Jesus And Peter! Series
Contributed by Larry Vollink on Feb 27, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: How can a man like Peter be changed completely turned around for the good? Listen!
What a life-changing friendship between Jesus and Peter! He was the son of Jonas, and the brother to Andrew and made fishing his career. They named him Simon, just like a lot of other people with the same name. When his life begins in the gospels, he and Anfrew are listening to the preaching of John the Baptist. They may have watched Jesus being baptized and knew this man, Jesus was very special, calling him The Prophet. They asked Jesus, "where dwellest thou?" Jesus said "come and see!" One was Andrew, then Andrew went to his brother Simon and said "We have found the Christ!" Then amazingly, Jesus says, ""Thou art Simon, the son of Jonas, thou shalt be called Cephas, which means 'stone'". (John 1:42)
From that moment on, Simon dropped his fishing nets, left his family, and was with Jesus for the next 3 years. Jesus is not just a close friend to him, but is Rabbi, and Master and Lord. And Simon Peter becomes His closest disciple and watches every move Jesus made with him. Peter and Jesus together! Matthew's Gospel, devotes many chapeters telling us about Jesus and Peter. Mark's Gospel, Chap.14 especially, 72 verses, speaks of Peter involved in Jesus' last days going to the cross.
The character of Simon comes out as a strong-willed man, agressive, impetous. His sudden actions in front of Jesus, had to be corrected by Jesus in front of the others. But Jesus gave him a new name that would describe him later, a stone, or a rock. Jesus knew Peter's heart and soul and his future. Abram was changed to Abraham and Jacob was changed to Israel, to give them a new future with God.
There were different events that Peter was convinced with Jesus being the Lord as the Gospels ddescribe. Another, was when Peter was fishing all night and caught nothing. Jesus helped to catch 153 large fish and immediately Simon sees him as a sinner and says to Jesus, "Depart from me for I am a sinful man." "Don't be afaraid, Peter, for you will now become fishers of men.!" Peter is now committed to following Jesus to the very end.
Another, is when Jesus asked Peter who Jesus is and he said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God."
Again, He commits Himself to Jesus. Then we know again when Peter denied Jesus 3 different times and wept bitterly. He said publicly, "I don't know the man!" Peter let his Savior down at the most crucial time in Jesus' life when He needed a friend.
Peter needed something from His Friend Jesus . . it was the eyes of Jesus looking back at him from a distance. His eyes met the eyes of Jesus, and Peter knew what he did and cries profusely . . . it broke Peter's heart that Peter would never forget this moment on. But Peter knew later He would be forgiven even in this moment.
So Jesus asked Peter a few days later, after the resurrection, "Do you love me? YES! Then feed my lambs!" NOW everything adds up to this new man, filled with the Spirit of God. Peter is full of boldness as he preaches, as he performs miracles, as He now writes to the believers in his epistles. Peter, in his boldness would be kind of man, Jesus needed to lead in Christ's Church. Being thrown in prison with John, then was the spokesman as he addressed the Sanhedrin.
The book of Acts has many stories of Peter's leadership that he dwelt with. Ananias and Sapphira (Cap.5) and when the church was suffering persecutions, Peter was given boldness to speak to the high priest. Then Peter was called upon to bring the gospel to the first Gentile, Cornelius. (Acts 10) His testimony was the foundationrock of the Church and his personal loyalty to Jesus was rock solid.
Some people will like what tradition has said about the aged Apostle Peter. Some say he made it to Rome and others will say no he did not. Nero, the Emperor, was the one who hated the Christians. And Peter escaped and is leaving the city. On the journey back, Peter meets Jesus, like Paul had met Jesus. Peter asked Jesus, where are you going? Jesus said, "I am going to Rome, to be crucified again!" Peter, then turns around and heads back to Rome. He is then put the cross to be crucified like His Master. But Peter halted his and said to put him upside down, because he did not feel he was worthy to be put to death like his Savior.
CONCLUSION: Peter had many lessons to learn about himself. His self-confidence turned into humility. His impetiousness into a quiet self-control. His rashness into a reverence for His Master. What lessons can we learn from being with Jesus? Does it mean we should be given a new name filled with the Spirit of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and self control? (Galatians 5:23) Amen.
Presented By Larry L. Vollink retired chaplain/pastor Cedar Springs, MI (616) 655-4129 lawrenceV@comcast.net