
Summary: Part 3 of the 4 Part Series titled, "Who Are We?" Mission - Vision - Core Values - Purpose

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Luke 12:31 “But seek His kingdom, and these things will be provided for you. 32 Don’t be afraid, little flock, because your Father delights to give you the kingdom. 33 Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Make money-bags for yourselves that won’t grow old, an inexhaustible treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. 34 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

I am excited this morning to get back into this series that we began before the holidays in which we are examining the Mission, Vision, Values, and Purpose of Metro Grace Community Church. It is extremely important to the life and vitality of this church body for us to understand who we are as a church and where we are going in the future.

We have a Mission to fulfill that was given to us by God. We have a Vision of what type church we will be both now and in the future. We have Core Values that shape who we are and everything we do as a church. These values are non-negotiable. We believe in them so strongly that we would be willing to lay our lives on the line for these values. We also have a Purpose for existing as a church here in this community. Understanding these things helps us maintain focus and direction in everything we do. If you ever wonder why we make certain decisions or do things a certain way here at Metro Grace, look to the Mission, Vision, Values, or Purpose, because these things drive everything we do.

God gives us these things because He has a very definitive idea of what He wants us to be as a church.

In the two previous messages we looked at our mission and vision. This week we will examine OUR CORE VALUES

This morning as we begin our study on OUR CORE VALUES we will examine three things: The Importance of Core Values; What defines Core Values; Our Core Values


Luke 12:34 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Core Values determine who and what we will be as a church. No two churches are alike. Some churches focus on biblical preaching and teaching, others on evangelism, and still others on counseling or the family. This is why it is acceptable to start churches even when there are other churches nearby. Different churches reach different people. What shapes us into who we are at Metro Grace is our core values.

Core Values dictate people’s personal involvement in the church. I believe we should be constantly communicating our core values to anyone who are considering becoming a part of this church. Encourage those with similar values to join. (I call this values alignment or a ministry match.) Encourage those with different values to look for a church that is more in line with their values.

Core Values communicate what’s important. Values make it clear what you believe is God’s heart for your church.

Core Values affect the church’s overall behavior. Values shape the entire church organization, determine the direction of our ministries, and dictate every decision we make and every dollar we spend.

Core Values inspire people to action. The shared beliefs of leaders and members are the motivators that energize people to take action. Values infuse ministry with meaning. Strong core values touch people at a deeper level that provides a sense of cause and brings significance to their lives.

Core Values contribute to ministry success. Understanding and embracing our core beliefs make it possible for our people to be successful in ministry. No church or ministry organization can succeed without clearly defined, Biblically inspired, core values.


Core values are the core convictions of the church. A conviction is a firmly held belief that produces an action within us. Convictions are things we are willing to sacrifice for, or even give our life for.

Core values are those things we are most passionate about. Core values touch the heart and elicit strong emotions. They stir feelings that can move people to biblical, Christ-honoring ministry.

Core values are constant. A church’s vision and mission are fluid and can be changed readily to meet the needs of the church and community, but core values are constant. If there is a change in values it occurs very slowly. Change usually takes from 2 to 4 years. This is why it is hard to revitalize an established church. It takes time to change people’s values. That’s why it’s so critical that we begin with and stick with the right values.

Core values are Biblical. The true test of a values statement is: Does it line up with Scripture? The statement doesn’t have to be found word for word in the Bible, but our values should clearly reflect the principles and precepts of the Bible. Values should never contradict the Bible.

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