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  • Where Is God?

    Contributed by John Newbaker on May 15, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Have you ever gone through a time in your life when you asked yourself “where is God?”

    Where is God? Psalm 13:1 A couple 5th grade boys known for getting in trouble at school was accused of stealing the teacher’s cell phone she left on her desk. The principle called the boys to his office. Wanting to question them separately he brought them one at a time. Without coming more

  • Gods Got This

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Apr 6, 2022

    When situations arise especially when they arise for someone else, we are quick to try to give words of encouragement we will often say cheer up God’s got this acting like it is the catch all fix all statement, that is not true according to the Bible.

    “God’s Got This” By Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr. OPENING: - So many times when situations arise especially when they arise for someone else, we are quick to try to give words of encouragement. If a person is depressed, we will often say cheer up God’s got this. If they are facing a sickness more

  • If God Is Sovereign...

    Contributed by Marc Phillips on Jan 26, 2021

    Hope in the current world situation.

    The Sovereignty of God We hear about the sovereignty of God frequently don’t we? To be sovereign means to have ultimate or absolute power. We know through scripture that God is omnipresent, Psalm 139:7-12 says Where can I go from your spirit? Or where can I flee from your presence? If I ascend to more

  • Reconciled To God

    Contributed by Joe Mack Cherry on May 14, 2023

    It is amazing that God purposed to reconcile man unto Himself before man or woman was created.

    Reconciled to God by Joe Mack Cherry I. Opening A. God’s Word needs no embellishment. 1. As an aspiring songwriter years ago, I used to constantly work on hooks. 2. Hooks are catchy phrases or clever word spins used to get the attention of the listener whether it be a publisher, an artist, or more

  • Revelation Chapter 1 – The Revelation Of Jesus Christ – The Father’s Perfection Part 2 Of 6 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Jul 31, 2022

    The glorious revelation of Jesus Christ continues and we we see Him in the excellence of His Person and His work. These verses reveal picture after picture of the glories of the Lord Jesus. God bless you as you read.

    REVELATION CHAPTER 1 – THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST – THE FATHER’S PERFECTION PART 2 OF 6 The purpose in this examination is to open the window on only a small portion of this book because we only want to scratch the surface with this introduction. I want to open the window on the revelation more

  • Only God Is God Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 44 ratings

    Moses Confronts Pharaoh with the warning that only yahweh is truly God.

    Exodus 5:1-10:29 Well, the moment of confrontation has come. Our reluctant hero has agreed to go to Pharaoh and demand that he let the people of Israel go. He’s left his Father in law’s sheep in the desert and now comes to the door of Pharaoh’s palace. (Ex 5) You can imagine how he must have been more

  • God`s Exhuberance

    Contributed by Eric Sellgren on Apr 29, 2002
    based on 66 ratings

    Something new about the story of the Prodigal son?+

    We`ve heard the story of the Prodigal Son so often that it`s hard to find something new to say about it. Well, I have a friend who`s full of quirky ideas which make you think. One day he asked "Who do you think was most like Jesus in this story?" - what do you think we said?..... "The Father, more

  • God Or My God

    Contributed by Kurt Heisey on May 29, 2002
    based on 19 ratings

    Is our knowledge of God about God or have we come to an intimate relationship where God is MY GOD?

    God or My God? 3/3/97 Valley Christian Church I. The God of Elijah. (2 Kings 2:14) II. 2 Samuel 22:1-7,20,21 A. David learned to appropiate God for himself in the midst of difficulties. III. God is interested in two things. A. That we know Him. 1. Philippians 3:8-10--That I might know him. 2. more

  • God, The God Of Generations

    Contributed by André Strydom on Dec 5, 2000
    based on 176 ratings

    God introduces Himself to Moses as the God of Grandpas and Grandmas, moms and dads and children.

    Baptism Sermon Scripture reading: Exodus 3:1-10 I wonder if the children noticed who was present in front of the pulpit today? For if we look carefully we would have noticed that in each case we saw three generations. Ws saw a Grandmother, a daughter and a grandchild. This is quite significant more

  • God Is A Good God

    Contributed by Charles Holt on Oct 13, 2001
    based on 54 ratings

    We have a duty to a world torn by tragedy to offer hope and encouragement. This message is an attempt to show that God is good despite obvious evil. It is a challenge to be as God is -- good. To do as God does -- good.

    GOD IS A GOOD GOD Charles W. Holt email: For several years during the late ¡¦40s and throughout the ¡¦50s Oral Roberts was a leading evangelist in America. At one time he had the world¡¦s largest gospel tent which his team erected in the largest cities in America and overseas. It more

  • God Is God Of All

    Contributed by L. Paul Lafferty on Mar 16, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    We can trust God with every part of our lives. This primarily deals with money but can be adapted.

    Introduction: We are sometimes fooled into believing that we can take control from God. Proposition: YOU CANNOT. All you can do is determine which side of God’s will you end up on. Interrogative Sentence: Who rules your life? Once again there is a pat answer. Transitional Sentence: God more

  • Letting God Be God Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Nov 20, 2008

    To pray as Jesus prayed is to have the same understanding of God as He did: a firm but compassionate father, a giver who expects us to learn appreciation, and an empowering forgiver.

    Introduction to Series Praying As Jesus Prayed Every fall I like to take at least two Sundays to focus on some aspect of that most basic of all the disciplines of the Christian life, the discipline of prayer. I do this for several reasons. First, building in a specific emphasis on prayer in our more

  • God's Will Is God's Word!

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Jun 25, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    GOD’S WILL IS GOD’S WORD!The Word of God is the Bread of Life. When we receive it, believe it and act upon it then God is able to work the promises of God in our life. We want to share some wonderful promises from the Life and Words of Jesus in this out l

    GOD’S WILL IS GOD’S WORD! The Word of God is the Bread of Life. When we receive it, believe it and act upon it then God is able to work the promises of God in our life. We want to share some wonderful promises from the Life and Words of Jesus in this out line. I. Jesus power was manifested more

  • God Forsaking God Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Apr 15, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Exposition of fourth and fifth cries from the cross, second of three in Easter Series 09

    Text: John 19:28, Matthew 27:46, Title: God Forsaking God, Date/Place: NRBC, 4/5/09, AM A. Opening illustration: “Now again we approach the cross and hear the cry of Jesus. Here all the forces of the universe converge: Man did his work by killing the Son of God and revealing the evil of his heart; more

  • God’s Name Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Sep 23, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    An application of the third commandment not to take up God’s Name in a worthless or false way, but rather to honor God’s name by what we say and do.

    God’s Name (Exodus 20:7) Just a little over 10 years ago (1997), a 14-year-old student, Nathan Zohner, circulated a petition to ban the use of dihydrogen monoxide. According to Zohner, dihydrogen monoxide “may cause severe burns, accelerates the corrosion and rusting of many metals, and has been more

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