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  • Persian Beauty Contest Series

    Contributed by Greg Van Heukelom on Dec 15, 2020

    People today like to watch the show ‘The Bachelor’ or ‘The Bachelorette’ and yet the reality is this Persian contest was set up only for one person, the King. A big question for today: HOW can God use a pagan King and Esther---unfaithful (to the Jewish) laws. And yet God is in CONTROL

    Persian Beauty Contest Esther 2 18 Oct 2020 Hello! I'm Pastor Greg of Calvary Reformed Church. This video is the second video in a series of Esther, an Old Testament book about a Jewish young lady who becomes Queen of Persia. Persia, in the 400 BC’s, was one of the greatest capitals of more

  • Saddam And The Prince Of Persia

    Contributed by Paul Wallace on Mar 31, 2003
    based on 79 ratings

    What does the Bible have to say about Iraq? You might be surprized to find that the Bible is filled with references to Iraq, from Genesis to Revelation. There is a pattern that can be seen as far back as 820 BC. The spiritual forces there are continuing

    Saddam and the Prince of Persia 4-06-03 The backlash against our government’s stand against Iraq has caused me to wonder what is going on in the spiritual realm. Perhaps I am naïve or uninformed, but it doesn’t seem to be that complicated. There is a tyrant that brutally attacked a neighboring more

  • The Blind Criticising The Former Blind Series

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Apr 6, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    What to say when called upon the Persian Carpet

    3 Blind Mice” Three blind mice, three blind mice. See how they run! See how they run! They all ran after a farmer's wife, Who cut off their tails with a carving knife. Did you ever see such a thing in your life, As three blind mice? WHAT KIND OF THING IS THIS TO TEACH KIDS? Many nursery more

  • Everyday Prophets - Haggai Series

    Contributed by Brady Boyd on Mar 4, 2021

    Haggai is written 60 years after the Israelites have been in captivity in Babylon. The Babylonian empire was in decline and now the Persians were the dominant force. The Persians allowed the Jewish people to return to Jerusalem, which was in ruins.

    Everyday Prophets – Haggai March 7, 2021 Haggai is written 60 years after the Israelites have been in captivity in Babylon. The Babylonian empire was in decline and now the Persians were the dominant force. The Persians allowed the Jewish people to return to Jerusalem, which was in ruins. Haggai more

  • Cajuns, Prophets, And Persian Kings: God's Servants To Bless His People

    Contributed by Eloy Gonzalez on Nov 3, 2002
    based on 51 ratings

    Pentecost 22: Trials, persecutions, and the most difficult moments in life are used by God to deliver us from greater harm and to bless us.

    A few nights ago I was sitting in the living room working on the computer. While checking my email, a pop-up ad for appeared. is an Internet company that stores graduation and reunion information for schools and military units. For some reason I decided to look up more

  • No Halfway Measures

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Sep 23, 2023

    The Persian Broadcasting System interviews King Nebuchadnezzar after his seven-year absence.

    Good morning. This is Ashbazar with the Persian Broadcasting System, bringing you a morning edition of the Newshour, with a breaking story live from Babylon. We have been told to stand by for a story of national importance direct from the king’s palace. As soon as they are ready, we will go direct more

  • When Daniel Becomes A Governor Series

    Contributed by Dr. Dave Hartson on Jul 21, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Daniel remained faithful whether he was serving the Babylonian king or the Medes-Persian King.

    Background Information The Babylonian kingdom fell to the Medes and Persians just as Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar that it would. The judgement of Belshazzar for drinking from the vessels of God came swiftly as spoken through the prophet, Daniel. What God says He does! So, we are introduced to the more

  • Esther Series Part 1

    Contributed by Jack Martin on May 10, 2023

    INTRO : Its the account of a captive jewish maiden who amazingly is elevated to the throne of the persian Queen....

    Unrest In The Palace Series Scripture: Esther 1:1-22 Summary: Part one of a series on the book of Esther INTRO : Hidden away in the obscure corner of the Old Testament, Esther is a beautiful story of human love & palace intrigue. The setting is in the days of Israels captivity under the more

  • Nehemiah: Building And Battling

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Apr 14, 2003
    based on 84 ratings

    Nehemiah was the Persian king’s Cup Bearer. Even though he was a servant, he was trusted to be a leader.

    A.INTRODUCTION (Nehemiah 1-6) 1.After the Babylonian captivity was over, two men helped restore the city of Jerusalem. a.Zerubbabel built the TEMPLE. b.Nehemiah built the WALLS. 2.This is the first of two lessons about Nehemiah (his name means comfort of the Lord) who was the Persian king’s Cup more

  • A "persian Flaw": How Peter (And The Rest Of Us) Need To Learn To Forgive Ourselves

    Contributed by Jessica Linde on Aug 29, 2024

    Looking at the example of Peter and his denial of Jesus, this sermon's ultimate message is that God has long since already forgiven us of our mistakes, so now it's time that we forgive ourselves.

    When I was conversing with colleagues earlier this week about the theme of today’s service, I was reminded of an idiom that we have in the English language: for something to be a “Persian flaw”. Have any of you heard this idiom before? Right… okay. A couple of you. It’s one that isn’t as common more

  • The Power Of Persistent Prayer

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Aug 12, 2002
    based on 1,160 ratings

    Jesus taught that we should "always pray and not give up." But why? Is God hard of hearing? Is it difficult to get His attention? Or is there something else we don’t understand?

    OPEN: The organ in a large church broke down one Sunday morning just before services were to begin. A member of the congregation happened to be a organ repairman and he immediately went to work on the instrument – finding it was a simple electrical problem. When he finally got it fixed it more

  • The Lions Of Life Series

    Contributed by Allan Kircher on Feb 24, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    “The sunset of Babylon’s kingdom has now become the dawning of the Medo-Persian empire.”

    The Lions in Daniel’s Den Date: February, 26th, 2012 Scripture: Daniel 6 The story/Daniel/lion’s den/one/best-known/best-loved stories in the entire Bible.  Little children love it/Sunday school teachers love to tell it.  Encouraged/people/God for thousands of more

  • The King Who Rules Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Jun 29, 2019

    Looking at the splendour and power of the Persian king, the author set the stage for his readers to appreciate the work of the unseen King who rules.

    Last week Michael gave us an overview of the book of Esther. Let’s recap the timeline. Cyrus (559-530) Ezra 1:1 – 1st year of his reign over Babylon, allowed Jews to return Zerubbabel led the first returnees in 538 BC Started rebuilding altar/Temple but halted until 2nd yr Darius (Ezra more

  • Cyrus The Great Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Feb 7, 2022

    Cyrus II of Persia, commonly known as Cyrus the Great and called Cyrus the Elder by the Greeks, was the founder of the *Achaemenid Empire, the first Persian empire.

    Cyrus the Great Cyrus II of Persia, commonly known as Cyrus the Great and called Cyrus the Elder by the Greeks, was the founder of the *Achaemenid Empire, the first Persian empire. Born: *Anshan, Iran, 600 BC Died: December 4, 530 BC, (aged 70) the *Syr Darya Full name: Cyrus II of more

  • The Magi And Three Gifts Series

    Contributed by Brady Boyd on Dec 9, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    The Magi were educated men who understood Hebrew prophecies about the Messiah. They were Persian and probably came from modern-day Iran.

    The Magi and Three Gifts December 12, 2021 Matthew 2:1-12 NIV After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem 2 and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship more

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