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  • The Finger Of God

    Contributed by David Moore on Mar 24, 2001
    based on 68 ratings

    A synposis of those periods throughout Scripture when man bore wtness to the finger of God.

    The Finger of God Text: Exodus 8:16-19 Introduction: We turn now to the third of the ten plagues imposed upon Egypt under Moses, the plague of lice. I suppose there is nothing quite like the though of parasites to make our skin crawl. Recently I watched a documentary entitled “Body Bugs.” It was more

  • Halloween

    Contributed by Dr. William D. Poovey on Apr 17, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Halloween is harmful because it lures people into the occult. Many children are introduced to cultic practices at Halloween parties. I first learned about the occult at a Halloween party as a teenager. Many kids get their first exposure to cultic horror movies at Halloween parties.

    HALLOWEEN EMPHASIZES THE OCCULT Halloween is harmful because it lures people into the occult. Many children are introduced to cultic practices at Halloween parties. I first learned about the occult at a Halloween party as a teenager. Many kids get their first exposure to cultic horror movies at more

  • Rsvp

    Contributed by Joseph Johnson on May 3, 2002
    based on 17 ratings

    God invites us to the greatest party of all time

    R.S.V.P. Mark 3:1-12 During the Holiday season many of us will be doing some extra entertaining. We’ll take certain steps to ready ourselves for the visit of guests. The first thing we work on is the guest list: who can visit together amicably, ( in other words who can get along together) Then more

  • Emergency Preparedness

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Feb 1, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    A talk given to at a Tea Party Meeting on being prepared

    Emergency Preparedness February 24, 2011 As a pastor I am sometimes asked, “Why do you need to be prepared? Don’t you trust God to take care of you?” And they quotes Scriptures like these: “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin more

  • The Handwriting On The Wall

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Jan 24, 2010
    based on 27 ratings

    Lessons from the Pityful party of Belshazzar, interpreted by Daniel

    The Handwriting on the Wall Daniel 5:1-31 One of the most well known phrases from the Bible comes from our text. In business, sports, and just in life, everyone seems to know what the phrase, “The handwriting on the wall” means. Before we read Daniel 5, I wonder how many of us could more

  • Discipleship Part 7: Character Traits Series

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Apr 17, 2011

    Party seven focuses on the character traits of a peacemaker and the persecuted.

    Discipleship Part 7: Character Traits Scriptures: Matthew 5:3-11; Romans 12:18-21; 2 Timothy 3:12-14 Introduction This morning we will conclude this portion of the series dealing with the character traits of a disciple based on the beatitudes from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. To date we more

  • He Is Not Here. He Is Risen!

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Apr 5, 2023

    Easter is more than a party. It is a life-changing reality.

    He is not Here. He is Risen Luke 24:1-11 It’s Easter time again. And again we are challenged with what Easter is all about. In some circles, robed choirs, priests and congregations go through the prescribed Easter ritual, some of which goes back nearly two thousand years. I have found Easter more

  • Appelé À Combattre Pour Sa Foi (1ère Partie) Series

    Contributed by Israel Fontaine on Dec 12, 2007

    Lorsque Paul aborde les armes spirituelles, l’emphase est placé sur l’importance de garder la foi et non sur les ennemis spirituels du croyant.

    APPELÉ À COMBATTRE POUR SA FOI Éphésiens 6.10-18 INTRODUCTION L’attaque de Pearl Harbor a pris place le 7 décembre 1941, un beau dimanche matin ensoleillé. La plupart des bureaux de la base militaire étaient fermés, et un grand nombre de soldats en service était parti pour la fin de semaine. more

  • Revêtez La Cuirasse De La Justice (4e Partie) Series

    Contributed by Israel Fontaine on Dec 15, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Dieu a une destinée pour notre vie. Toutefois, si nous voulons en profiter pleinement, il nous faut comprendre deux vérités essentiels concernant les armes que Dieu met à notre disposition.

    INTRODUCTION La semaine dernière : - Régler notre perspective sur LA vérité de la Parole de Dieu - Être véridique - Dire la vérité Les temps aoriste des participes dans les versets 14 à 16 servent à souligner l’importance d’être revêtu de la panoplie de Dieu avant même d’entrer dans la more

  • When Christians Care Enough…

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 28, 2022

    During the 1988 Vice Presidential debate, Senator Lloyd Benson from the Democratic Party debated nominee Vice President Dan Quayle from the Republican Party.

    It was at that debate that Vice President nominee Dan Quayle made reference to something that President John F. Kennedy said, to support what he believed. Senator Benson's response afterwards was, "Mr. Vice President, I knew President Kennedy, and you are no John Kennedy!" Ever more

  • He That Winneth Souls Is Wise # 4

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 31, 2022

    During the 1988 Vice Presidential debate, Senator Lloyd Benson from the Democratic party debated nominee Vice President Dan Quayle from the Republican party.

    It was at that time that Vice President nominee Dan Quayle made reference to something that President John F. Kennedy said, to support what he believed. Senator Benson's response was, "Mr. Vice President, I knew President Kennedy, and you are no John Kennedy!" Ever since more

  • God's Invitation, We Rsvp

    Contributed by Andrew Chan on Aug 20, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    We the church are given the task to share God’s party, to let the world know God rocks and we rock too, that they may RSVP to His party invite.

    The biggest concert in Canadian history is now history. Summer 2003 we saw the Rolling Stones headlined the SARS concert to tell the world that TO is SARS free, SO COME WORLD! It is safe, no fear of catching a deadly disease and then suffer and die from it, come party. This Fall 2003, Canada is more

  • It's My Party And I'll Cry If I Want To

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Apr 3, 2014

    Why did Jesus cry at His party on Palm Sunday?

    It’s My Party, and I’ll Cry if I Want To Luke 19:29-44 Introduction When Lesley Gore wrote the song, “It’s My Party” several decades ago, it was about a girl who got betrayed by her best friend who took her guy. And this was at her birthday party. So she laments “It’s my party, and I’ll cry if I more

  • The (Real) Good Shepard Series

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on Jul 30, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    Obey. Listen to His voice. Go where He sends, do what He says, accept what He gives and trust where He is taking. Even when the road is difficult. Because I know that with the Lord as my Shepherd, my good shepherd, the “Real” Good Shepherd

    The (Real) Good Shepherd Zech 11 October 26, 2008 Intro: I want to rewind a little bit in our study of Zechariah, before diving in to chapter 11. In our previous discussion, we’ve talked about how the exiles were returning from slavery and beginning the process of rebuilding their nation – more

  • Turn Your Pity Into Praise

    Contributed by Tommy Jackson on Oct 2, 2002
    based on 84 ratings

    Having a "pity party"? You can turn your pity into praise!

    “Turn Your Pity Into Praise” Text: 1 Kings 19:1 – 18 Title; This morning I want to talk to you on the subject “Turning Your Pity Into Praise” Notice in this biblical account there are at least 5 mistakes that Elijah made: Mistake # 1 – Elijah was throwing a pity party! * In verse 4 he tells more

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