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  • Nothing Left But God

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Mar 17, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    A wise Bible teacher once said, sooner or later, God will bring self-sufficient people to the place where they have no resource, but him- No strength, No answers, nothing but him. Without God’s help, they’re sunk.

    Nothing Left But God. 2 Chronicles 20. A wise Bible teacher once said, sooner or later, God will bring self-sufficient people to the place where they have no resource, but him- No strength, No answers, nothing but him. Without God’s help, they’re sunk. He then told of a despairing man who more

  • From Nothing To Something PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 3, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores our identity as God's chosen people, the significance of being a spiritual priesthood, and living according to God's plan. Key

    Good morning, family! It's so good to see all of you gathered here today. We're about to get into something really special, something that's at the heart of our faith and our relationship with God. It's all about understanding our spiritual priesthood, the significance of being chosen by God, and more

  • Nothing Is Impossible With God PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 18, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    The sermon explores God's magnificent plans, His manifest power, and our mission as His chosen, exemplified in Mary's faithful response to God's call in Luke 1:26-38.

    Good morning, beloved family of God. It's a joy to be gathered here in the house of the Lord, to share in the richness of His Word and the comfort of His presence. Isn't it wonderful to know that we are part of a much bigger story, a divine narrative penned by the Master Storyteller Himself? We are more

  • Too Much Of Me Series

    Contributed by Richard Bell on Dec 1, 2000
    based on 179 ratings

    When God’s ways seem to make no sense, rhyme, or reason we must still trust Him.

    TOO MUCH OF ME Judges 7:1-8 INTRODUCTION: Many times the workings, methods, and ways of God seem to make absolutely no sense. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to why God does things the way He does. We see it in His choosing of Israel to be His people and the nation through whom the Messiah more

  • Too Big To Miss

    Contributed by Shane Brooks on Feb 6, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Goliath- The warriors said, "He’s too big to hit" David said, "He’s too big to miss." Take your problems Head on

    1 Samuel 17:12-37 This morning I will discuss- Facing unbeatable foes--Beating unbeatable odds When everyone says, “You’re gonna lose” That’s when God says, “Hang on my child, We’re about to kick some butt” I don’t serve a God - backs down, backs up, gives in or gives more

  • The Hard Topic Of Divorce

    Contributed by Daniel Sorensen on Oct 18, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    Combining Pastoral Care skills with the scripture on divorce allows us to meet the parishioner/seeker where they are, encourage them to be authentic with who they are, and bring themselves wholly to God. The next step would be be a refelection of God’s l

    There is a group of new Pastors who are keeping in touch with one another this year via e-mail. We check-in and see how things are going. We talk about ideas for children’s sermons and compare life in the parish to what we learned in the classroom. It’s a helpful way to enter into a new more

  • Too Good To Be True

    Contributed by Paul Decker on Jul 31, 2005
    based on 57 ratings

    The church is a place of change.

    TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE Acts 5:12-16 S: Miracles C: God brings change Pr: THE CHURCH IS A PLACE OF CHANGE. Type: Narrative, Inductive PA: How is the change to be observed? • Be a place of change. • Be a place where lives are made better. • Live up to our potential instead of settling. Version: more

  • Too Much On The Plate Series

    Contributed by Johnny Wilson on Feb 22, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    God’s people aren’t immune from grumbling and murmuring, but those who wish to lead effectively will pray for divine solutions in handling dissension.

    In a small, struggling situation like those of many churches, it is tempting to look upon the “growing pains” of the early church with some degree of envy. They were adding to the church daily. They were filling up Jerusalem to overflowing with excitement about Jesus’ resurrection and the presence more

  • Too Busy To Listen

    Contributed by Tony Miano on Dec 28, 2000
    based on 182 ratings

    There is a passage in the Gospel of Luke that talks about two sisters and their attitudes and methods for spending time with the Lord. One of the sisters had her spiritual priorities straight. The other was too busy to listen.

    Too Busy To Listen Luke 10:38-42 Preached by Pastor Tony Miano Pico Canyon Community Church December 31, 2000 Introduction: A few weeks ago, I was talking with Pamela and Linda after church. We were talking about the fact that while it is good to study God’s Word verse-by-verse, it’s also more

  • Too Blessed To Be Stressed

    Contributed by D. Marie Hamilton on Sep 3, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Helping others understand that with the Grace of God life’s situations can be more bareable.

    To Blessed to Be Stressed I remember one day I was driving along minding my own business and be self absorbed with y own problems and all of a sudden I was in the midst of 5:00 traffic. Little Rock isn’t a big city, but unfortunately it has big city traffic. Well, I was waiting for the light to more

  • Rebirth: Hard Hat

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Oct 28, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    also 2cor 3:17-18 building a spiritual house

    Hard Hat, Hammer, Boots, Sunglasses, An Old Pair Of Jeans – I’m ready to build. Last week we saw that w are building a Spiritual House. But before we can even build we need to have the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit, you cannot build a spiritual house. Jesus tells us we need to be spiritually more

  • Unity Is Hard To Come By Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Sep 6, 2014

    A sermon on barriers to unity (adapted from Daniel Overdorf's book, Rediscovering Community, chapter 10 Graciously United, pages 308-314)

    HoHum: Daniel Overdorf- A few years ago I visited a couple in their home. Both husband and wife had lived most of their lives apart from Christ and His church. Their marriage- a second marriage for both- had grown rocky. The 50 year old husband faced a frightening battle with cancer, and neither more

  • A Lesson Hard Learned Series

    Contributed by Mark Perryman on May 31, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Let’s learn from the life of Jonah

    INTRO: A minister, boy scout, computer expert were the only passengers on a small plane. Pilot came back to the cabin and said the plane was going down and there were only three parachutes and four people. Pilot: “I should take one because I have a wife and three small children” (took & jumped). more

  • A Rock In A Hard Place

    Contributed by Thomas Dibble on May 16, 2003
    based on 74 ratings

    Have you ever found yourself battered and beaten by life? Well God is a rock in a hard place.

    In a world adrift in moral chaos and drowning in the depths of deception, I am thankful that we have a rock in a hard place. There is no solid ground in this world. There is no place to safely establish your feet where they will not slip. But there is only unstable and unsure ground. Things are more

  • When Belief Is Hard Series

    Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on Apr 16, 2015

    Sometimes belief is just plain hard - just ask Thomas (a 1st person sermon)

    “Getting Into Shape: When Belief Is Hard” John 20:19-31 I’m grateful you’re here today. Some of you are here because you want to hear what I have to say – you’re curious; some of you are here to check out what I have to say – you’re suspicious. more

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