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  • Our Values Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jan 11, 2019

    Our values make us who we are, Our values drive us to do what we do. As a Church and as individual Christians, our new DNA in Christ should impact our values.

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • DNA, it determines a lot concerning your life. DNA is the code of life, DNA determines your eye color, hair color if you keep your hair, skin color, among many other things. • Last week we discussed our mission is woven into our new DNA in Christ and how effectively we are more

  • Our Value To God

    Contributed by Maurice Mccarthy on Oct 3, 2002
    based on 170 ratings

    We will look at 6 criteria used to determine a things value, and we will see by every standard we have great worth to God.

    Our Value to God Our Value To God Many have arranged the thoughts of John 3:16 in different ways and under different headings, this is my favorite: John 3:16: God = The Greatest One So loved = The Greatest Degree the world = The greatest amount of people that He gave = The greatest more

  • Evaluation Our Values Series

    Contributed by Tim White on Jan 23, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus tells us the cost of discipleship and the values we must hold to follow Him.

    (My illustrations are from my files, primarily. No intention is implied that they are original. I have simply used them too much to remember where I found them. Variations of them can all be found on the internet, even on this site). Jesus addresses the crowd to share with them the values more

  • Re-Calibrating Our Values Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Aug 14, 2018

    This message continues our exploration of the three deadly viruses in the church. This message explores the third virus the church is warned to look out for -- temporal values.

    “Recalibrating Our Values” pt 1 Review A clear comprehension of the future helps keeps us accountable in the present. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. 2 more

  • The Value Of The Box

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Dec 12, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Our value is on the inside of the box.

    Song “The Lord’s Prayer” Psalm 23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through more

  • Values Of A Christian

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Sep 24, 2023

    What does God value for Christians? That needs to be our values!

    At times, we have a problem staying centered in the things of God. Easy to become side-tracked, on a dead-end road. Another word we could use would be “balanced”. Easy to become over balanced in some area. Christmas is a good example. Side-tracked as to the value of Christmas. 1. To the children more

  • Values We Live By

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Jun 6, 2002
    based on 38 ratings

    Our values determine our course of action.

    What makes a man willing to lay down his life for another? Consider these three examples: Richard Antrim, a native of Peru, Indiana, was a naval officer and POW in the Dutch East Indies during the Second World War. In April 1942 he attempted to intervene in the harsh punishment of a fellow naval more

  • Kingdom Values And Our Values: Challenges To A Contemorary Way Of Life

    Contributed by Philip Gill on Oct 3, 2007

    As the lives of the rich man and Lazarus are reversed by their experience of the Kingdom so our contemorary values are challenged by the call to discipleship.

    In the gospel passage this morning there is a great reversal of fortunes for the rich man and Lazarus the poor beggar. Lazarus, after enduring great suffering is taken into heaven, into the bosom of Abraham. This end suggests that he led a faithful life while the rich man is depicted in typical more

  • Re-Calibrating Our Values Pt 2 Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Aug 14, 2018

    This message concludes our exploration of the three deadly viruses that plague the church. This message continues the discussion of the virus of temporal values such as Esau held.

    “Recalibrating Our Values 2” Review The Bible warns against three deadly viruses that threaten the effectiveness of the church of Jesus Christ. ? Guard against failing to appropriate God’s amazing enabling grace; available and sufficient. ? Guard against bitter roots; pervasive and more

  • Our Core Values Series

    Contributed by Floyd Steverson on May 10, 2017

    Part 3 of the 4 Part Series titled, "Who Are We?" Mission - Vision - Core Values - Purpose

    WHO ARE WE? - PART 3 - OUR CORE VALUES Luke 12:31 “But seek His kingdom, and these things will be provided for you. 32 Don’t be afraid, little flock, because your Father delights to give you the kingdom. 33 Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Make money-bags for yourselves that won’t grow more

  • You Are Your Values

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Feb 7, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    As we look at our purpose in life, we start with a foundational step which is our values.

    You are what you Value! February 9, 2020 I’ve never built a home, and if I was to build a home, I would hope I wouldn’t hire some of my favorite carpenters. This was one of their attempts to build a home for their wives . . . VIDEO Hopefully I wouldn’t be quite so bad. If you’re going to build more

  • I Am The Good Shepherd

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on May 29, 2018

    Salvation, Sacrifice, Our Value, He Knows Us

    I AM - I AM the Good Shepherd June 3, 2018 John 10:11 (p. 748) Introduction: I love animals…They are delicious! No, listen, I really do love animals…Until the Lord got ahold of my future I was going to be a Veterinarian. Milligan for my undergrad work then Auburn, which is more

  • Reexamine You Values Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Feb 19, 2008

    A second step, as we begin to live our lives on loan, is to reexamine our values. Are the values that determine how we live our lives in line with the teachings of Jesus?

    1 John 4:11-12, Isaiah 32:5-8, Luke 7:36-44 “Reexamine Your Values” INTRODUCTION It was rush hour. The woman was late for an important appointment. She cursed the drivers around her as she weaved in and out of lanes. When a car wedged in front of her, she laid on the horn and flipped the more

  • The Values Of Our Father

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Dec 21, 2000
    based on 74 ratings

    The Beattitudes show the values that God has for this life

    God’s True Values Matthew 5.3-12 November 2, 1997 Evening Service Introduction I. The concept of Core Values: Business terms, things that drive the business to success, the focus on what makes the business successful, the purpose of why they exist, many speak of service or quality, values provide more

  • The Value Of Our Soul

    Contributed by Joel Santos on Sep 29, 2006
    based on 285 ratings

    3 reasons why many people lost their souls: I. WRONG PREPARATION (v. 16-18) II. WRONG INTENTION (v. 19) III. WRONG VISION (v. 20)

    The Value of Our Soul Luke 12:16-21 Introduction: A certain ungodly tavern-keeper who liked music decided to attend one of John Wesley’s meetings to hear the singing. He had resolved however, not to listen to the sermon. He sat with his head down and fingers in his ears. But when God wants to more

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