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Sermons on one savior:

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  • Only One Savior

    Contributed by James O. Davis on Dec 6, 2001
    based on 71 ratings

    The Deity Of Christ.

    James O. Davis is the founder and president of Second Billion (TM). You are invited to learn more about Second Billion by visiting TEXT: MT. 27:45, 51-54 TOPIC: Calvary THEME: The Deity Of Christ ONLY ONE SAVIOR INTRODUCTION: 1. On a skull shaped hill, outside a city more

  • There Is Only One Savior

    Contributed by William D. Brown on May 9, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    I once ask an acquaintance of mine that was a Jehovah witness and didn’t believe that Jesus was God, I ask him who was the Savior and how many was there? He didn’t have any problem saying that Jesus was the only savior. And then I read this to him found

    There IS ONLY ONE Savior: I once ask an acquaintance of mine that was a Jehovah witness and didn’t believe that Jesus was God, I ask him who was the Savior and how many was there? He didn’t have any problem saying that Jesus was the only savior. And then I read this to him found in more

  • One God/One Savior

    Contributed by Samuel Fulkerson on Mar 28, 2013

    Three of the world’s major religions root out the same source: Judaism, Christianity and Muslim-ism; and the God of the Old Testament is the God of the New Testament.

    Quotes: “Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face.” ― Ronald Reagan “Because God has made us for Himself, our hearts are restless until they rest in Him.” ― Augustine “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the more

  • Two Responses - One Savior

    Contributed by Kevin Higgins on Apr 17, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    From a simple look at the two thieves hanging with Jesus, we find that there are really only two choices to make about Jesus.

    INTRODUCTION Last week I said that from Genesis to Revelation there has only ever been one plan of salvation, “for by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast.”(1) Today we look back at the cross by faith and put more

  • Two Marys - One Savior

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Apr 7, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    This is a short sermon for Resurrection Sunday (Easter). It focuses on the lives of two Marys - the Virgin Mary and Mary of Magdalene. It focuses on transformation, on grace and holiness. And it ends with an invitation to the Lord's Supper

    Scripture: Luke 1:26-38; John 20:11-18 Theme: Two Mary’s - One Savior This is a short Easter (Resurrection Day) message that ends with the sharing of the LORD’s Supper. It focuses on two women named Mary – the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene and how both are representatives of people today. more

  • Two Miracles, One Savior PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 25, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    The main point of this sermon is that faith in Jesus Christ can bring about restoration and healing in our lives, even in the most desperate situations, as we trust in His compassion and power.

    Good morning, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ. Today, we are going to dive into a passage from the Gospel of Matthew that speaks to the very core of our faith in Jesus. It paints a vivid picture of His compassion, His willingness to heal, and His response to desperate situations. As we more

  • Jesus Is God's Answer Sermon Ii: Jesus Is God's Answer To Life's Supreme Problem Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Jan 5, 2020

    No matter who we are or how good we may be, the fact of the matter is: We all have sinned and need to be saved from the inevitable consequences of this supreme problem of life. There in one great Savior. His name is Jesus.

    JESUS IS GOD’S ANSWER TO LIFE’S SUPREME PROBLEM A political candidate this past week took a verse from Genesis totally out of context to try to support his party’s stance on multiple deviations from traditional Christian doctrines such as marriage, more

  • What Kind Of Savior Do We All Need?

    Contributed by Danny Moss on Apr 25, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    I hope to show in this sermon that there is, and forever will be, only one Savior, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ.

    WHAT KIND OF SAVIOR DO WE ALL NEED? Text-Luke 2:11-"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." KJV Introduction- I hope this morning to proclaim the truth that there is more

  • No One Series

    Contributed by Phil Anderson on Dec 27, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    Paul gives us some important questions for us to be reminded of. Each is answered by the phrase, "no one."

    Three questions that relate to your: 1. STRUGGLE (vs 31-32) Romans 8:31 What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? ?32  Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t he also give us everything else? ? more

  • "What A Savior!” Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Nov 23, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    Sermon one (introduction) of a five sermon series on Isaiah 9:6.

    Today we begin a five sermon series on this wonderful passage in which the prophet Isaiah speaks of the coming Messiah. In today’s message, we will take a look at the prophet’s proclamation and then we will take a closer look at the four titles he gives to the Savior: “Wonderful Counselor,” more

  • Sin And The Savior Series

    Contributed by Steven Platt on Nov 15, 2002
    based on 31 ratings

    4th of 4 in the series "One Hit Wonders" looking at the 4 NT books with One Chapter. The church that Jude wrote to was infiltrated by some "bad apples" who taught taugh grace as a "get out of jail free" card for sin.

    Take a trip back to High School history The time was the early 16th Century The country was Germany and Catholicism ruled supreme It was the state church It was the ONLY church Enter a 34 Year old priest Served as priest in the German town of Wittenberg, and was more

  • An Unlikely Savior Series

    Contributed by Todd Leupold on May 29, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    Christmas Day message. Though in unexpected arrival, Christ most assuredly is the One and Only Savior of the World. Leads into Communion.

    CHRISTMAS STORIES OF HOPE 4: “An Unlikely Savior” Luke 2:1-20 Pastor Todd, BBC 12/25/2005 AM INTRO: Chuck Swindoll tells of a legend about when Satan and his demons were having a Christmas party. As the demonic guests were departing, one grinned and said to Satan, “Merry Christmas, your more

  • The Savior Series

    Contributed by John Raulerson on Dec 13, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    What child is this that He should have His own special star in the heavens? What child is this that kings from the east should search for Him and fall down before Him in worship? Jesus!

    CHARACTERS AT THE CRADLE THE SAVIOR Luke 2:7 And she gave birth to her first born son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. What child is this that He should have His own special star in the heavens? What child is this more

  • There Is A Savior Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Jan 26, 2015
    based on 3 ratings

    Christmas is the answer to my greatest need - the need for a Savior

    Overall I tend to be pretty handy and can handle a lot of maintenance and repair projects around our home. And most of the time, I actually enjoy doing that. But there are also some repairs that are beyond my ability to tackle. For instance, when the “check engine” light goes on in my more

  • "Savior" Series

    Contributed by Sean Harder on Nov 1, 2012

    We are saved in Christ, but we are also judged as Christ followers and will have to give an account before God. Because we are saved we can be the light of the world and the salt of the earth. Not to get saved, but because we are saved. If you struggle wi

    Create – judge – save or redeem. You could say, create – evaluate – change. That is the creative process whether you are God or human. I think of the process I go through in creating a sermon. I write it out, I judge whether it conforms to certain criteria I have as to whether it will serve the more

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