Sermon Series
  • 1. The Mingled Seed

    Contributed on Oct 17, 2022

    What is the issue of being mingled? As we look at today’s scripture, it is telling us that something does not need to be mixed with something else

    The online free dictionary defines the word mingle as – to mix or bring together in combination, to be or become mixed or united, to associate or take part with others. The past tense form is mingled, which means the mixing has taken place, it has happened. As we look at today’s scripture, it is more

  • 2. Growing Weeds Or Sowing Seeds

    Contributed on Oct 18, 2022

    Are your seeds still in the barn or have you taken them out for planting?

    All who proclaim Christ as their personal Savior are to plant the good seed every day. What type of Farmer are you? We all hold a Farmer position. Some may hold more than one. Whatever the case, find out your position and go to work. The TILLER Isaiah 28:24, Doth the plowman plow all day to more

  • 3. The Precious Seed

    Contributed on Nov 3, 2022

    God's ability for reestablishing life is outside our ability to grasp. We should be patient as we pause and wait upon God.

    God's ability for reestablishing life is outside our ability to grasp. Woodlands burn to the ground and can develop back. Broken bones recuperate. Indeed, even anguish and grief are anything but a long-lasting condition. Our tears can be seeds that will develop into a harvest of joy and more

  • 4. The Rotten Seed

    Contributed on Nov 3, 2022

    Has the Spiritual Seed that we are called to plant become rotten? Have we become rotten seed?

    Joel was a prophet to the country of Judah, otherwise called the Northern Kingdom. The motivation behind this book was to caution Judah of God's approaching judgment due to their transgressions and to encourage them to turn around to God. Why? Individuals of Judah had become prosperous and more

  • 5. The Unsown Seed

    Contributed on Nov 3, 2022

    Have we been obedient? Is the seed yet in the barn?

    This is Haggai's subsequent message, given during the Feast of Tabernacles, around the month of October, 520 B.C. The more seasoned individuals, the elders, could recollect the unbelievable magnificence of Solomon's Temple, which had been annihilated 66 years sooner. Many were debilitated more

  • 6. Are The Seeds Still In The Barn Or Have We Taken Them Out For Planting?

    Contributed on May 14, 2023

    In this passage of scripture, Jesus tells the parable of the four soils in Mark 4:1-9. Then in Mark 4:10-25, Jesus gives an explanation about the parable of the four soils.

    Jesus used parables to instruct the people. Parables are brief tales utilizing recognizable scenes to clarify spiritual truth. This technique for educating urges the audience to think. It disguises the truth from the individuals who are excessively obstinate or biased to hear what is being more

  • 7. What Does The Bible Say About Sowing Bad Seeds?

    Contributed on Sep 15, 2024

    Have we become mingled with the world? If so, have we darkened the light of Christ so that the world cannot see Him? Have we become rotten as Christians?

    Let us begin by turning to Leviticus 19:1-37 and reading about The Mingled Seed. The online free dictionary defines the word mingle as – to mix or bring together in combination, to be or become mixed or united, to associate or take part with others. The past tense form is mingled, which means the more

  • 8. What Does The Bible Say About Growing Good Seeds?

    Contributed on Nov 3, 2024

    Is the seed still in the barn or have we taken it out for planting?

    Have we been obedient? This is Haggai's subsequent message, given during the Feast of Tabernacles, around the month of October, 520 B.C. The more seasoned individuals, the elders, could recollect the unbelievable magnificence of Solomon's Temple, which had been annihilated 66 years sooner. more