone Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the more

  • Blush - Pt. 3 - Pool Parties Or Pity Parties? Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Mar 14, 2013

    Cheeks bright red. Eyes averted. Head ducked in shame. There are some questions that should still embarrass us. However, red cheeks may just lead to changed hearts!

    Blush Pt. 3 - Pool Parties or Pity Parties? Cheek coloring moments. We all hate them. That instance in which you would like to crawl in a hole. You thought no one noticed and you discover that everyone saw you fall, fail, make a fool of yourself. You find yourself with a blush. Like . . . more

  • What To Do When You're Tired Of Serving The Lord

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Jun 7, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    A look at why we get tired of serving God and His reactions to the "pity parties" that we throw ourselves.

    [This is a long outline with a lot of points and is therefore probably more suited to a Wednesday evening study.] "I DON'T WANNA!": There are times in the Christian journey when we get tired of serving the Lord and we throw a pity party. - Jeremiah 20:14-18. - We whine and complain and fuss and more

  • Moses: Prayer For Pity Series

    Contributed by Travis Markes on Oct 29, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    Series on men and women’s prayers in the Bible that made a difference and how prayer truly is the difference maker in our lives. I borrowed the outlines from SermonCentral Pro Contributor Tim Byrd.

    Moses: The prayer for pity Numbers 11:10-17 When it comes to our Christian walk I suppose all of us at some time or another get angry and we begin to complain and want to give up and quit. We say things like there’s no use. The harder I try the worse things get. I don’t witness because no more

  • How To Throw A Pity Party -- 1 Samuel 27:1-12; 30:1-6 Series

    Contributed by James D. Thornber on Mar 2, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    What will you do when, not if but when, the troubles come? If you do want to throw yourself a good old fashioned pity party – and I’ve met a few people who are experts – let me tell you how to do so.

    How to Throw a Pity Party 1 Samuel 27:1-12; 30:1-6 When Barbara and I first came to Independence, we began our Wednesday night Bible studies with a teaching on the book of James. We figured we’d get off to a good running start on what it means to live out our Christians lives in the realness more

  • Come To The Party

    Contributed by Robert Dovenmuehle on Mar 12, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Joy and celebration are taking place in the streets of heaven. He rejoices over all those who repent of their sins and seek to know Him. He wants you to join Him in His joy. He wants you know His great love for you. Rejoice with Him! Come to the party!

    Have you ever thought about why God would create us to have children? He could have created us like the angels who don’t have children. He could have created as many people as He wanted all at once. He could have created a few people and continued to create more as He saw fit to populate His more

  • Pity The Man

    Contributed by James Childers on Nov 16, 2000
    based on 79 ratings

    general revival theme

    PITY THE MAN--JOB 19:16-21 INTRODUCTION; This message came from the song "pity the man" In the eyes of those who did not understand Job, he was a man who surely deserved to be pitied. HE SUFFERED: 1-mentally 2-physicially 3-spiritally When you see what this man possessed and what he more

  • A Pitiful Sight

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Apr 29, 2011
    based on 38 ratings

    An illustration of people groups who today do ’penance’ to earn God’s favor highlights Paul’s admonition to the Jews who made so many pitiful attempts at gaining God’s salvation He wants to freely give away. Link inc. to formatted text, audio, Powerpoint

    A Pitiful Sight Romans 4:9-25 Every hear a great throng of people make pilgrimage to the Shrine of Guadalupe in Mexico, a site where supposedly the Virgin Mary once stood...however unlikely that is. They go there hoping to get her attention, and to more

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