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Sermons on Philippians 4:4:

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  • Philippians And Stress 5: Choose Not To Be Anxious Series

    Contributed by Vic Folkert on Mar 26, 2020

    Alternatives to Anxiety: Prayer, Pure Thoughts, Putting God's Word into Practice.

    PHILIPPIANS AND STRESS: CHOOSE NOT BE ANXIOUS—Philippians 4:4-9 ***Project on the screen a hand-written note: “Dear stress, Let’s break up.” If only it were that simple!** The Apostle Paul was writing the letter to the Philippians from prison, or perhaps house arrest. It had to be a stressful more

  • How To Overcome Fear, Anxiety And Worry

    Contributed by Lalachan Abraham on Mar 30, 2020

    The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? – Psalm 27:1

    The COVID-19 crisis (corona virus pandemic) is fear inducing and frightening for millions of people. Fear has been a part of the human existence since the fall of man in Genesis 3:8-10. Everyone, regardless of how brave they seem, is afraid of something. There are so many things today that can more

  • Being Stable In Times Of Instability

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Mar 30, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    We like the comfort of normalcy. But what happens when your normal is turned upside-down? We' re all having to deal with a new normal. Many people are panicking. It's important that we don't get caught up in it. What can help us to stay stable in times of instability?

    BEING STABLE IN TIMES OF INSTABILITY Although spontaneity can be exciting, I think most of the time we like structure and routine. Unless we're watching a suspenseful movie, we like to know what's expected to happen. We like the comfort of normalcy. But what happens when your normal is more

  • Finding Your "rtgo" When Coping With A Loss

    Contributed by Byron Perrine on Jul 9, 2019

    The death of a loved one or other disappointment in life can rob us of a reason to go on. This message is intended to encourage and to point out ways of recovering “RTGO".

    (If you have found this sermon helpful, please visit us at or Several years ago I hired a young couple who were sure they could come in and successfully manage the restaurant at a resort hotel that I owned at the time. In the beginning more

  • The Cure For Anxiety

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Aug 5, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon is going to focus on Paul’s five steps to curing anxiety: living by grace, replacing anxiety with prayer, telling God everything, having a thankful heart and by receiving the peace of God that surpasses all understanding

    The Antidote for Anxiety Philippians 4:4-7 Online Sermon: “It is good for a man to have a holy care, and to pay due attention to every item of his life; but, alas! it is very easy to make it into an unholy care, and to try to wrest from the hand of more

  • Walking In The Peace Of God

    Contributed by Terry Denis on Aug 8, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Everyone seeks peace of mind. Who doesn’t want peace? Many try to find peace by traveling to places close to nature, with an ardent hope that the aura of tranquility would usher to them a mood of calmness and peace of mind.

    Introduction, Everyone seeks the feeling of peace of mind. Who doesn’t want peace? Many try to find peace by traveling to places close to nature, with an ardent hope that the aura of tranquility would usher to them a mood of calmness and peace of mind. Still, others enroll in courses on more

  • Stay Calm

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Feb 13, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    A message on anxiety

    Note: Some of the notes came from Max Lucados book called Be Anxious for Nothing Title: Don’t be Anxious Theme: Learning to deal with anxiety and stress in our lives. Text: Phillippians 4:4 – 8 Philippians 4:4-8 Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice. (5) Let your moderation be more

  • Our Choice To Rejoice Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Feb 27, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Learning how to rejoice during anxiety

    Note: I used Max Lucado's book Be Anxious for Nothing as a reference for this sermon series. Many of the quotes come from this book. Title: The Choice to Rejoice Theme: From the series of Be Anxious for Nothing Text: Genesis 50, Philippians 4:6 – 14, Lamentations 3 Philippians 4:4-9 Rejoice more

  • In Christ - You Can Be Joyful Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Mar 7, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    By directing our attention to of joy Paul equips us with a strategy to face the difficult circumstances in life. We cannot do this in our own strength, or by pretending, but only by having a deep seated trust in the Lord and His work in our lives.

    You can listen to the full message here:- Message Philippians 4:4 In Christ - You Can be Joyful The book of Philippians can be described as a book that tells us how to be joyful and rejoice. What is interesting however more

  • Our Survival Kit Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Mar 12, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    In this section of Philippians, Paul points them toward three important Christ-like characteristics that are vital for us to survive and to thrive.

    Introduction: A. Let’s imagine for a moment that your airplane has gone down in the middle of the ocean. 1. You find yourself floating in a life raft designed for survival. 2. You immediately and frantically search for the survival kit that is usually provided in a life raft, and you are relieved more

  • The Voice Of Joy (A Joyful Hope)

    Contributed by Cesar Datuin on Mar 15, 2022

    How can we be full of joy and at the same time be hopeful when we are in the midst of pandemic and war? I always pray that we can find joy in times like this as we search for the true meaning of joy. Let us all find the voice of joy in our lives.

    Good morning and we welcome everyone to our 1st Sunday for the month of March 2022 with a monthly theme “A Joyful Hope” with our theme verse found in Romans 12:12 Romans 12:12 NLT Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. "Be joyful in hope." This means more

  • Blessed Or Stressed?

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 17, 2022

    We all deal with STRESS in different ways. There is GOOD STRESS and there is BAD STRESS!

    Good stress, also called “eustress”, is very beneficial to our life. It means we stretch ourselves to be our very best. For years we've believed that stress is a bad thing - it damages our health. But stress can have a good side. Illus: For example, for a violinist to make music, the strings more

  • The Battle Of The Mind

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 29, 2022

    Today we hear the alarming news about the cloning of human beings.

    There are already some serious questions that keep coming up about cloning, such as: • Could you clone Larry King, or would it have to be living tissue? • If we clone our generation will there be enough of them working to support Social Security when I retire? • If Larry King clones himself and more

  • Harmony Through Happiness (Eat Some Peaches) - Philippians 4:4 Series

    Contributed by Darrell Ferguson on Apr 2, 2022

    To have unity we must overcome joylessness, lack of reasonableness, and anxiety. We have to be told to rejoice because we naturally resist it, and because we tend to seek joy in earthly things instead of in (not just from) the Lord. Find happiness by enjoying God throughout the day.

    Philippians 4:1 Therefore, my brothers, you whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, that is how you should stand firm in the Lord, dear friends! 2 I plead with Euodia and I plead with Syntyche to agree with each other in the Lord. 3 Yes, and I ask you, loyal yokefellow, help these women who more

  • Five Keys To Answered Prayer

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Jul 17, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Effectiveness in prayer is more than a matter of volume. We pray in the context of our relationship with God. We learn to align ourselves with the will of God so that we are partnering with him rather than trying to persuade him. This message teaches how to pray in faith for results.

    Intro In this message we will review five keys to answered prayer. When we make our requests to God, we are not just fulfilling a religious duty. We are interacting with our Heavenly Father concerning a perceived need. Our petition is not effective until we either get the answer or get counsel from more

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