Robert Kerr
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
Take Away The Stone
Contributed on Sep 3, 2014
Jesus could have removed the stone by just speaking a word, but the Lord was teaching us that He uses men, in the process of raising those who are dead in their sins. Perhaps there are stones in our lives that we need to move to be a help to the Lord
TAKE AWAY THE STONE TEXT: John 11:39 Jesus said, Take ye away the stone. INTRO. A wonderful thing about our Lord’s earthly ministry, was His willingness to associate His disciples with Himself. Anything that they could do, He allowed ...read more
God's Flight Plan
Contributed on Jan 11, 2012
God's plan of Salvation from a Pilot's prospective
GOD’S FLIGHT PLAN John 14:1-5 INTRO: Do you sometimes feel like Thomas ? Do you know the way ? All pilots file a flight plan before they take off. It tells the route of flight, the destination, the amount of fuel on board, the cruising ...read more
Get Out Of The Boat
Contributed on Jan 11, 2012
To experience the power of Christ in our lives, we must be willing to leave our comfort zone.
GET OUT OF THE BOAT Matt 14:25-32 Years ago my wife and I were at a football game. Our team was losing, the man in front of us was bad mouthing our team for losing. She took it as long as she could, then she tapped the man on the shoulder and said: ...read more
Complacency In The Church
Contributed on Jul 24, 2004
COMPLACENCY IN THE CHURCH BACKGROUND: The people of the Northern kingdom (Israel), even while thinking themselves secure, stood doomed for their rejection of the Lord and His ways. TEXT: Amos 6:1-14 INTRODUCTION: Amos 6:1 Woe to them that are at ease in Zion, and trust in the ...read more
Looking The Lost In All The Wrong Places
Contributed on Jul 20, 2004
Ask yourself the Questions; Where did Jesus look? Then ask; Where should I look? Finally; How should I look?
LOOKING FOR THE LOST IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES Text: Luke 15:3-10 Intro: There was a song some time ago entitled "looking for love in all the wrong places" People do need love, but are often looking in the wrong place for it. The bible says "God is Love" we know the most loving one in all creation ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Lessons In Ephesians
Contributed on Sep 3, 2002