Sermon Series
  • 1. The Majestic Name Of God

    Contributed on Aug 12, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    This is the 1st sermon in the series "Knowing God".

    Series: Knowing God [#1] THE MAJESTIC NAME OF GOD Psalm 8:1-9 Introduction: Names are important. This is how we identify one another. Now days, most people don’t name their children based upon what the name means. They name them based on family names, originality, or because they heard it more

  • 2. Elohim- The God Who Created You

    Contributed on Aug 19, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    This is the 2nd sermon in the "Knowing God" series.

    Series: Knowing God [#2] ELOHIM- THE GOD WHO CREATED YOU Genesis 1:1-2 Introduction: As we discussed last week, names are important. This is how we identify one another. Now days, most people don’t name their children based upon what the name means. They name them based on family names, more

  • 3. Jehovah- What To Do When You Are Afraid

    Contributed on Aug 26, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    This is the 3rd sermon in the "Knowing God" series.

    Series: Knowing God [#3] JEHOVAH- WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU ARE AFRAID Genesis 2:4 Introduction: Last week we learned to know God by the name “Elohim,” the God who created you and I. Elohim is translated “God”. To know God as Elohim is to know Him as a God who creates. However, there is another name more

  • 4. El Elyon- The God Who Is In Charge

    Contributed on Sep 2, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    This is the 4th sermon in the series "Knowing God".

    Series: Knowing God [#4] El ELYON- THE GOD WHO IS IN CHARGE Genesis 14:18 Introduction: We are studying the names of God in the order they are found in the Bible because there is a clear progression in the self-revelation of God to His people through His names. We have gotten better acquainted more

  • 5. Adonai- How To Have A Relationship With God

    Contributed on Sep 9, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    This is the 5th sermon in the series "Knowing God".

    Series: Knowing God [#5] ADONAI- HOW TO HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD Genesis 15:2 Introduction: So far on our study we have come to know God as Elohim, Jehovah, and El Elyon. Through these 3 names we have seen that God not only creates but has a special relationship with human beings. The next more

  • 6. El Shaddai- How To Experience The Power Of God

    Contributed on Sep 23, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    This is the 7th sermon in the "Knowing God" series.

    Series: Knowing God [#7] EL SHADDAI- HOW TO EXPERIENCE THE POWER OF GOD Genesis 17:1 Introduction: As we continue to study the names of God in the order that they 1st appear in the Bible, today we will study the name El Shaddai. The 1st time we find this name in the Bible is Genesis 17:1. It more

  • 7. El Olam- How To Live Above Your Problems

    Contributed on Sep 30, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    This is the 8th sermon in the "Knowing God" series.

    Series: Knowing God [#8] EL OLAM- HOW TO LIVE ABOVE YOUR PROBLEMS Genesis 21:33 Introduction: We now come to the 7th name through which we can get to know God more intimately- El Olam. The Hebrew word Olam means eternal. When you combine Olam with El, God Eternal or God of Eternity. Abraham more

  • 8. Jehovah Jireh- The God Who Provides

    Contributed on Oct 15, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    This is the 9th sermon in the series "Knowing God".

    Series: Knowing God [#9] JEHOVAH JIREH- THE GOD WHO PROVIDES Genesis 22:14 Introduction: There are times when even doing what is right seems like it will backfire on you. Old habits are hard to break. I read a story about a man who left off the cap to the toothpaste and for years his wife had more

  • 9. Jehovah Shammah- Always There

    Contributed on Oct 15, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    This is the 10th sermon in the "Knowing God" series.

    Series: Knowing God [#10] JEHOVAH SHAMMAH- ALWAYS THERE Genesis 28:15 Introduction: I was reminded of something I would do to Tharon right after he went blind. On the way home from swimming practice, I would stop the car and tell Tharon to get out and find his way home. Now, many people have more

  • 10. Jehovah Rapha- The God Who Heals

    Contributed on Oct 21, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 11th sermon in the "Knowing God" series.

    Series: Knowing God [#11] JEHOVAH RAPHA- THE GOD WHO HEALS Exodus 15:26 Introduction: Moses had led the Israelites out of Egypt and God had parted the Red Sea so that the Israelites could cross over. As the Israelites were crossing over on dry land, the Egyptian army was pursuing them. As the more

  • 11. Jehovah Nissi- How To Have Victory

    Contributed on Nov 3, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 12th sermon in the series "Knowing God".

    Series: Knowing God [#12] JEHOVAH NISSI- HOW TO HAVE VICTORY Exodus 17:15 Introduction: I’m going to try not to start this sermon with a rant; but I am going to hit a “touchy” subject for some people. This morning we are going to study the name Jehovah Nissi which means God is my banner. As I more

  • 12. El Roi- When You Are Used Or Abused

    Contributed on Sep 16, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    This is the 6th sermon in the series "Knowing God".

    Series: Knowing God [#6] EL ROI- WHEN YOU ARE USED OR ABUSED Genesis 16:13 Introduction: So far in our study, we have come to know God as Elohim, Jehovah, and El Elyon, and Adonai. Through these 4 names we have seen that God not only creates but has a special relationship with human beings. more

  • 13. Qanna- The God Who Is Jealous

    Contributed on Nov 4, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 13th sermon in the "Knowing God" series.

    Series: Knowing God [#13] QANNA- THE GOD WHO IS JEALOUS Exodus 20:5 Introduction: As we continue our study of the names of God, I want us to look at the name Qanna. This name means jealous and is 1st found in Exodus 20. This is the 2nd of the 10 Commandments. Finally, a characteristic of God more

  • 14. Jehovah Mekoddishkem- The God Who Makes You Holy

    Contributed on Nov 11, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 14th sermon in the series "Knowing God".

    Series: Knowing God [#14] JEHOVAH MEKODDISHKEM- THE GOD WHO MAKES YOU HOLY Exodus 31:13 Introduction: Exodus 19:1-6 (NIV) “In the third month after the Israelites left Egypt--on the very day--they came to the Desert of Sinai. After they set out from Rephidim, they entered the Desert of Sinai, and more

  • 15. Jehovah Raah- My Shepherd

    Contributed on Nov 22, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 15th sermon in the "Knowing God" series.

    Series: Knowing God [#15] JEHOVAH RAAH- MY SHEPHERD Psalm 23:1 Introduction: We have been studying Psalm 23 on Wednesday Nights. This morning we are going to study God’s name Jehovah Raah, which means “The LORD is my shepherd.” The name Jehovah Raah tells us… 1. That God hears you. Psalm 23:1 more

  • 16. Pele Yoetz- My Wonderful Counselor

    Contributed on Dec 2, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 16th sermon in the "Knowing God" series.

    Series: Knowing God [#16] PELE YOETZ- MY WONDERFUL COUNSELOR Isaiah 9:6 Introduction: Every year after Thanksgiving, people begin to prepare for Christmas. You begin to see Christmas lights, Christmas trees, and Christmas decorations, (other places besides stores, who have had Christmas more

  • 17. El Gibbor- Mighty God

    Contributed on Dec 2, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 17th sermon in the "Knowing God" series.

    Series: Knowing God [#17] EL GIBBOR- MIGHTY GOD Isaiah 9:6 Introduction: This has been a long week. I have definitely needed to depend on God and when I didn’t, it was very obvious. This morning, we are going to look at the 2nd name of God the Son found in this verse. I want us to see that more

  • 18. Aviad- Everlasting Father

    Contributed on Dec 9, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    This is the 18th sermon in the "Knowing God" series.

    Series: Knowing God [#18] AVIAD- EVERLASTING FATHER Isaiah 9:6 Introduction: As we continue studying the many names of God, I want us to look at the name Aviad; which means Everlasting Father. While I was preparing this sermon, it seemed odd preparing a sermon about naming a baby Everlasting more

  • 19. Sar Shalom- Prince Of Peace

    Contributed on Dec 16, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 19th sermon in the series "Knowing God".

    Series: Knowing God [#19] SAR SHALOM- PRINCE OF PEACE Isaiah 9:6 Introduction: I know that it has become a joke; but when asked at the Miss USA pageant, “What would be the one thing you would choose to happen in the world”; the answer for years has been, “World peace”. It is obvious that our more

  • 20. Immanuel- God With Us

    Contributed on Dec 24, 2018

    This is the 20th sermon in the series "Knowing God".

    Series: Knowing God [#20] IMMANUEL- GOD WITH US Isaiah 7:14 Introduction: On this Sunday before Christmas, I want us to look at a name of God that represents Jesus. This name is used only once in the New Testament and twice in the Old Testament. The New Testament reference in Matthew 1:23 is a more

  • 21. Yeshua- God Saves

    Contributed on Dec 30, 2018

    This is the 21st sermon in the series "Knowing God".

    Series: Knowing God [#21] YESHUA- GOD SAVES Isaiah 12:2 Introduction: On this last Sunday of 2018, I want us to look at 1 more name of God. A couple of Sundays ago, I asked that you pray for me as I prepare for a new Sermon Series beginning in 2019. Part of the plan for 2019 sermons is that we more