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  • Marks Of A Fully Assured Believer

    Contributed by Vincent Harry Anobling on May 22, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Are you saved? Truly saved? 100% saved without any mixture of .01% of doubt? When you die anytime today, do you know for sure that your will go to heaven?

    Hebrews 6: 9 – 12 Are you saved? Truly saved? 100% saved without any mixture of .01% of doubt? When you die anytime today, do you know for sure that your will go to heaven? When you stand to face your creator and Savior, will you be confident that you have lived your life as what He more

  • Jesus And His Mum Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Feb 27, 2018

    In the process of being crucified Jesus takes a moment to make sure His mum is taken care of by John the disciple. This moment reminds us that everybody must have the right relationship with Jesus.

    Message John 19:25-27 Jesus and His Mum There is something special about being the oldest son. - You have a sense of responsibility. - You have a special bond … you just feel you are favoured. That is how it works doesn’t it. And it was exactly the same for Jesus. Read John 19:16b-27 This is more

  • Jehovah Jireh - God Our Provider Series

    Contributed by Paul Basehore on Jan 16, 2015

    Jehovah Jireh, or "God Our Provider, " is one of the more well known names of God. But what does He provide? Why? How can we be sure He will provide for us?

    One day a man walked out of his house on his way to work and saw that it had started to rain. He didn’t think much of it at the time, but began to worry when he saw that it was still raining cats and dogs later that same night. He lived near a river, so he started to fear a possible flood. more

  • Ebed Melech

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Dec 26, 2020

    People love to listen to cozy and comfy stuff but they rebel against commandments, rules and instructions, are you listening? God would surely take care of the ones who trust Him unconditionally!

    Ebed- Melech Jeremiah 38:2 "Thus says the LORD, 'He who stays in this city will die by the sword and by famine and by pestilence, but he who goes out to the Chaldeans will live and have his own life as booty and stay alive.' 3"Thus says the LORD, 'This city will certainly be more

  • Why Tragedy? Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 12, 2021

    Job is a comedy, for in spite of all the tragedy, it has a happy ending. So life is a comedy. No matter how tragic life becomes because of freedom, God will make sure that evil will be overcome.

    Elie Wiesel, who survived Hitler's blood bath for the Jews, as devoted his life to telling the world of this tragedy that he feels surpasses hell in its horrors. His books have motivated others to write so that there now exists a holocaust literature. There are books, plays, articles, and more

  • 1) What Do We Believe? Series

    Contributed by Brandon Max on Dec 14, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    When it comes to the Word of God and to the Faith – do you know what you believe? This is my question to you, Because God wants you to be sure about the things you believe.

    WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE IN? Text: Luke 1:1 Forasmuch as many have taken in hand - to set forth in order a declaration… of those things which are most surely believed among us, So then, Are you sure about what you believe? Spiritually speaking, when it comes to God – and His plan and purpose for your more

  • Through Prayer Pt 7 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Oct 19, 2019

    The Bible makes it clear that there are hinderances to our prayers – things that will cripple our prayers. So we must make sure to avoid these actions, mindsets and sin to have our prayers answered.

    Video Transition: Kwale’s Answered Prayer - Operation Christmas Child Series: Find Joy in The Journey Through Prayer Thesis: Jesus was filled with joy and this inner joy came from His relationship with God the Father through prayer. Prayer and inner joy are linked together because prayer opens a more

  • God Is Love

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Aug 14, 2018

    If God loved me enough to give His Son when I was His enemy, surely He loves me enough to care for me now that I am His child.

    God is Love Romans 5:6-8 Rev. Brian Bill August 11-12, 2018 I enjoy hearing what kids say about love. • Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on cologne and they go out and smell each other. • Love is like an avalanche where you have to run for your life. • Love is the most more

  • "gotcha" Kind Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Lanny Smith on Feb 15, 2020

    Is our God made in our own image? If He is, then He's surely not big enough. Colossians 1:13-23 remind us of the true image of God.

    (you can listen to the audio of this sermon on my podcast at: Intro: • Mom & daughter at breakfast. Is God here? Getting more and more specific… Is God in my juice cup? Yes… Little girl: • I Gotcha! • Unwittingly we shape our concept of God to more more

  • Teach Me, O Lord Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Sep 8, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    In Psalm 143:10, we find a prayer for divine guidance and a recognition of God's role as our teacher and guide. His Spirit leads us on a sure and steady path.

    "Teach Me, O Lord" Introduction: Today, we gather to explore the beautiful and heartfelt plea found in Psalm 143:10 from the New Living Translation. It reads, "Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. May your gracious Spirit lead me forward on a firm footing." Point 1: more

  • It's Not About You Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Aug 26, 2022

    If you want to find real meaning in life, sure, go ahead and enjoy your liberty in Christ, but seek the good of others above yourself. And in so doing, seek the glory of God.

    “The world is peppered with people who can coax small seeds of inspiration into richly flowering ideas that put humankind on a better path. “And then there's that guy in Des Moines.” So began an Associated Press report a few years ago on October 15, 2017. The Iowa State Patrol made his more

  • Birth Of The Church

    Contributed by Troy Borst on May 19, 2024

    Our purpose this morning is to make sure that we read through Acts 2 and highlight everything that God did on Pentecost Sunday. I want us to know the WHAT, but also the WHY.

    BIRTH OF THE CHURCH GENESIS 11:1-9 ACTS 2:1-41 #Pentecost INTRODUCTION… OLDEST IN THE WORLD, According to a report published by the Bank of Korea that looked at 41 countries, there were 5,586 companies older than 200 years. So when did some of these old more

  • What's So Bad About Pharisees Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Mar 5, 2025

    Ask yourself which of the Lenten practices holds the lowest place in your priorities. Prayer, fasting, almsgiving: surely one of these is least attractive to you. Focus your prayer this Lent on that facet,

    Ash Wednesday 2025 What was the “leaven of the Pharisees”? What led Jesus, when discussing self-discipline, to call these self-described “separate ones” hypocrites when they prayed, fasted, and gave alms to the poor? They were not hypocrites because they followed the Law, Torah. What they wore on more

  • Judah's Sin (Genesis 38)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jul 19, 2024

    Be sure you sin will find you out, is a warning to do things God's way? Let's examine Judah's sin in Genesis 38.

    We may think that we have hidden our sins, but they often come back to haunt us. Is it better to live honestly and above board, as much as humanly possible, than be constantly worried that our sin will find us out? Let’s look at Genesis 38. Did Judah leave his brothers to live elsewhere? Right more

  • This Is War Series

    Contributed by Joel Gilbert on Sep 9, 2024

    As we continue to pursue the "true religion" that James encourages us to embody, we come face to face with a war that we face. Sure, there are battles with culture, but this war is within.

    One of my favorite bands is the group “Switchfoot.” While I like their sound (it is unique and often very easily identifiable), what I like most is their lyrics. Switchfoot is a band that is made up of Christians. Their lyrics and songs have made their way onto both Christian and secular charts more

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