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  • The Stairway To Happiness

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 8, 2022

    There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that God loves us and wants to bless us. The Book of Psalms is all about how this wonderful God that loves us wants to bless us.

    God does not wait until chapter two before He tells us how we can receive a blessing. He starts off in chapter one, verse one. The word translated, “Blessed,” is from the Hebrew word, “aishair” which simply means: “HAPPINESS.” Many people have different ideas on how to find happiness in this more

  • Our Standing In Christ

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Jul 25, 2003
    based on 29 ratings

    This outline sets for our standing in Christ as it relates to our position, possessions and prospect that is our through the grace of God.

    OUR STANDING IN CHRIST "Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in the hope of the glory of God." Romans 5:1-2. I. OUR STANDING IN REGARD TO OUR more

  • Our Standing With God

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Jul 1, 2004
    based on 4 ratings

    An evangelistic message.

    OUR STANDING WITH GOD Ephesians 1:3-10 INTRO: A few years ago, when my younger brother was graduating from college, we were talking about the different honors you can graduate with (Magna Cum Laude, Suma Cum Laude, Cum Laude). He said that when he walked across the stage the President of the more

  • Strength To Stand

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Apr 25, 2004
    based on 117 ratings

    We are called to live a life that is filled with God’s strength so we can take our stand in this life.

    Strength to Stand Daniel 3:1-30 April 25, 2004 I. Recognize the need to stand Life is unpredictable (Read verse 1) One thing that is certain about life is that it is almost always uncertain. We do not know what the rest of this day hold for us, let alone tomorrow. Situations come up where all of more

  • Standing Before God

    Contributed by Nickolas Kooi on Oct 24, 2019

    What determines our standing before God? The Pharisee, tax collector, and disciples give us an answer.

    Can there be anything more nerve wracking than being evaluated at work or school? When we are criticized or graded, we are vulnerable and exposed. We may wonder and think, “What will people say or think of me? Is what they are saying true or accurate? Do they truly see my talents and abilities, more

  • What Is Our Identity As Christians

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Jul 26, 2014

    If we are Christians our STANDING irrespective of how we fall REAMINS that of a Child of God. Hallelujah!! However our STATE may change when we make wrong choices and refuse or neglect to follow Jesus.

    Who am I in Christ Intro: When Maddy and I led a pilgrimage to Israel in January this year, we met a Roman Catholic priest at the Parable house in Taybeh, the only Christian village in the Occupied Territories. The priest started his talk to us by saying: I am, first of all, a Palestinian I am more

  • Standing By Our Promises Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on May 21, 2003
    based on 109 ratings

    We all fail to keep our pledges, don’t we? Our good intentions and plans often fall by the wayside. Sometimes we blatantly break our promises but other times, we just kind of drift away, a little at a time.

    Standing By Our Promises As many of you know, I really like Snicker bars. For the past year, whenever I would go to Dairy Queen, I would always order a Snicker Bar Breeze. All I had to do was walk in and one of the workers would start filling a cup with chunks of tasty nougat. It was automatic more

  • Standing By Our Promises

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 29, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    'Standing by Our Promises' - Nehemiah chapter 13 sermon by Gordon Curley. (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: (1). The Holy Place Promise (vs 4-14). (2). The Sabbath Promise (vs 14-22) (3). The Separation Promise (vs 23-29) SERMON BODY: Ill: • The story is told of a politician who was photographed for an article in a magazine, • After receiving the proofs of his portrait, • He was very more

  • Standing In The Face Of Compromise: Series

    Contributed by Robert Massey on Mar 9, 2003
    based on 131 ratings

    This passage gives us three aspects of integrity that we need to see in order to avoid the danger of compromising our stand for God.

    STANDING IN THE FACE OF COMPROMISE: TRUE BIBLICAL INTEGRITY Daniel 1:1-20 Over the next several weeks, I will be delivering a series of messages from the book of Daniel on this thought, “Staying Godly in an Ungodly World.” I believe that will all of the snares and temptations placed before the more

  • Our Standing Before God-One Can Make A Diffeerence

    Contributed by Dennis Selfridge on May 21, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    How we need to make a difference

    It’s not what you are that holds you back; it’s what you think you are not." - Denis Waitley I’ve learned: that we should be glad God doesn’t give us everything we ask for, that money doesn’t buy class. That it’s those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular, that under everyone’s more

  • Col.3:1-17 Our Changing State And Our Settled Standing

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Oct 1, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Christians need to know the difference between our standing and our state; that is between his standing in Christ as God see him and his physical state as we’re still in the world.

    Col.3:1-17~OUR CHANGING STATE AND OUR SETTLED STANDING~ 9-24-11 How many of us that are saved ever did some thing and then wish we had not done it? I dare say all of us have done things and then had second thoughts about what we did, we then start thinking about what a negative testimony we more

  • Taking A Stand Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Jun 6, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    If we are going to follow Jesus, we have to put him first above anything or anyone else.

    Taking A Stand Text: Acts 4:1-22 Introduction 1. Have you ever had to stand up for something you believe in? When we stand, it's normally because there is some sort of opposition facing us. So we have to muster up the courage and take action to stand against that opposition. 2. When I first more

  • Standing On The Promises Of God Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Aug 3, 2020

    Our faith in the promises of God are the anchor that holds us secure no matter what storm we are facing. The lifeline of God's promises anchors us to the very throne of God. Our job is to trust and hold on!

    A. One day a young mother was feeling rather down and hopeless when she heard the phone ring. 1. The young mother picked up the phone and said, “Hello.” 2. A woman’s voice immediately said, “Honey, it’s mom. I called because I know that you’re overwhelmed with the three children, and I want to more

  • Our Call To Take A Stand

    Contributed by Gene Gregory on Jul 24, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Examines the importance of Christians living uniquely different lives from those in the world. Suitable for Memorial Day.

    OUR CALL TO TAKE A STAND Standing on a small platform, a reader calls out names, “Michael Hyde. Donald Jackson. Jose Munoz.” The names being read were those engraved on “The Wall.” No one calls it anything else. It was once highly controversial. This was not a statue, no soldier on more

  • Stand Up For Our Savior

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Nov 4, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    If Jesus is our King, then we need to take a bold stand for the Lord. John the Baptist certainly did, and John’s story can help us take a stand today.

    Stand Up for Our Savior Matthew 14:1-12 Sermon by Rick Crandall McClendon Baptist Church - Oct. 26, 2008 *Last Tuesday night, Greg Wilton asked a great question: “Who’s your King? -If Jesus is our King, then we need to take a bold stand for the Lord. John the Baptist certainly did, and John’s more

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