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Sermons on pele yoetz:

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  • Pele Yoetz- My Wonderful Counselor Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Dec 2, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 16th sermon in the "Knowing God" series.

    Series: Knowing God [#16] PELE YOETZ- MY WONDERFUL COUNSELOR Isaiah 9:6 Introduction: Every year after Thanksgiving, people begin to prepare for Christmas. You begin to see Christmas lights, Christmas trees, and Christmas decorations, (other places besides stores, who have had Christmas more

  • Of Mbappe, Pele And The "Original Pele”!!!

    Contributed by Suresh Manoharan on Jul 23, 2018

    Gleaning valuable spiritual lessons in the process of tracing the origin of the name "Pele" (with the Football fever still on) to its Biblical roots!!!

    Of MBAPPE, PELE AND THE “ORIGINAL PELE”!!! Well, the Football fiesta in Russia has ended. However during any Football WC, the name of Pele would invariably do the rounds. In 1982…one Diego Maradona was branded as “White Pele”. The exploits of more

  • The Original "Pele"!!!

    Contributed by Suresh Manoharan on Jul 1, 2014

    Wrapping up the message on our Lord the "Wonderful One" (Isaiah 9:6) around a Football related subject!!!

    THE ORIGINAL “PELE”!!! I agree Football fiesta is on, not allowing anyone a luxury of even a relaxing siesta what with our eyes mostly glued on the TV Screen. So in keeping with general euphoric soccer mood, I more

  • Dadme Un Hombre Que Pelee Conmigo

    Contributed by J. Martin on Jan 2, 2004
    based on 129 ratings

    Hoy en día, existe un Guerrero sumamente poderoso e imponente que busca también hombres que peleen con Él. La Biblia dice: “Jehová saldrá como gigante, y como hombre de guerra despertará celo; gritará, voceará, se esforzará sobre sus enemigos.” (Isaías

    Cuando el ejército israelita fue a pelear contra los filisteos, se encontraron con una situación sumamente difícil. Los filisteos tenían una arma secreta: ¡Un hombre de guerra gigantesco!. Él era impresionante por su estatura y por su capacidad para pelear. Era tan imponente que dentro del more

  • Maradona Good, Pele Better And George Best!!!

    Contributed by Suresh Manoharan on Jun 23, 2014

    Connecting with craze of the media "Football World cup" to glean some spiritual lessons on the subjects of spiritual regeneration and spiritual enjoyment!!!

    Maradona good, Pele Better and GEORGE Best!!! Action: Display of an animation of a drunkard... First things first. Alcoholism is a serious social threat capable of breaking down individuals and their families. Increase in domestic violence is directly more

  • 4 Different Kinds Of Givers

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Sep 17, 2013

    4 Different Kinds of givers (outline taken from Damluka Friday Pele)

    HoHum: Started a series for Youth Group called Generation Change that talks about financial matters. Learned something about John D. Rockefeller in the video but now let’s hear the rest of the story. The very first person to reach the status of billionaire was a man who knew how to set more

  • Tis Midnight And On Olive's Brow Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Apr 14, 2014

    A sermon on Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane (Outline from James E. Smith's book, The Longest Night In the Bible; So What? from Damluka Friday Pele)

    HoHum: Michael Card’s song In the Garden: Trembling with fear, alone in the garden Battle before the final war Blood became tears, there in the garden To fall upon the silent stone There in the darkness the Light And the darkness stood still Two choices, one tortured will And there more

  • Oh My Soul

    Contributed by Davon Huss on May 27, 2017

    Whether you are high or low, I have some advise for you this morning (First point adapted from Mr. & Mrs. Friday Pele; second point from Rick Warren)

    HoHum: Sing “Oh My Soul” by Mark Hall of Casting Crowns Oh, my soul Oh, how you worry Oh, how you're weary, from fearing you lost control This was the one thing, you didn't see coming And no one would blame you, though If you cried in private If you tried to hide it away, so no one knows No one more

  • Wonderful Counselor

    Contributed by Dean Morgan on Oct 12, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Pele - Too wonderful for words. The biblical meaning of this word means that Jesus is: • beyond anything we have ever seen, singularly unique • extraordinary, so vast that we can’t understand the full meaning • that Jesus would be beyond the bound

    TEXT: Isaiah 9:6 Pele - Too wonderful for words. The biblical meaning of this word means that Jesus is: • beyond anything we have ever seen, singularly unique • extraordinary, so vast that we can’t understand the full meaning • that Jesus would be beyond the bounds of all more

  • Éxodo 33. Cristo En Nosotros Series

    Contributed by Pastor: Jose Luis Dejoy on Feb 3, 2020

    Saber que Cristo está en nosotros es estar seguros que es él quien pelea por nosotros. Éxodo 14: 14 “Jehová peleará por vosotros, y vosotros estaréis tranquilos” que el pelee por nosotros no significa inactividad

    Saber que Cristo está en nosotros es estar seguros que es él quien pelea por nosotros. Éxodo 14: 14 “Jehová peleará por vosotros, y vosotros estaréis tranquilos” que el pelee por nosotros no significa inactividad de nuestra parte. Esto quiere decir que nuestras more

  • Wonderful Counselor Series

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Jan 18, 2018

    First of a 4 part series on the Names of the Messiah found in Isaiah 9:6

    Wonderful Counselor December 3, 2017 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: Jesus is more than a baby in a manger; He is God. Focus Passage: Luke 8: 38-56 (Pew Bible page 1192) Supplemental Passage: "Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, more

  • Who Is This Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father?

    Contributed by Neil Richardson on Mar 16, 2008

    Jesus, the fulfilment of all things

    Isaiah 9 v1-7 DRBC 14/12/03 am Read: “For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be upon his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). Introduction • What is the first thing you do when you more

  • A Father's Love

    Contributed by Sean Smuts on Jan 15, 2003
    based on 16 ratings

    A Look at the story of the Prodigal Son through the eys of the Father

    A Father’s Love: The Story of the Prodigal Son Many of us still remember our fathers even if they are no longer among us. We remember the look he gave us when he would discipline us knowing the pain it caused him, as he would carry out whatever punishment would be coming. I often remember the more

  • The Fourfold Name In Isaiah 9:6

    Contributed by Warren Bird on Dec 17, 2002
    based on 174 ratings

    The magnificent fourfold name given to the promised child in Isaiah’s prophecy is a great encouragement, at Christmas and all year round.

    Introduction I don’t expect any of you to remember, but I promised at this time last year to preach tonight’s sermon at some time. My pre-Christmas message in 2001 was on the subject of “God’s Unique Sign” and in it I briefly discussed the verse in Isaiah 9:6 where the promised son is to be called more

  • Wonderful Counselor Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Dec 10, 2019

    Very heavily adapted message from the series "Prince of Peace" This message focus' on Jesus being our wonderful counselor.

    Prince of Peace Wonderful Counselor Studying the incarnation through the names that Jesus is called in Isaiah chapter 9. We will also be studying Luke chapter 8 if you want to bookmark that for later. I have a very electic taste in music. I like music from almost every style and genre. In more

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