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  • Into The Night: Peter Series

    Contributed by Jerry Owen on May 20, 2018

    The series concerns itself with the night Jesus was arrested. This second sermon explores that dark night from the perspective of Simon Peter.

    INTO THE NIGHT: PETER Last week we looked at Judas. He left the Last Supper and went out into the night to complete the betrayal of Jesus. Today, we will look at Peter who also experienced great failure that same night. Judas’ story ended tragically. How will Peter’s story of failure end? 1. THE more

  • Peter Delivered Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Apr 16, 2017

    The Jews were pleased to see that the government in Palestine, Herod Agrippa being the current ruler, was taking action against the followers of this new religion, for they saw Christianity as a threat to their way of life and to the Jewish religion.

    June 17, 2014 Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles By: Tom Lowe Lesson: III.F.2: Peter Delivered (12:3-17) Scripture (Acts 12:3-17; KJV) 3 And more

  • The Restoration Of Peter Series

    Contributed by Jerry Love on May 2, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Peter feels like a useless failure but Jesus restores him not only to his good graces, but to useful service.

    The Restoration of Peter Luke 22:31 31 “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. 32 But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” 33 But he replied, “Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to more

  • Peter's Denials

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Mar 12, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    With Easter being a few weeks away our focus begins to shift to Jesus' death and resurrection. When Jesus told his disciples about this one of them became a little upset. You know about Peter denying that he knew Jesus but that's just one of his denials.

    PETER'S DENIALS With Easter being a few short weeks away our focus begins to shift to Jesus' death and resurrection. When Jesus began to inform his disciples about this one of them became a little indignant. You may be wondering if the sermon title has a typo. You know about Peter denying that he more

  • Jesus And Peter! Series

    Contributed by Larry Vollink on Feb 26, 2021

    How can a man like Peter be changed completely turned around for the good? Listen!

    What a life-changing friendship between Jesus and Peter! He was the son of Jonas, and the brother to Andrew and made fishing his career. They named him Simon, just like a lot of other people with the same name. When his life begins in the gospels, he and Anfrew are listening to the preaching of more

  • "Peters Message"

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Apr 22, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Peter shares his message after healing a man begging for alms.

    Acts 3:12-19 Peters Message 1. Peter and John come upon a lame man who desires alms vs. 3 • The lame man is healed vs 7 • Onlookers are amazed at what they have witnessed vs 9-11 • Now consider the problem the assumption of the crowd vs 12 And when Peter saw it, he more

  • Peter And Easter

    Contributed by James Hickman on Mar 19, 2016

    How did Peter greet the first Easter? His failure before the crucifixion may have kept him from fully appreciating what Easter meant. Using the clues given in the gospels and elsewhere, the sermon discusses how Jesus dealt with Peter's failure and fear.

    Peter and Easter Luke 24:12 Though the women told and retold the story of their experience at the empty tomb, the Eleven and the other disciples didn't believe them. It was just too incredible. Yet, Peter seems to have decided something must have happened at the tomb and determined to find out more

  • The Restoration Of Peter

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 11, 2015

    The Restoration Of Peter

    Matt 26 v.57 & 58 v. 69 - 75 & John Ch 21 v 1 -19 The Restoration Of Peter 1. The Reality of Peter’s Denial - Peter Was Saved more

  • Peter's Denials Series

    Contributed by Leighton (Lee) Vary on Oct 18, 2016

    Did Peter deny Christ three times, or did he deny Christ six times?

    Introduction A. This is an unusual message this morning because it is stickily informational 1. At the end you will have to decide of what use this information is B. Let us read a few passages from the gospels 1. First is Matthew 26:34-35 2. Jesus told Peter that he would deny Jesus three more

  • Peter And The Israelites PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 19, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the prophetic fulfillment in our actions, the plea for forgiveness, and the promise of redemption in Acts 3:12-19.

    Good morning, beloved family of God. We are gathered here today, not by accident, but by divine appointment. Today, we stand on the precipice of a new understanding, a fresh revelation from the Word of God. Our hearts are open, our spirits are willing, and our minds are ready to receive what the more

  • Peter And Paul And Their Church-Building Witness

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Nov 14, 2023

    There's much to learn about building on the Foundation that is Christ, and Peter and Paul teach us much.

    Saturday of the 32nd Week in Course 2023 Today we celebrate an anniversary that is important to the Catholic Church, with readings that should speak to all Christians. The anniversary is of the dedication of the Basilica of Ss. Peter and Paul in Rome, which is atop Vatican Hill and contains the more

  • Dealing With False Teachers-New Testament

    Contributed by Larry Wolfe on Jul 6, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    Outline of II Peter 2 and the book of Jude

    Dealing with False Teaching-New Testament & Now I. The False Teachers Doctrine (New Testament) A. The Saducees [Gospels; Acts] (Denial of the Resurrection) B. The Pharisees [Gospels; Acts] (Denial of the Truth vs. Tradition) C. The Judaizers [Acts 15; Galatians] (Denial of more

  • Peter’s Struggle: Overcoming The Wall Of Prejudice

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on May 19, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    It was essential for Peter to admit (And us), when prejudice is in operation. Our prejudices and biases always collide with God's grace. God has no favorites; we are all equal in his sight. He welcomes whosoever!

    Sermon Peter’s Struggle: Overcoming The Wall of Prejudice Scripture Reading: Acts 10: 1-23 “1 In Caesarea there lived a Roman army officer named Cornelius, who was a captain of the Italian Regiment. 2 He was a devout, God-fearing man, as was everyone in his household. He gave generously to the poor more

  • What Are You Teaching?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jun 17, 2015

    Are you agitated? Do you have an anger driven ministry? Does the negative seem to domain? It may take this storm to get you where God desires you to be?

    WHAT ARE YOU TEACHING? HEAR SOME BASIC LESSONS? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I. WHAT AM I REALLY TEACHING? ANGER DRIVEN? MY EXAMPLE AS HOW I HANDLE AGITATION... A. God gives very clear directions... Numbers 20:8 Take the rod, and gather thou the assembly together, thou, and more

  • The Errors And Teaching Of Balaam

    Contributed by Lay Man on May 29, 2015

    There are some among you who hold to the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to entice the Israelites to sin so that they ate food sacrificed to idols and committed sexual immorality. - Revelation 2:14 Solomon the wisest man on the earth said there is ..

    There are some among you who hold to the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to entice the Israelites to sin so that they ate food sacrificed to idols and committed sexual immorality. - Revelation 2:14 Solomon the wisest man on the earth said there is nothing new under the sun. And so it is that more

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