
Summary: An evangelistic message.


Ephesians 1:3-10

INTRO: A few years ago, when my younger brother was graduating from college, we were talking about the different honors you can graduate with (Magna Cum Laude, Suma Cum Laude, Cum Laude).

He said that when he walked across the stage the President of the College would say, “Joel Wood, flunkie outie.” There are many things which indicate our standing with men. But what about our standing with God? How do we measure on His scale? READ TEXT!

Let’s look at three things about our standing with God. 1. He has chosen us; 2. He has redeemed us; and 3. He trusts us.

I. GOD HAS CHOSEN US (vv. 3-6).

He chose us to salvation. He takes the initiative, we do not come to Him unless he draws us.

He chose up before the foundations of the world—before time began God chose us. He chose us for all Spiritual blessings—He wants us to have everything we need.

ILLUS: Man buying a coat in a clothing store. He asks, “does it look good?” The owner says, “of course it does! I bought it, didn’t I?”

In love God chose us to be a part of his people of faith. Before we made any response of any kind. Have we chosen Him? Are we choosing to serve Him?


The word redeemed was taken from the slave market—it means “to buy, set free for a ransom.” It is also used of criminals condemned to death. GOD HAS PURCHASED US BACK—THROUGH JESUS!

God knew what we needed even before, and more than we knew.

ILLUS: A boy went into a drugstore and wanted a chocolate soda. The problem was that the soda cost 30¢ and the boy only had 10¢. The drug store owner gave him the soda and paid the extra 20¢ himself.

We are not able to pay our debt—God did it for us. We are condemned criminals—but our debt (ransom) was paid by Jesus.


God has made known the mystery (open secret). Something which has been hidden but now revealed to the world.

God has brought all things together in Christ

God expects us to take the message no matter what. We are to be like the pony express. Always get the message through, no matter what!

ILLUS: When I was a teenager driving the car to California. My dad didn’t trust me at first, even though I had won the State Finals and placed fourth in the National Finals of the Jaycee’s Teen-age Safe Driving Road-e-o.

Are we trustworthy? What have we done to prove our trustworthiness?

If you tell someone a secret, and instruct them not to tell it, the first thing they do is go tell someone else. We have a secret we can tell, but we want to keep it a secret!

CONC: Before God can trust us, we have to be redeemed, and He has redeemed us through Jesus Christ. But before redemption comes the fact that we are Chosen by Him. This is our standing with Him. Have you accepted what he has done for you? Are you living a life in good standing with Him?

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