Sermon Series
  • 1. Finding Grace Or Falling Short

    Contributed on Jun 30, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    This message followed as part of a series on Hebrews 12. It deals with one of three serious blockages to spiritual growth and health. What does it mean to fall short of God’s grace?

    “Finding Grace or Falling Short” Just as God instructs every follower of Christ to passionately and continually promote and pursue healing, peace and purity, we are also commanded to continually address three specific peace and purity busters in the Christian community; three things that hinder more

  • 2. Uprooting Bitter Roots 1

    Contributed on Aug 14, 2018

    This message addresses the second deadly virus in the family - Bitterness. These messages were also part of a series on Future Focus Present Faithfulness.

    “Uprooting Bitter Roots” Hebrews 12 addresses three specific life goals to consider as individuals and as a church family. It is my hope that they will guide the direction of our church family throughout the year. a) Promote Healing among the body b) Pursue peace with ALL men c) Pursue more

  • 3. Uprooting Bitter Roots 2

    Contributed on Aug 14, 2018

    This message continues exploration of the second deadly virus in the church family -- bitterness.

    “Uprooting Bitter Roots 2” Introduction Two weeks ago we began exploring a subject that affects every person in the world. Either you or someone you know has been paralyzed by this insidious infection at one time or another in your life or perhaps even now. It is so devastating that is one of more

  • 4. Uprooting Bitter Roots 3

    Contributed on Aug 14, 2018

    This message continues our exploration of the second deadly virus Hebrews instructs the look our for in the family -- bitterness.

    “Uprooting Bitter Roots 3” Hebrews 12 identifies three deadly infections that contaminate the Christian community and disrupt the unity God instructs us to pursue, promote and protect. These three infections also prevent the pursuit of the three life pursuits. 1. Guard against anyone falling more

  • 5. Uprooting Bitter Roots 4

    Contributed on Aug 14, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This messages continues the exploration of the second deadly virus infecting the church - bitterness. This message focuses on the cure.

    “Uprooting Bitter Roots 4” Hebrews identifies three deadly infections that critically cripple the church. God calls the entire Christian community to guard against their spread in the community. 1. Guard against anyone falling short of God’s enabling grace 2. Guard against bitter roots more

  • 6. Re-Calibrating Our Values

    Contributed on Aug 14, 2018

    This message continues our exploration of the three deadly viruses in the church. This message explores the third virus the church is warned to look out for -- temporal values.

    “Recalibrating Our Values” pt 1 Review A clear comprehension of the future helps keeps us accountable in the present. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. 2 more

  • 7. Re-Calibrating Our Values Pt 2

    Contributed on Aug 14, 2018

    This message concludes our exploration of the three deadly viruses that plague the church. This message continues the discussion of the virus of temporal values such as Esau held.

    “Recalibrating Our Values 2” Review The Bible warns against three deadly viruses that threaten the effectiveness of the church of Jesus Christ. ? Guard against failing to appropriate God’s amazing enabling grace; available and sufficient. ? Guard against bitter roots; pervasive and more