
Summary: During the 1988 Vice Presidential debate, Senator Lloyd Benson from the Democratic Party debated nominee Vice President Dan Quayle from the Republican Party.

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It was at that debate that Vice President nominee Dan Quayle made reference to something that President John F. Kennedy said, to support what he believed. Senator Benson's response afterwards was, "Mr. Vice President, I knew President Kennedy, and you are no John Kennedy!"

Ever since then, when someone claimed to be like someone else, that phrase is used, "YOU ARE NO_________!"

Keeping that in mind, as we read in scripture of these servants of God in New Testament times, we recognize WE ARE NOT THE CHRISTIANS THEY WERE.

However, IT IS OUR DESIRE that God will make us everything they were.

Notice, three things they possessed that we need in the church today.


History reveals many men overcame their fear and went on to do courageous things.

We all admire people who have courage…don’t we?

? Can you imagine what it must have been like to live in the days of Christopher Columbus? Columbus and his men set out to discover a shorter route for commercial ships to travel and did not know what they would be facing. They took off on that voyage across the ocean not knowing if perhaps somewhere out there they might drop off the edge of the earth like going over a gigantic Niagara Falls? WHAT COURAGE!

? Can you imagine the courage it took for former astronaut, John Glenn, to climb into that space ship, and be the first man in the history of America, to be shot into outer space like a bullet out of a gun? WHAT COURAGE!

In the secular world the history books reveal great men of courage. And had they not had this courage their names would not be in the history books today.

The history books are filled with accounts of men and women of great courage, but never have men shown greater courage than the men of God we read of in books of church history, who suffered persecution and some, even death.

For example, think of that great deacon in the New Testament by the name of-


Acts (6 & 7) tells us that Stephen demonstrated great courage as he addressed his accusers. He had the courage to look them in the eyes and tell them things about themselves that they did not want to hear.

Stephen did not go behind their backs and speak these things; he spoke to them face to face. He did this knowing he might be killed but this did not stop him from speaking the truth. WHAT COURAGE!

Another example of courage is found in the life of the apostle...

(2) PAUL

He was one of the most courageous men who ever lived. When we read of the things he had to face in his life we wonder how anyone could face such opposition and not throw in the towel and quit. Among other things:

• He was stoned. (This would have stopped some.)

• He was jailed. (This would have stopped some.)

• He was whipped. (This would have stopped some.)

• He was rejected. (This would have stopped some.)

And none of these things stopped him.

Paul said in Acts 20:24. We read, “But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.”

If we are GOING TO DO the things they DID, we are going to have to possess the things they POSSESSED. These great Christians had GREAT COURAGE to do God’s work.

Illus: When John Knox was killed it was said of him, “THERE LIES HE WHO NEVER FEARED THE FACE OF MAN.”

Illus: Someone said, “There are more twins born these days than ever before. Maybe it is because children today do not have the courage to come into the world alone!”

When we look at the courage of these great Christians of the New Testament and church history, how dare the church today say we are just like them when many Christians do not have the courage to open their mouths to their family, friends and co-workers to tell them the gospel!



A successful soul winner always possesses compassion. Many Christians love the Lord, but they do not have a love for lost souls.

Psalm 142:4 says, "I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me: NO MAN CARED FOR MY SOUL. "

If you have a desire to be used of God to win souls to Christ, you must ask God to give you a love for souls. Too many Christians lack compassion for the lost today.

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