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  • The Seed Of Abraham

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Apr 11, 2016

    To show that GOD confirms His Promises to the SEED of abraham that lives within us, the LORD JESUS CHRIST who also does the confirmation.

    I. EXORDIUM: Is GOD doing everything for your sake? No. GOD is doing everything for me for the sake of the SEED of abraham within me. 2 Corinthians 5:20 (Amplified Bible) So we are Christ’s ambassadors, God making His appeal as it were through us. We [as Christ’s personal representatives] more

  • Two Seeds

    Contributed by Steve Kinnard on Apr 25, 2017

    Good trees or Evil trees

    2 Seeds - 2Trees Intro- Imagine you are walking through the woods on a path, one side of the path is in sunlight and one side is in darkness. On each side of the path is a tree. The tree on the left is in darkness and the tree on the right is bathing in the sunlight. The tree on the left is old, more

  • The Godly Seed

    Contributed by Rev Oke Omezi on Aug 27, 2012

    The focus of this message is the core purpose of marriage.

    THE GODLY SEED Mal 2:11-16 Ruth 4:10-12 The focus of this message is the concept of the godly seed which is the core purpose why God instituted marriage. Everything that God intends to do, He starts with a seed. It is that seed that receives the engrafted word of God and produces the fruits that more

  • The Seed Of Promise Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Dec 31, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus came to do 2 things: save the lost and build His church. But how was He going to build His church and what tool did He give us to use to help Him do that?

    There’s a true story about a young boy named “Greggy” who was playing on beach. He spent long hours working on intricate sand castles; whole cities would appear beneath his hands. But then one day, some bullies came along and the kicked and smashed them all. And they did this day after day after more

  • The Miracle Of The Seed

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Oct 7, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Sometimes you may be the one to water, or provide the sunshine or shade at the right time, or all of the above. There is no level of preparation to great or small in the growing process, before the harvest!

    The Miracle of the seed Gal. 6:1-5, 7-10 Msg. 1-3 Live creatively, friends. If someone falls into sin, forgivingly restore him, saving your critical comments for yourself. You might be needing forgiveness before the day’s out. Stoop down and reach out to those who are oppressed. Share their more

  • Like A Seed

    Contributed by Richard Papafio on Mar 26, 2018

    As a seed is buried and it dies to all the conditions around it and resurrects with resistance to them all and germinates then grows into a tree bearing many fruits who would become seeds to be planted for more fruit bearing, seed producing trees

    May the peace of the Lord be with you. Topic: LIKE A SEED John 19:38-42 King James Version (KJV) 38 And after this Joseph of Arimathaea, being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly for fear of the Jews, besought Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus: and Pilate gave him leave. He came more

  • Seeds Of Discord

    Contributed by Pastor Norman Bailey, Overseer on Aug 19, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    It is a sad thought to know that that there is a lot of gossip going on in the church that causes or creates a lot of tension. We must be watch out for them that will try to cause the unity and the harmony to be disrupted.

    Romans 16:17 We are living in times when the enemy is viciously attacking the Church. It doesn't matter what devices he may use he will do what it takes. He comes not but to kill, steal, and to destroy. He is seeking your demise and wishes bad for you. One of the weapons in his arsenal is more

  • The Seed Of The Woman Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Nov 27, 2019

    To recover from a fall, confess your sins to the Lord, accept the consequences of your own actions, and put your confidence in Him.

    A Sunday school was putting on a Christmas pageant which included the story of Mary and Joseph coming to the inn. One boy wanted very much to be Joseph; but when the parts were handed out, a boy he didn’t like was given the part, and he was assigned to be the innkeeper instead. He was pretty upset more

  • The Seed Of Abraham Series

    Contributed by Ken Carlson on Dec 2, 2019

    This time of year, people are in search of the perfect Christmas tree. The first Christmas tree, however, is the most important and perfect of all—the family tree of Jesus. This sermon looks at the first person listed in Matthew's genealogy of Jesus: Abraham.

    INTRODUCTION By a show of hands, how many of you have done the Ancestry DNA testing? I did it a few months ago, and they recently updated their database, and with the updated results, I have some questions. I know my family tree goes back to Italy on my mom’s side, and Germany, Ireland, and more

  • Seed Of Abraham Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Dec 5, 2019

    Jesus is the seed of Abraham through whom God wants to bless the world and YOU! So if you want to find God’s blessing this Christmas, find it in Him! Don’t try harder. Just trust Jesus with your life.

    Seed of Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3) The Grinch hated Christmas, so he carried out a diabolical scheme to steal it away from all the Who’s in Whoville. He dressed up like Santa Clause, put fake antlers on his dog’s head, and headed down into Whoville from his mountain home high above the city. He more

  • Seed Of David Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Dec 11, 2019

    In the midst of your disappointment, realize that God has a better plan; rejoice in that plan; and request that God accomplish that plan in your life.

    39 years ago, in late December of 1980, Wally Nelson awoke to find the body of a 19-year-old girl named Jean Hilliard frozen “solid as a log” on his doorstep. Her car had skidded off an icy road into a ditch, so she got out of the car and started walking to a friend’s house. She almost made it, more

  • The Seeds Of Kindness

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jun 3, 2020

    What does God require of His people? Can external habits reveal internal problems? What kind of seeds of kindness are you planting? Random acts of kindness? Planned, purposed seeds?

    THE SEEDS OF KINDNESS--- By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I have pill sizes baggies with about 10 seeds in each one, random. I also put two cheerios for donut seeds? What will you grow? *QUESTION: CAN EXTERNAL HABITS REVEAL INTERNAL PROBLEMS? WHAT DOES GOD REQUIRE AND EXPECT OF HIS more

  • Seed The Clouds Series

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Feb 22, 2025
    based on 2 ratings

    Discover how persistent prayer, bold leaps of faith, and divine obedience can transform your life in "Seed the Clouds," a sermon that inspires you to sow seeds of righteousness and reap a harvest of God's blessings.

    Seed the Clouds Online Sermon: On November 13, 1946, a small aircraft took off from Schenectady County Airport carrying an unusual payload—six pounds of dry ice. Aboard was chemist Vincent Schaefer, a researcher at the General Electric Research more

  • Sowing Seeds PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 6, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the spiritual call to sow seeds of faith persistently, trusting in God's timing for growth and salvation.

    Greetings, beloved family in Christ. It is indeed a blessing to be gathered here, in this sacred space, under the banner of our Lord's boundless love and mercy. We are not here by accident, but by divine appointment. We are here to be nourished by His word, to grow in His grace, and to be more

  • The Seed Of Christmas

    Contributed by Jeff Taylor on Dec 12, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    If you leave the Christmas story in Matthew and Luke, you do not recognize how long God was planning and preparing and moving all of the pieces of the world in order for us to receive the greatest gift that has ever been given to man, which is Jesus Christ, His Son.

    We often sell ourselves short when we say to each other simple clichés, like, "Jesus is the reason for the season". Now, I'm not shaming anybody who's used it because it works at this time of year. But the reality of it is, is Jesus is not the reason for the season. Jesus is more

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