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  • Ready To Be Different Series

    Contributed by Scotty Killingsworth on Sep 25, 2003
    based on 27 ratings

    The church is still the best hope for the world, but the church is in trouble. I could list the problems, but the list would exceed the time allotted for this teaching time. I’m not sure listing the challenges are necessary because you know the problems

    This sermon was preached by Scotty L Killingsworth to the Evergreen Congregation on September 28, 2003. This sermon is the last installment in the series – Ready The sermon title is, Ready to be different Biblical Text 1 Thessalonians 5:1-24 The church is still the best hope for the world, more

  • Human Responsibility And Israel: The Other Side Of The Coin Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Sep 10, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    Although God’s Sovereign Grace is a sure thing, it is also true that we are responsible for all of our decisions. We can look at the rejection of Jesus as the Messiah by most of the Jews as a choice they made, even though this was in the plan of God.

    Human Responsibility and Israel: The Other Side of the Coin (Romans 9:30-10:13) 1. I love British English, particularly their figures of speech. 2. Some friend of ours leant us some DVD’s of "Jeeves and Wooster." We love that show. 3. Anyhow, in one episode, they referred to marriage as "both more

  • Essence Of God #6 Series

    Contributed by Clyde White on Aug 18, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    A father said to his rebellious son, “Everyone in the USA is a privileged person.” The boy replied, “I disagree!” The father said, “That’s the privilege. You are free to reject God’s provision, but that will not change the fact of the sure consequence."

    In the study of God’s plan of redemption for mankind, we must start with a very basic concept. That concept is..: It is God Who provides the redemption and it is humans who receive the redemption. This must NOT be “Basic Theology 101”, because very few people START their study at this more

  • Galatians Chapter 2- "In Defense Of The Truth." Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Sep 25, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    When is it time to defend truth and do the hard task of confronting another person about their error? We must make sure in these difficult situations that we continue to act like Christians – in other words act like Christ.

    Galatians part 2 – “In defense of the Truth!” Thesis: When is it time to defend truth and do the hard task of confronting another person about their error? We must make sure in these difficult situations that we continue to act like Christians – in other words act like Christ. Video Illustration more

  • Galatians Part 6: "Watch Your Step!"

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Oct 12, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    Watch your step and make sure that you are not deceived by the sinful nature. Remember to be careful not to burn yourself out doing the good for the Kingdom of God. Then we need to remember that being a new creation is what this life is all about.

    Galatians Part 6 – “Watch your Step!” On the lighter side this morning: Opening Illustration: A Synagogue’s Custom A young scholar from New York was invited to become Rabbi in a small old community in Chicago. On his very first Shabbat, a hot debate erupted as to whether one should or should not more

  • Right With God, Or Left Behind? [rapture]

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Oct 20, 2005
    based on 284 ratings

    We must make sure we are "Rapture-Ready." In Rev. 4:1 the church goes "off the air" because the church goes "IN the air!" Link included to Formatted Text version, Handout, and PowerPoint Presentation.

    Right with God, or Left Behind? "Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter" (Rev 1:19). "hast seen" ch. 1: glimpse at glorified Christ, eternity past. "are" chs. 2-3: church age, the present age of Grace. shall be hereafter—begins in more

  • Don't Put The Fire Out

    Contributed by Alan Stokes on Mar 2, 2001
    based on 154 ratings

    It is important for us to have a Christian life that is on fire for God and we must make sure we do not put out our own fire or the fire of Christian ministries outside our own tradition or the fire of the little ones.

    Once upon a time I went camping. A few of us stayed up late and talked around the campfire. From time to time one of us would add some wood to the fire so the “fire wouldn’t go out” and the camp site would remain warm, secure, and lighted. If you haven’t noticed the camp fires of the Lord’s more

  • Personal Integrity - Life Of David, Part 4 Series

    Contributed by Joey Nelson on May 5, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    One author has suggested that Goliath reminded him of the cross-eyed discus thrower. He didn’t set any records…but he sure kept the crowd awake! (Swindoll, Insights Newsletter, April 1995).

    INTRODUCTION Opening Statement: Psalm 78 is a Historical Psalm that summarizes Israel’s history in a poetic way. The Psalm does have some sad elements in it, but it concludes somewhat abruptly on a positive note with their national hero, King David, from Judah, the founder of the dynasty that would more

  • Which Is Greater? God Or The Law

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Mar 26, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    If things are not going well with us or with our children, we need to reflect on our own lives and return to heeding and adhering to the ‘Word of God.’ He is surely the God of astounding wonders, the God of unfailing promises and a God of unforeseen warni

    Opening illustration: What would have happened had Moses tried to figure out what was needed to accomplish God’s command? One of the biggest arithmetical miracles in the world was required in the desert. Moses led the people of Israel into the desert....Now what was he going to do with them? They more

  • A Revolutionary Request, Pt. 1

    Contributed by Dave Kinney on Apr 12, 2008
    based on 21 ratings

    The prayer of Jabez has touch millions of lives over the last several years. It is a prayer that has inspired my ministry and encourage me during uncertain times. This is a ministry changing and life changing prayer! Be sure to listen to this sermon!

    The prayer of Jabez has touch millions of lives over the last several years. It is a prayer that has inspired my ministry and encouraged me during uncertain times. This is a ministry changing and life changing prayer! It’s a revolutionary request! Be sure to listen to this sermon preached to my more

  • Useful To The Master

    Contributed by Roger Nelmes on Jan 30, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    I, like you I’m sure, want the church to be successful, fruitful, fulfilling prophecy, and impacting our community. So, let’s look at these “reminders” and see how we, the church, could become “Useful to the Master.”

    Useful to the Master 2 Timothy 2:14-26 I don’t know about you, but sometimes I need to be reminded over and over about certain things. Anniversaries, birthdays, taking out the trash…things like that sometimes just slip my mind and land me in hot water. Paul here is instructing Timothy to “keep more

  • Christianity, Part 1

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Sep 9, 2008

    Over the last two months we have been looking at the different cults and sects of the world today. Now it is important that we make sure our views are solid that we may be better prepared to share the gospel message.

    Christianity (Part 1) “The One and Only True Religion” Intro In the past two months we have looked at a few of the cults and sects that are currently operating in the world today. We have seen their miss teachings and false doctrines, and some were just completely baffled by how someone could more

  • Missing Your Mission

    Contributed by Johnny Knight on Jan 27, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Is it risky to step out and try to rescue someone? Oh, it sure is. Just ask Jesus. But if He could die for those people we know, how can we not at least tell them that He died for them?

    MISSING YOUR MISSION Text: 2 Kings 7:9 I heard Adrian Rogers tell a story. A lady was driving down the highway when she came upon the scene of a terrible accident. She got out of the car, and she saw this driver who had been thrown from the car. He was seriously injured, and he was bleeding more

  • Rev.# 15:~5:1-5 Pt2~scene Around The Throne Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Jul 23, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    “Seven” is the number of perfection or completeness. So what we have here is the perfection with which the hidden counsels of God are securely hidden, until God Himself as here discloses them. God, whose plans will certainly and surely be carrie

    Rev.# 15:~5:1-5 pt 2~ SCENE AROUND THE THRONE -#2 7-25-09 Last time we were here in chapter 5: and we talked about these first 5 verses, but I’ll make a few more comments on the verses before we move on. Let me remind us again that Chapters 4 & 5 is a scene that we’ll witness just more

  • Fly High - Acts Part 17 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Nov 1, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Acts chapter 19 focuses us on the importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit and of making sure that we use the name of the Lord in the right manner. The truth is without the right relationship with Jesus we cannot invoke His name

    “Fly High!” - Acts part 17 On the lighter side of life: Proverbs 15:13 “A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.” If you need a laugh, then read through these Children’s Science Exam Answers. Q: Name the four seasons. A: Salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar. Q: more

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